
12-03-2025 Vol 19

Moses Cone Manor

The first Saturday in June, we enjoyed the day on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I had one spot in mind that I wanted to be sure to visit since we missed out last time ~ the Moses Cone Manor

Along the Blue Ridge Parkway, just south of Boone, NC is this old estate is at approximately mile marker 293 on the parkway. Linking with Skywatch Friday. (Nikon D7000 with attached Nikkor 18-105mm zoom lens)

There’s a walking trail on the grounds I would love to have ventured, but the fogginess kept us from strolling the path. Perhaps late fall will be a good time to hike the grounds when it’s less visited and the threat of rain is not in the forecast.

This place must have been a show stopper in its day. I think this is a beautiful old home. If you look closely, you’ll notice a slight shadow in my upper right and bottom left corners. This is from my lens hood. I didn’t have it screwed on all the way. To correct my mistake, I used my photo editing program (Fotor) and applied a white vignette saving the image. (Nikon D7000 with attached Nikkor 18-105mm zoom lens)
I really wished I had my micro lens for this shot, but it turned out pretty nice with my Nikkor 18mm-105mm zoom.
With Fotor, I applied a white vignette once more to cover up the lens hood shadows and I brightened the photo just a bit. Photo equipment: Nikon D7000 with attached Nikkor zoom lens (18mm-105mm) I ♥ my camera! #NikonUSA
I had my lens hood on wrong creating a shadow in the upper right and lower left corners. Using Fotor, I applied a white vignette, like in the earlier photo with the hopes of masking my goof. Although it didn’t conceal it completely, I still like the picture. The fog was awesome! (Nikon D7000 with attached Nikkor 18-105mm zoom lens)
We climbed a set of steps leading to the parking lot just past the stables. Turning before we left, I snapped this photo as the first raindrops hit my arm. It was time to dash to the car breathless and exhilarated, not from the activity but the experience.
That Sunday, we enjoyed a lovely sunny afternoon. Outside our local Dunkin Donuts, I spotted these interesting little blooms and couldn’t resist capturing with my new Nikkor micro 105mm lens. Linking with i heart macro.

Thank you for making me apart of your day. Please leave your comments footprints so that I know you came and I will hop over to your place soon. Have a wonderful day!

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11 thoughts on “Moses Cone Manor

  1. This is a delightful post; thoroughly enjoyable! I like your blog design…it’s very appealing.

    1. Thanks, Sandra! I love visiting the BRPWY anytime, but when it’s foggy like it was this day then it takes on a magical appeal.

  2. That is an amazing old house. Love it. Just looking at it transports me back in time, and I think the fog actually contributed fabulously to the feel of the picture. The spider web is a great shot!

    1. The foggy element brings out the mysterious side of Moses Cone Manor. I can almost hear the voices of souls lost in the Civil War. The mountains were not only a haven for weary soldiers, but a battleground. Spying that spider web was like finding a little jewel. I just wish I had my micro lens on my camera at the time, but my zoom did an okay job.

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