
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning?

Good morning, Kittens & Dawgs! I hope all of my Florida friends are doing ok in the wake of Irma coming to shore yesterday morning. The system originally was expected to cross east Tennessee but it shifted to the western part of the state about mid-week. The only threat we have to deal with today is lots of rain. I’m not complaining.  Anywho, today’s mewsic theme is “Remembering 9/11” and I invite you to hit the dance floor with XmasDolly, Stacy, Colette , and little ole me!


Where Were you When the World Stopped?


This is a weekly hop for mewsic enthusiasts regardless if you follow our weekly theme or not if you have mewsic to share then we’re ready to dance with you.  Otherwise, I ask that you do not link non-mewsic posts below to boost traffic to your site. You’re welcome to leave your URL in comments with a brief description inviting me to check it out. Thank you!

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[tweetthis]Tell a friend & hit the dance floor with “Remembering 9/11” #music with the #4M gals! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]


The official anthem for first responders in the days after the madness was the song track, “Tuesday” from Superman 2000. To honor those who stormed head long into burning buildings without a second thought giving your life, you won’t be forgotten and for the many who worked relentlessly to find survivors in the aftermath. I may not know your names but that doesn’t change my gratitude. “Five For Fighting” is for you!



I’m gonna wind things down with a song that was written many years before 9/11 but the sentiments resonates the mood I felt that day with “the sound of silence” in the days that followed the attacks. Perhaps, you did, too.



What 9/11 mewsic stirs your heart today?


Reflecting on 9/11 always stirs my heart. None of we will be the same after that day 16-years ago and I don’t think we will never forget the horrors. Honestly, I hope we never do because if we do then this sort of thing will happen again.  Thankfully, we showed the wicked that we can Rise Up To Never Stay Down! Please take time to say a prayer for our nation, our world, and its people. Ask for God’s protection against further terrorist attacks here and abroad.

I’ll see you tomorrow with Cathy Chats – Take That. May God bless America!



























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28 thoughts on “Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning?

  1. I avoided putting in that song because I knew it’d be on a lot of people’s minds. It’s a good one. I was in that part of Manhattan the year after it happened, and I went to the McDonald’s across Broadway from Ground Zero. They were proud of the fact that they were able to open the next day and be there for the rescue ad cleanup crews. New Yorkers have this reputation for being surly and misanthropic, but that’s really unfair; I think they genuinely care for one another, even if they don’t always act like it.

    On another note, I’m glad you’re saying something to the “participants” who aren’t actually participating in M^4.

    1. John,

      I was awestruck the way New Yorkers came together as a community which seems odd given the size and that’s what made it so amazing. I loved how the whole country rose to help their fellow man/woman in whatever capacity one could offer. It makes you wonder why Americans cannot do the same today. Have we fallen so far that we can’t lay aside our differences to come together as a nation undivided? Oh well…maybe we can get back to where we once were and if not, I’ll do my best to live happy despite the conflicts surrounding me. Thank you for visiting and sharing your one-year anniversary memory!

  2. Hi Cathy,
    Great music your featured for 9/11. I’m listening now to Five for Fighting’s “Tuesday” — I never heard it before. Thanks for the introduction.

    I really like the version of “Sounds of Silence” that you presented. I like his voice. It’s very fitting for the mood of the memory of that horrible day. It’s four days past this week’s anniversary and I’m still feeling sad…and now this morning watching the news about the London terrorist attack. “…like a cancer grows…” Will it ever end? It is indeed a heavy week.

    It’s also, for me, been a whirlwind of a week: I didn’t even realize today was September 15th and I totally forgot about doing my BOTB post. I had one all planned out, just hadn’t put it together. I have a busy day today so won’t be able to get to it so I’ll save it for next month. But I’ll be back to make the rounds and get to everyone’s battles. It won’t be today but I’ll definitely get there.

    Thanks my friend. Talk soon,

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele,

      Disturbed’s version of “Sounds of Silence” is very fitting for the mood that 9/11 brings. I’m glad that you enjoyed their cover. No worries about the BoTB. The days are melting away quicker than I can keep up with leaving me dazed and stunned. I’m trying to get caught up after last week today. I’m making good headway. Let’s hope I don’t hit a wall! Have a good day. I’ll be by your place soon! 😉

  3. Glad to hear that you were able to dodge Irma. We were in Orlando for Labor Day weekend and had to drive back south to Ft Lauderdale to shutter the house and prepare. We were lucky that our area was not that hard hit and we were only without power for 2 days. A lot of the surrounding communities will be without power for weeks!

    I remember 9/11 well as I was on a Newark bound flight. I was a very large 7 months pregnant and was traveling to see family with my father. He, being a boat captain, and even in the air, was VERY attuned to his surroundings and realized that we had been in a large circling patturn for the preceding 15 mins. Our plane finally was allowed to land in Philadelphia and after standing in a rather long rental car line, the Hertz attendant,noticed my advanced state of pregnancy, and called us over to their closed counter and gave us a car. After driving for about 30 mins, we were finally able to pull over to a rest stop to find a pay phone (all cells were busy) to let our worried sick family know that we were safe an on our way to NJ by car. I will never forget that car ride, listening to the radio only to discover that the terror had not ended with the Twin Towers, but was still happening in other parts of the nation.

