
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Where you naughty or nice?

The big question today is which list did you make it on, Naughty or Nice?  It appears I was a good girl or I’m darn good at fooling the guy in the red suit.  In this case, I’m talking about DH. Maybe, naughty is nice making me a winner for either list.  My Santa brought me an Apple Watch 6 early in the season nearly knocking my jingle bell socks off my little feet! Usually, I suspect what’s coming but not this time. When the Apple watch first came out I thought it was a super cool gadget, we both did, but I didn’t think I’d ever want one enough to justify the cost.  Boy, was I wrong and I just love mine! And, so does DH!! After seeing how much he liked my watch I changed what I had planned to get him to buy him an Apple watch. I like it that when we can share in these same experiences.  I’m not a hand model but this is a selfie hand shot! 🙂

This is the gold aluminum with a pink sport band.

Our Christmas eve forecast called for some nasty weather, mostly heavy rain and falling temperatures with less than inch of snow possible.  With a report like that everyone in the city thinks we’re safe but I was thinking what if they are wrong this time and wrong there were! The snow began to fall around 3pm within a few minutes the big fluffy flakes were visibly clinging to the shrubs and trees.  Before the sun called it quits everything was covered with an inch and a half of snow with more coming down. Could this mean we would have a white Christmas?  If it kept it then yes but what was on my  mind was DS. He had to work later than planned because he needed to wait for a truck making a delivery.  Shortly after 6pm, I sent him a text asking if he got home okay and within a few minutes he called to report that he barely made it home alive.  I picked up his tone that something wasn’t right and soon learned his vehicle slid off the road into a ditch, jumped someone’s driveway to finally land on the other side of the ditch. He was only going 25mph. The road was nothing but slush he said and the city hadn’t treated the road. If the city gets wind of the possibility of flurries and they’ll salt the heck out of the highway but when there’s a small chance of accumulation they do nothing? That’s just crazy. I can’t figure these people out! The good news DS didn’t get hurt. The damage to his vehicle is on the driver side. The wheel fender crunched up, the door won’t open and door window broken out.  To top it off, he doesn’t have insurance. I’m pretty sure even if he had it then the adjuster probably would total his car and there’s no way he can buy another used car with whatever the insurance would give him, so it’s up to him to try to get it working order so he’ll have something to go to and from work until  he’s able to buy a replacement.  Oh the woes! I like snow when it doesn’t cause any problem. This storm has brought on a bit of a mess in many ways other than cold temps and messy roads. How about some laughs to shake it off?

I don’t believe I mentioned this but I’ve wanted one for years a vintage style pickup truck to display at Christmas but most of the decorative ones are too big for our limited space. Something jiggled the idea in my wheel house to look at die-cast toy trucks and that’s when I found the perfect one.

Maisto 1950 ‘Omaha Orange’ Chevrolet. The color actually looks a little more orange in person but it’s a beautifully little truck.

A couple of days before Christmas I sent DS a text that read: Wait till I tell you what Dad got me for Christmas! A pickup truck. He answered: Nice. What kind? I preceded to tell him it was a red Chevrolet and that I’d send him a picture.  It managed to prank him but when I tried the same thing on DD#2, she instantly threw up a question mark “as in a real truck” she wanted to know.  Does this mean girls are more suspicious or does it mean that it sounded like an unlikely gift for her daddy to get me?


I stumbled on this perhaps on Facebook but thought it was a riot!

Okay, I managed to find time to answer the Tuesday 4 Q&A for this week but that’s only because I thought these for next week and then it dawned on me. Yep, I’m not all here! 🙂

1. Despite the weirdness of this past year, was it still a good year for you anyway or not? I would have to say, yes it was a good year. 

2. How will you spend New Years Eve? We have plans to do our traditional stay-at-home  party for two having pizza, snacks, and a movie marathon.

3. What do you do on New Year’s Day? Is football part of the agenda? In the past it’s been football but we’re both put out by wealthy, privileged athletes using this entertainment outlet for a platform to boost their political correctness. Hog wash to that! In corporate America it doesn’t work that way. If you say a peep about politics or religion in the work place then you might get handed a pink slip of paper instead of a paycheck.

4. It’s a Scottish tradition to kiss at midnight. Do you keep that tradition? Does everyone get a kiss if you do?    When the kids were at home, we hugged and kissed them on the cheek but DH and I always kiss at midnight.


