Purs and hisses, Kittens and Dawgs! How was your weekend? It’s fabulous to see you! This week’s theme is ‘your choice‘ and I figured with Valentine’s Day only a few days away to feature some XX
and lots of
to my valentine! Are you ready to groove to some mewsic?
I vividly remember ‘My Love‘ (Paul McCartney) release from the early 70s but not the exact date, March 23rd. It hit #1 on Billboard Hot 100 charts and remained at the top for four weeks. I can’t say that I remember the 1970 song by Van Morrison, ‘Crazy Love‘ until more recent years. In 2004 it made the All Time 885 Greatest Songs list at 198. Former WWVA DJ, George Morgan penned the ‘Candy Kisses‘ lyrics in 1947 on his way home thinking about his ex-girlfriend. Two years later he recorded the song with Columbia Records where the ditty jumped to #1 folks chart for three weeks in 1949 but it’s the crooner, Dean Martin 1966 cover of this hit with his smoooth purrsonal style I’m sharin’ today. I wasn’t sure what to expect from Jamaican born American rapper, Heavy D, but was pleasantly surprised to find that his song ‘Hugs & Kisses‘ was a love reggae ditty. Paul McCartney recorded, ‘My Valentine‘, only one of two originals for his 2012 Kisses on the Bottom album peaking #5 in US Billboard 200 and topping the chart on Billboard Jazz Albums. Eric Clapton contributed as a guitarist on this track. The mewsic vid featuring Natalie Portman and Johnny Depp signing makes for a more poignant song presentation. That does it for my playlist. I hope you liked it!
Please join XmasDolly (4M Brain Child) and my fellow 4M Co-hostesses Stacy, Alana, & Colette on the dance floor (ONLY link mewsic posts) below.
[tweetthis]Hit the #MondaysMusicMovesMe dance floor with me! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]
Keep those tunes playing, your body swaying, and I’ll be boogieing over to see you soon. Have a sparkletastic day!
, Cathy

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I am finally here and I have t say “My Love” makes me tear up. Sir Paul is the greatest! And I was surprised by “Hugs and Kisses”. It was such a sweet love song, as was “My Valentine”, another tear-upper. Hope you had a wonderful week, Cathy!
Hi Cathy, thanks for letting me know about my mewsic link, I blame it on the cough medicine. I couldn’t delete but please feel free to. I think I saw and heard Paul M and went all weak in the head. I love that song and also Silly Love Songs which I don’t seem to hear anymore and it seems purrfect for Valentine’s Day. I’m also a Van Morrison fan. I also have to tell you how funny I find the kitty under the newspaper for the Latests Mews.
That’s okay, really! I’ll leave you on the linky. I am letting those who play along know which posts do not have mewsic, though. I appreciate you coming back by to say your cough medicine made you do it or swooning over Paul M made you forget what you were doing.
Again, please feel free to boogie with us any time! xx
Paul Mc was such a great artist! Thanks for the memories!
Anytime, Kathe! Thanks for boogieing with me.
Great selections this week! I especially enjoyed the Paul McCartney songs! What do I need to do if I want to co-host some month? I think of themes all the time, but I forget them if I don’t use them, so…might as well use them! Although I can’t guarantee they haven’t been used already, but I can think of a few I haven’t seen before.
Happy Valentine’s Day! I’ll be celebrating “Galentine’s Day”!
Co-hosting is basically like what you do already on the dance floor. Boogie with everyone who joins the linky but you have the privilege of picking two themes for the month. The freebie weeks aren’t changed. If you want to do it, then let Marie know (me, too) and just have fun with it! The dates we need themes in March are the 4th and 18th. I hope you’ll decide to do it and like I said, just have fun with it. We’d love to have you on board any time as honorary co-host!
I remember Crazy Love – always liked that song. and Paul singing My Love – …and Dean Martin – and can’t say I’ve ever heard of Heavy D.
Heavy D is new-to-me, too. That’s the beauty of mewsic hops is you’re exposed to so many new sounds and artists.
Sweet and lovey post today!
This song was one of the best songs I know of Paul McCartney and it brings back a lot of memories to a teen Granny
Heartshaped Pawkisses for a Happy Valentine’s Day

I think we’ll always be a bit of a teen at heart regardless of our age. Purrsonally, in many ways my mind says I’m 17. I guess it wants to stay in that state of being as that’s how old I was when I married DH and other times my brain says I’m mid-to-late 20s. Having kids a bit later in life sorta kept my youthfulness freshly planted in my mind. Thanks for sharing the dance floor with me!
It was a great dance, thank you
Extra Pawkiss