    It is a day I will never forget.

    1. Lisa,

      Oh, good heavens! You really do have a story for 9/11, don’t you? I cannot imagine how worried sick your family was for your safety, especially not being able to hear from you for so long. While we were not in any immediate danger, there was rumors all over the place that more attacks were coming and the terrorist may use the interstates and large trucks to inflict further horrors. DH worked in Chattanooga, TN at the time. That’s a 2-hour drive one way and I was antsy the entire time until he walked through the front door. Luckily, he had a cell phone and I was so glad that he did because being able to call him when I got worried gave me peace of mind on that terrible day. Thanks for sharing your experience. I’m glad you and yours are safe after Irma. She sure fooled everyone going to the Gulf side of the state, huh? Be well, my friend!

  4. I was at work and heard it on the radio. At first I thought it was similar to the plane that crashed into the Empire State Building but when I heard about the second plane, I knew it was something horribly different. I was glued to the radio and then, when home, to the tv. Many people will always remember where they were on this day just like when President Kennedy was killed and Princess Diana. It is rare when a terrorist act happens in North America so it hits hard whereas people who live in Iraq and Iran plus many other cities are more used to it which is disgusting. The country song is very poignant but, being Canadian, I just don’t understand how one can speak of love, peace and the sadness plus the bible and then want to buy a gun. I think wanting a gun or guns is all about fear and fear can bring panic, paranoia and quite the opposite of love and peace. I digress though so I want to end with something I am proud of…..we Canadians came to help especially out East when the people of Gander took in so many Americans and helped them through this tough time. This will go into the history books, people will forget, like many kids do about Pearl Harbour, but there will always be a memorial, there will always be museums and people who will strive to help others learn more about this.

    1. Birgit,

      9/11 effected a lot of people, not just Americans and Canadians are good friends to the US. Terrorism in America is rare. We’re so blessed. I think of the many countries in Europe that’s under attack in recent years. Those poor people have it so hard. The Middle East is always in turmoil. They’ll never see peace over there, I don’t believe.

      Anywho, I always think of the US and Canada being like sisters, don’t you? Anyhow, guns aren’t bad things, really. It’s people who are bad. It’s kinda like deadbolts on our front doors. Do you lock your door at night or how about your car? It’s a safety measure hopefully to keep out burglars from taking what you worked hard for or worse. We shouldn’t have to lock our doors at night but we live in a world where it’s necessary because we don’t know who might come through it in the middle of the night or while we’re away. A gun is for protection. No one wants to shot another in self-defense but sometimes it happens. Mr. Badguy will steal the gun he uses to rob the local convenient store clerk or to hold on a mother demanding her purse or to fire at someone when they realize the home owners are not gone. Normal, law abiding folks go through the proper channels to secure one. Generally speaking, these aren’t the folks you have to worry about, it’s the ones that fall in the “Mr. Badguy” class. I was raised with guns in the house. Daddy hunted. Every boy did in southern WV hunted. Fathers taught their sons and daughters how to use firearms. We don’t see anything wrong with it.

      You know, I think as long as the world stands people won’t ever see eye to eye on all issues and we need to learn to respect one another. Sadly, you’re right people will forget about 9/11 but I hope history never gets rewritten or erased because someone thinks it’s too upsetting or offending. That’s just not right. Thank you for visiting, my friend.

  5. WOW, it seems like everyone posted Alan Jackson’s tune. It sure is a tear jerker. I’m so glad that really nothing happened today. My husband had told me that when the terrorists do things they like to do it on anniversary’s. That just gives me goosebumps! Such a sad day every year that goes by I must say, but at this time I would like to say to you thank you for being my friend and the person you are. God bless you and yours and I say it now because tomorrow is not promised. BIG HUGS And your last tune really brought tears to my eyes. It was really ruff today hitting every blog with their tunes & stories. God be with them all & bless them & theirs. BIG HUGS

    1. Marie,
      It was indeed hard to relive 9/11, but I hope that is always a difficult day because if we allow it to become just another day then this can happen all again. I shutter every time I hear some say the Holocaust didn’t happen. The wick want to erase history so you get generations won’t know the truth after those who know about have died and that generation will ignorantly fall victims to an evil, murderous dictator Hell bent to exterminate a race of people from the planet. That sounds bleak but that’s what tyrants do best. I think foreign terrorists are still a threat but I believe we have to consider a lot of those threats are already here in this country just waiting for an opportunity to strike. It’s sad to feel this way but lax policies over the years is responsible for the evil to enter and blend in our society. Thanks for stopping by my friend. Sending hugs and love back!! As well as God’s blessings to you!

