
16-03-2025 Vol 19

You Light Up My Life, DH!

Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee from Comedy Plus.

The underdogs rose to top dog in Super Bowl LIV. Way to go, Kansas City Chiefs! I have to admit I was a little worried but they really dug their heels in and things miraculously took a huge change in the 4th quarter going from being down by 10 to taking the lead and winning the game 31 to 20! Congratulations to all the Chiefs players, coaches, and owners! Although I’m in a celebratory mood over yesterdays victory but what has me especially in a good mood is the Punxsy Phil’s prediction for an early spring yesterday at Gobblers Knob.

iPad Procreate illustration

Speaking of Groundhog Day, we watched the movie on Saturday night which was a whole of fun. We never tire of seeing this one, either.  Did you catch the Superbowl commercial for Jeep? If not, now a word from our sponsor (not really)! 😉



Now back to regular programming….

Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me

Robin from Songbird’s Crazy World is this month’s honorary co-hostess for the second time.  This week she wants us to share songs In honor of Valentine’s Day, we will have love songs.  Songs about falling in love, songs about being in love, songs about missing the one you love, even songs about losing love. 


I don’t recommend not saying this but it was just too darn funny to not share. 😀

Putting the silliness aside, after 40+ years, DH and I are more in love now than the day we met.  I don’t know how that’s even possible and we have this deep rooted love that continues to grow year after year. He’s my soulmate. I know not everyone can say that, so I count my blessings every day.  Today,  I’m going to share love songs from the 70s and 80s that move me this morning, some are from our courtship (1976-1979) through our early years of marriage (1979-1986).

Love Songs 2020 tracks: 1. Ain’t No Mountain  High Enough ~ Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell  2. They Long To Be (Close To You) ~ The Carpenters  3. Take My Breath Away ~Berlin  4. I Honestly Love You ~ Olivia Newton John  5. If You Leave Me Now ~Chicago  6. All Out of Love ~Air Supply  7. Muskrat Love ~Captain and Tennille  8. How Deep Is Your Love ~Bee Gees 9. When I Need You ~Leo Sayer  10. You Light Up My Life ~Debbie Boone

DISCLOSURE…this is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC. 

Now, hit the 4M dance floor!

[tweetthis]Hit the #MondaysMusicMovesMe dance floor with me! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

Starting this month, all 4M participants will get a chance to be guest host/hostess for a month as we’re going to set up a rotation system.  Not to worry,  you’ll be given advanced notice to accept and submit your themes.  You’ll be placed at the top of the linky party but if for some reason you can’t actively do the co-host/hostess duties and want to toss in your theme ideas anyhow, then you can send them, receive credit, and join the party at your convenience. This format might change. We’re exploring new ways to keeping things fresh at the best dance party in Blogosphere and feel free to add suggestions.  Just when you thought your two cents didn’t matter, you learn your opinion is valued. 😉

Have you asked anyone lately to attend the 4M party? We’d love to fill the dance floor to capacity! If you haven’t done so, then let me challenge you to hook at least one new person to come boogie with the crew. It’ll be a blast!

Did you join the linky party? If so, then please try to visit at a minimum the person before and after your entry but if you wanna party with us all then go for it. I won’t stop ya! Have a boogietastic day!






















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38 thoughts on “You Light Up My Life, DH!

  1. “Muskrat Love” is a favorite from way back – some nice love selections here. Chicago has so many love songs it’s hard to pick a favorite! I did ask the person I was thinking of to join us and I guess I won’t know – we’ll see.

    1. Mimi,

      Our Groundhog Day was really nice. We had sunny, blue skies with spring-like temps. It’s been incredible warm this week but rainy. A cool day is expected to roll in during the night lasting through the weekend before we cycle back to rain & warm temps pattern again. We’re getting some flooding in the area forcing schools to cancel class until Monday. I’m ready for the sun to return.

  2. Hi Cathy, that’s a cute ad. I didn’t have a pick for the Super Bowl, but one of the 49ers coaches went to my high school about a decade after me. Love those songs! I recognize a few from the 70s and 80s- my childhood and teen years. Thanks for hosting and sharing ! Take care.

  3. You and DH are the epitome of a perfect couple and I love it. And what an adorable sketch, Cathy! Thank you for including me in your dance floor group! 😊

  4. Cuteness overload here again, CK, and that drawing is so sweet and in combination with all the love songs, that we also like very much, we leave you with a fullfilled heart. Excellent quote too btw. Pawkisses for a Happy …Tuesday🐾😽💞

    1. Binky, I’m so happy you and Granny like visiting my place. You both are the sweetest! I’m tickled that you like you like my little groundhog. DH pointed out last night the sky was all sunny which means Phil would see his shadow and I said, “Well, the sunny sky symbolizes spring coming and I got confused because it was sunny here.” lol In Phil’s neck of the woods it was gray, cold, and snowy.

