
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Writing a Query Letter?

Query letters, hmm now that’s something to ponder on.   Writing a story is fun.  There’s no pressure to dish out sentence after sentence as your masterpiece takes shape before your eyes.  However, the gritty work comes when you have to begin contacting publishers or literary agents with the almighty query letter.

Personally, I found this to be a daunting and intimidating step.  Thankfully, my friend and fellow author, Amanda Nicole Trisdale, stumbled upon a valuable resource for mastering that dreaded job.

The Biggest Mistakes Writers Make When Querying Literary Agents written by JM Tohline’s clearly outlines what we should do is grab the agent’s attention.  This is insight is NOT mentioned in books written on this particular topic but advice shared by “real world” literary agents.

If you’re short on time, then skip on over to Amanda’s blog to read the short version.  She highlights four simple and important tips from Mr. Tohline’s post to making your query letter the cream of the crop.


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8 thoughts on “Writing a Query Letter?

  1. @laughwithusblog…yeah maybe not, but at least you’re writing and an important first ste. Keep it up, you’ll get the recognition for your talents.

  2. @laughwithusblog…yeah maybe not, but at least you’re writing and an important first ste. Keep it up, you’ll get the recognition for your talents.

  3. I confess I’ve never gotten this far in my writing! I mostly write funny personal stories. People that publish such things are usually already famous…

  4. @Bobbi…I visited your site and am now your newest follower. Interesting how hubs picked up the ball for you today. His post was entertaining.

  5. @Amanda…oh yes, wonderful link. Chockful of valuable info! Whenever I find myself facing this challenge again, I’ll refer to it. @Saimi…glad to help, but Amanda deserves all the credit.

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