  6. Beautiful tribute to 9-11. In reading the comments, I totally agree that our great land has become a wrecking ball with the current leadership that has divided us and allowed ugliness to take place in the form of racism and antisemitism. I actually have a good friend who did leave America when totally disgusted by the 2000 election.

    1. Joyce,

      There’s blame at the feet of every person in this country to various degrees with how the country has gotten so out of hand. Hate and racism has been with the world almost from the beginning. Unless man’s heart changes first then nothing else matters. You can’t force this through legislation like we’re seeing today by doing away with this or that. It’s not going to fix the core – what’s inside. In God’s eyes, we’re equal. He loves us regardless of sex or skin color. He loves us all! It would be wonderful if we could co-exist with others peacefully in this life but it’s not meant to be with the introduction of sin in the Garden of Eden. It would be nice to see a mutual respect for fellow brother/sister develop despite differing viewpoints. We’ll never agree 100% on everything but finding a way to work together for the good of each other, not a select few, is the key. All politicians are power hungry and greedy. We need real people in office doing the job of those in Washington. I didn’t mean for today’s post to turn political but sometimes it has a way of getting sparked, doesn’t it? lol Thank for dancing with me, my friend!

  7. I remember that 9/11 of 2001 well. Right before I left for work I was watching the TV which was reporting that some kind of plane had hit one of the towers. Shortly after I arrived at work I heard that it was an airliner. Since I had recently put a television in my office I turned it on and watched for the entire day.

    For the next couple of days our work essentially ground down to nearly no activity–phones were silent and orders weren’t coming across the computer. It was like a strange holiday where nothing was festive. The eeriest part was that there were no planes in the sky for a couple of days and in L.A. there are always planes. Especially in the airspace over my house which is in track to the L.A. airport, the sky was empty. It was all rather ominous.

    I don’t know that we’ve come any further as a nation since that day. Maybe things have gotten worse in our country and the world.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      I remember that eerie feeling of no planes in the sky for days after. Although we’re many miles from the airport, you still hear aircraft far and near. It’s like background mewsic you don’t miss until it’s gone. Our country and the world has gotten worse, instead of better. There’s just too much division. I’m not sure if people can ever come together again like they once could, you know? It’s so sad, too. Thanks for visiting, my friend!

  8. Beautiful songs. I love the Foo Fighters song.

    In reading the comments, it is interesting because I am a veteran. My son and I were watching college football on Saturday and they ran the ad about Starbucks and vets and how many people don’t know any veterans. As I was thinking about, my son said “At your work, they don’t really like vets.”, I said “I am the only one and the military hasn’t really touched their lives in their adulthood.” The more I think about it, I think that we need to really educate people on how are freedoms are kept. We may not be the most perfect country around but I am happy and proud to live here.

    1. Patrick,

      First off, thank you for your service to our country. May God bless you! I think every American citizen should thank a vet for his/her service. We didn’t get to be the great country without those in the armed service. It’s ashamed to see how vets are treated. I have three uncles who served in the Vietnam war and many cousins since to serve in non-combative times. I’m proud of them all! America isn’t perfect, but like you, I’m happy and proud to call it home. Thank you for stopping by, my friend!

  9. I agree with Alana that it’s so sad our country has lost that spirit of unity we had after 9/11. Let’s pray that the enemy who is at work within out country doesn’t have his way. I think it’s a worse evil and can do more damage in the long run.

    1. Donna,

      You’re absolutely right about the enemy within our country. I’d love to see these people exhaled from our country! There are a lot of whiners in this country who can’t see the greatness of this land and the sacrifices made to keep her free. These folks (the sheep following the wicked) have no clue how horrible things will be if evil is allowed to rule our land. I think it’s up to us to fight to keep our liberties intact all the days of our lives! May God bless America always! Thank you for stopping by & for chiming in!

  10. A beautiful tribute. It’s impossible to forget, especially having to stay calm for the sake of the children.

  11. Although I don’t know if it was written with 9/11 in mind, I am thinking of “At Times Like These” by the Foo Fighters. So sad that we have lost most all the “we are united as one” spirit that gripped our country after 9/11. I will shed tears today, as I have on all 9/11’s since that day, in memory of those, including a fireman who went to my high school and was the youngest fireman to die that day.

    1. Alana,

      There is so much divide in our nation between the two major parties. You see sheep follow the wicked bent on destroying this country who actually pose more threat to our nation than any foreign foe because it’s destruction within our boundaries. It’s not until a horrible tragedy like 9/11 or Hurricane Harvey and now Irma to for others to come together for the greater good but this is temporary. If you don’t love this country, I say get out, move on, or shut up! There are other countries out there for you to live in where the government is totally ruling its people where you don’t have to worry about any decision making because it’s done for you. Pack your bag and get on the next flight out, leave the rest of us to enjoy our freedom.

      I was sorry to hear that you had friends to perish that day. We’ll never be the same after that day.

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