  5. I gotta say it took me all day to put a comment here because all your tunes were absolutely wonderful and filled my heart full of love. The last tune is the one that had me very …. oh I cannot find the words. Debbie Boone’s song “You light up my life” I use to sing to my little girl Angelina that past away. Whenever I hear that song it fills my heart so full of love and …. well, you know. I haven’t heard it in a long time and it really filled my heart full of so much love and tears. Thank you. I needed that. You’re the bestest my friend. Love U! HUGS

    1. Marie,

      Songs are an emotional thing connecting us with people and events. I’m sure each time you hear Debbie Boone’s “You Light Up My Life”, it fills you with a mix of emotions. I can’t even imagine losing a child. That’s incredibly sad and what a heart breaker! I hope somehow over the passage of time your heart aches a little less but I know misses the wee one that God took home. Blessings to you, my dear. Hugs and love to you!!

  6. I was happy for the Chiefs to win, too…and was so worried for a while that I’d jinxed them, even though I didn’t root for them publicly. I am so in awe for you and DH having a marriage that has lasted that long. Almost unheard of in this day and age! And your song choices were fantastic; I had forgotten about “When I Need You”, and that’s a song I actually really liked from back then. Happy 4M!


    1. Kim,

      It’s really quite interesting how a ball game can turn around like it did for the Chiefs. What a difference a quarter can make, huh? Thank you for boogieing with me, my friend.

  7. Ya built a great set! I liked including “You Light Up My Life,” which was just a love song until Debby Boone got hold of it. Regardless of whether you see it as a love song or Contemporary Christian, it’s a great song.

  8. Nice songs. Sorry, I got my dates screwed up on the themes. Thanks for what you said. Congrats to the Chiefs as being a 49er Fan it was painful to watch.

    1. Patrick,

      I wouldn’t have been bummed out had the outcome been different. The 49ers played a good game! I felt bad for them but as I was telling DH’s last night, someone has to win and someone has to lose. That’s part of the sport.

  9. Congratulations on 44 years of togetherness with your DH, Cathy. Soulmates are hard to find and lucky me, I have one, too. 🙂 Your playlist brought back a lot of memories, especially “When I Need You” by Leo Sayer. Haven’t heard it in a long time! I used to like “You Light Up My Life” and remember crooning it with hubby at a party we attended once. It got played to death on the radio, though, so I got sick of hearing it. KInd of like that other famous one, “Feelings”. 😀 That’s an excellent quote, too. The heart does see things the eyes don’t. Have a good week!

    1. Debbie,

      This song did get played to death and I got tired of it, too. But, looking back my heart gravitates to this song chocked full of sweet memories. I’m happy that you have found the same with your husband. When you withstand the sands of time, growing as you go instead of apart allow deep roots of love to take hold of your hearts then you know there’s nothing you can’t overcome with a little or a lot of work as long as you doing it together. It can be painful but the joy overshadows the hurt in the end.

      1. “There’s nothing you can’t overcome with a little or a lot of work as long as you doing it together.” Exactly! 👌 It’s too bad so many people give up at the first sign of trouble. Successful relationships require dedication.

        1. Debbie,

          I totally agree with you. Too many people see relationships as something easy to throw away. I think people like that will never find happiness. It’s in the imperfections of a relationship that happiness is molded. Dedication is the essential element needed as you pointed out.

  10. I’m glad the Chiefs won–I’m in St. Louis. I loved that Jeep commercial! Your playlist brought back some memories. I remember all of those!

    1. Robin,

      Yep, I was a teenager for most of the years (turned 20 in 1981), so I can relate. My love lessons were primarily learned with DH since we began dating so early on. We just grew into each other as it any relationship should, not losing but understanding oneself. DH brings out the very best of me, always believing and building me up. What more could a girl ask for? Thanks for joining me on the dance floor. It’s great having you co-host this month, my dear!

  11. These are all great choices. I recognize every one of them. I think it is so sweet that you and DH are so in love after so many years. Thanks for hosting. Have a great day! XO

    1. Ellen,

      It’s almost magical that we feel passionate after soon-to-be 41 years of marriage this June and September will make 44 years of togetherness. I wish everyone had a relationship like ours. 🙂

  12. Awww, those two are so cute together. A huge Awww.

    I love that you and hubby are soulmates. I know exactly what that’s like. Hubby and I have the same feelings for each other. We are lucky gals indeed.

    I love your playlist. Many were my favorites back in the day.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs. ♥

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