I’m still in holiday mode, probably will be until next week so I’m not sure if I join back in with the Tuesday 4 Q&A community or do my other usual Tuesday rounds with Sandee, Stacy Uncorked, and Eugi’s Causerie.  Hopefully, I find a few minutes over a cup of coffee to at least link up with my friends and then play catch up in the days to come.  That’s a wrap for now but come back tomorrow for Wild Wednesdays where just about anything goes! 😉

X💋X💋, Cathy

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18 thoughts on “Where you naughty or nice?

  1. I’m curious what it is about the Apple watch that you find improves your day. I was thinking about getting one but my phone is always in my hand. I do want to start walking more when it warms up (I’m in South Carolina so it’s usually warm) and it might be nice to not have to carry my phone.

    1. Julie,

      I’m hoping my Apple Watch will not only motivate me to take breaks throughout the day to stand but to track my activity (exercise, number of steps, calories burned, etc). Apple watch also monitors your heart rate and blood oxygen levels which is a nice perk. My watch is GPS (Wifi only) which means I can’t receive calls unless my phone is nearby. You can get an Apple Watch with GPS & cellular which means you wouldn’t have to have your phone with you to take calls which costs an additional $100. Being at home mostly then I don’t my watch to be cellular enabled and when I do venture out then my phone is tucked inside a pocket which isn’t a big deal usually. The thing I like about my watch is my phone can be in a different part of the house and I never miss a phone call or text because it comes in on my watch perfectly. One thing to note is I have my watch set to make emergency calls if I take a hard fall which is really cool. This gives DH added peace of mind when he returns to working in the office again, not that I have trouble with balance but everyone is susceptible to accidents happening. I plan to get back into using my elliptical so using my watch to monitor my heart rate, number of steps, calories burned, etc will be nice. I hope that helps you. Have a good day and a happy new year!

  2. A very nice watch indeed and sorry to hear that your son was in an accident but glad he is ok even if his bones got “rattled”. I love the funnies and I love snow so i guess I belong in a padded room. It’s nice to be naughty is how I look at things:)

    1. Birgit,

      The accident probably did rattle him but it was the stress of everything that was the worse. Thankfully it looks like everything is coming together nicely for him.

  3. I am glad your son is okay after that scary ordeal. I love your Apple watch and what a cool gift! Have a safe and successful 2021!🎊 🎉

  4. That is a nice watch. I am glad DS is OK even though he will be inconvenienced. XO

  5. Those Apple Watches are pretty popular here too and your fill in answers were really good. I’m sure glad DH wasn’t hurt, that sure is scary, been there, slid that!

    1. Brian,

      It was my son who had the accident not my husband. 🙂 Oh yeah, we’ve done plenty of sliding ourselves and know all too well how difficult it is to travel on messy roads. We were safely at home. I think this system caught everyone off guard. I betcha the mere mention of snow in the forecast next time will send the salt trucks out like busy little bees to get ahead of the trouble which means…nothing will happen as in the roads will be ok. lol

  6. Oh I am definitely on the naughty list. Loved the gal in leather, too funny. New Years day is just like any other around here. I will be in my art room and Mr. M. will be watching Football. Have a great day

    1. Nicole,

      No doubt, we’ll sleep in a bit on January 1st. I probably won’t find time to doodle but I’m looking forward to chillaxing with DH. Maybe, we can try driving the Cherohala Parkway. The last time we ran into icy roads and had to turn back. We’ll keep an eye on the weather to see what the possibility looks like at higher elevations. The gal in leather meme is hilarious, isn’t it? I couldn’t resist sharing it. 😀

    1. Lori,

      I already love my Apple watch!! Now to ramp myself into exercise mode once again. Come on hot summer body!! Alright, I’m dreamin’ there but any improvement makes me feel sexy. That’s good for any age but when you’re pushing 60 then it’s a great feeling! giggles

  7. Yikes on the accident in the slush. I’m glad he wasn’t hurt. Loved the prank too.

    I laughed out loud about wearing leather. Spot on.

    We stay home on New Years eve. We usually sleep through the new year.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      It was a mess on Christmas eve and Christmas Day. We still had a little snow in our back yard yesterday morning. It’s gone now. I’m ready for spring. DS found a driver door with the window, driver fender, and driver side mirror online. It’s expected for delivery today. He’s doing the work. The good news is his vehicle runs and best that he can tell nothing is wrong other than cosmetics which he’ll be working on soon. I’m super glad he didn’t get hurt and that the state trooper didn’t ask him to produce proof of insurance. God works in mysterious ways!

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