
10-01-2025 Vol 19

Yellowcard – Ocean Avenue Album

While listening to this album, memories of many yesterdays ago stirred from when my daughters were teenagers living at home with year after year of nerve-raising, ear-splitting compositions done by a group known as Yellowcard.

In a weird sort of way this music kinda grew on me. Yeah, I know call a doctor, right? Funny thing is I found most of the songs have a energizing beat. This caused me to bee-bop quickly around the house tackling all those horrible chores on my to-do list. Isn’t that strange? Hmmm, I wonder if I should download the album for motivational purposes?

Tell me…

1. What sort of music motivates you to do clean the house?

2. Do you like to listen to music while working outdoors?

Bonus: Which do you prefer to listen to while on your daily walk/run: music or audio books?

This is a blog hop. Why not follow me, as I visit Miss Jenny and the rest of the Alphabe-Thursday classroom for more homework assignments on the letter ‘Y’ and then you’re welcome to hop over to Miss Amanda ‘s place with me for her latest edition of Thursday Two Questions.

Have a good Thursday!


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11 thoughts on “Yellowcard – Ocean Avenue Album

  1. I’ve never heard of this band. They remind me the tiniest bit of Owl City.

    Music is such a big part of my life. For a good chunk of a year I turned the music off once. And it was hollow and empty without it.

    I wrote about that a long time ago:

    Your post brings the memory of that time back.

    And I feel so blessed at this moment that I have my speakers on listening to your shared Yellow Card music slip!

    Thanks for a wonderful link!

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving, lovely lady.

    Hugs and A+

  2. I never heard of Yellowcard, I guess I will have a listen in a moment. When I work out/jogging I have something upbeat to get me going, I guess that would work for housework, too. But cooking I have a special mix of more quiet music (most of the time). I love Pandora radio, where you can make your own station according to your moods, too.

    This is my Alphabe- Thursday – for letter ‘Y’ @ ImagesByCW is about yellow

  3. My mom used to turn on Johnny Mathis on Saturdays, when we would clean. I still feel like grabbing a dust rag when I hear his voice…


  4. Is there such music to motivate house cleaning and chores? I barely listen to music anymore even when I am home alone, as I do not remember to turn it on. I just want to get them done 🙂

  5. Hi Cathy ~~ I like your “Y” word idea. I don’t remember the YellowCard group and the YouTube wouldn’t play. So I am sort of in the dark about them.

    1. What sort of music motivates you to do clean the house? Mrs. Jim’s remeinder that the floor needs vacuuming generally gets me to give her my cleaning schedule. Since her corpal tunnel surgery I have been the floor sweeper person.

    2. Do you like to listen to music while working outdoors? When I painted the back doors I played a Mexican music station really loud on a lark. Trying to immitate the contractors working around here. Nobody gave me a tumble.

    Bonus: Which do you prefer to listen to while on your daily walk/run: music or audio books? My favorite doing walks (used to be running) is classic rock of the late 60’s, the 70’s and the earlyi 80’s. If either of the stations here (Houston, TX) get onto the really hard rock then I tune instead to the local CW station or the classic CW station.
    Thank you for looking at my yellow cars. Our granddaughter has a Yellow ’95 Mustang Convertible still that she had for college and now for three years after. She won’t ever get another yellow car, so she says.

  6. definitely action motivating!
    My husband likes to listen to music as he does work around the house. I like the quiet. If I’m working in one place, I might listen to a book. I listen to books in my car.

  7. I don’t listen to music near as much as I used to. Hubby is a big channel surfer and being somewhat hard of hearing the television monopolizes the household sounds. If he isn’t home I love the goldie oldies; something I can sing to, and a faster beat does help motivate me.

  8. Ordinary Words…Thanks for reminding me of Yellowcard♫ I like to listen to music to get my pace up on a walk around the neighborhood!

  9. I’ve never heard of Yellowcard but their music sounds like what my kids listened to in the 90s!
    Um, cleaning the house?? working outdoors?? What’s that?? LOL!!
    I usually only listen to music in the car, and that’s contemporary Christian. My rock listening was in the 70s, kid stuff in the 80s, light rock in the 90s!

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