Happy Monday and Happy V-Day. Sweet songs for your sweetie. Can’t wait to start visiting others to see if I’m the only one who didn’t do love songs for V-Day. We totally agree with Brian. Seeing Paul live was a highlight for us.
I was actually surprised, well sorta, that others were on the same page as me. It’s hard to not go with love songs this time of year but I can’t wait to listen to “your choice song picks”!
I love this music ~ they don’t make them like that anymore ~ and such an endearing critter photo for Valentine’s Day ~ ^_^
Happy Monday to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
The little chipmunks just said ‘Valentine’s Day’ to me. They are cuties, aren’t they?
There is love in all the critters in the world. So precious.
I love this song. Such love all over the place.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, my friend. Hugs and love. ♥
Animal love is sweet. I love watching videos of animals snuggling together! I’m not sure how animal love equates to human love but it obvious they have similar feelings about their mates as humans do.
“My Love” was McCartney at his absolute best. And Dean singing country? He did quite all right! Good list!
Great quote and wonderful song. Thanks for sharing both.
So happy to see you on the dance floor, my friend. Have a boogietastic week!
Great quote. I have always loved Lucy.. I even had a cat named after her. Thanks for hosting. Have a great day! XO
OMD! Chipmunks! Now I’m going wild. They are cute, but I can’t resist the urge to chase them.
Very nice choice! I always love hearing about Paul’s and Linda’s relationship as they were two peas in a pod. They had a fantastic life together despite Linda’s death twenty years ago. Happy Valentines Day to you too!
I can’t imagine life without my DH. He’s more than my significant other. It breaks my heart to hear when others suffer such a great loss as Paul did when Linda died. So very sad!
It was!
Hope you and your Sweetheart have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
Nice choices for Valentine’s Day. I will be joining in the fun tomorrow.
Thank you, my dear! I’m glad you enjoyed the selection of songs.
I love Paul
Paul is a classic and he’s still going strong!
Good Morning Mr. & Mrs.! How are you this wonderful morning? It’s Sunday and I wanted to stop by and say hello to all my favorite people and friends this morning! I just was thinking about how lucky I am to have so many good friends that care about me and I wanted to tell you I truly care about you too and I said a prayer for you this day to ask God to smile down upon you and yours! Have a great day and I wanted you to know you have a special place in my heart. BIG HUGS… Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee – Whoaaaaaaaaaaa NOW WAAAAAAAAAAAITTTT A MINUTE!!! (That was in a song some where I’m sure… hehehe) TODAY’S SUNDAY…. but that’s quite okay and look at you a Valentine’s tribute to say the least. I love it it… especially about a very special kinda love Paul & Linda McCartney! Oh you are so right… they were so in love and you could just see it, right? He love his heart the day her illness took her from him, but you know she shines down upon him & she’s still in his heart. You had so many wonderful tunes after that, but it’s time to make our Sunday dinner… I’m letting them play while I cook… Thank you & Happy Valentines’ day, love!!! HUGS
Aren’t you a darlin’! You’re the sweetest friend. Thank you for the prayers. I believe you’re right God was smiling down on me yesterday and I hope He continues to smile down on you and me today. I don’t know a lot about Paul and Linda’s life but as I said earlier it’s so sad to learn when someone loses his/her significant other. I’m glad you enjoyed my mewsic and found the playlist nice to listen to while you busied yourself in the kitchen last night. Have a boogietastic week, sweetie!
Great tunes, Cathy! I saw Paul McCartney in concert many moons ago. He was fab and still is.
Happy Valentine’s to you too, Cathy! Music always makes things better.
I hope you have a lovely V-Day, too!
Those were great tunes! The Mom and Dad siad seeing Paul McCartney in concert was the best ever!
Oh, that’s cool the folks saw McCartney in concert!
Those were great tunes! The Dad and Mom said seeing Paul McCartney in concert was the best ever!
Hi, Cathy!
Happy 4M Monday on Sunday, dear friend! I enjoyed what you had to offer for Valentine’s Day in this song set. I was already familiar with Paul McCartney’s hit “My Love,” but the rest are new to my ears. The biggest treat of all was the cover of “Candy Kisses” by Dean Martin. I could listen to Dino sing any kind of song in that “smoooth purrsonal style” of his. Dean’s easy going manner made his singing seem effortless, and he always sounded like he had a few drinks in him, but I read that was not the case, simply his performing technique. I too was pleasantly surprised by rapper Heavy D’s reggae song “Hugs And Kisses.” I usually shy away from reggae, but that song won me over. I also especially like the second McCartney song, the jazz influenced “My Valentine.” The video stays with you thanks to the black and white picture and the signing of the lyrics by Natalie Portman and Johnny Depp.
Thank you very much for the great play list of songs for V-day, dear friend Cathy, and have a tunetastic week!
I’m not a huge reggae mewsic fan, either but sometimes I’m surprised and especially so by Heavy D’s song. It’s always so nice having you to visit the dance floor with me each week, dear friend. Have a boogietastic week!