I don’t know about y’all but with Thanksgiving tomorrow, it’s hard to have my brain tied up in Blogosphere. I know some of you will putter around the Internet and there’s certainly nothing wrong with that. For those of you who happened by this morning, I decided to let Maxine share how she really feels about the season of Thanksgiving or more precisely about other people, especially her family.

Maxine is always good for a few laughs. Moving along, last Wednesday Joyce mentioned in her Wednesday Hodgepodge post that she’s taking this week off for obvious reasons of course, which gives me the chance to respond to last week’s Q&A session and it’s a perfect tie in with Thanksgiving.
1. It’s often said we should be grateful for small blessings. What is one small blessing you are feeling especially grateful for today? I’m very thankful for a small fix. Last week, DH noticed a problem with one of his crowns covering an implant during breakfast and sure enough, it came off. This isn’t uncommon for him but it always sends up red flags. Luckily, he was able to get with the dentist the same day. There was no hidden problems, so all that was needed was for him to glue the crown back on to his dental post. A small fix but a big blessing!
2. How do you feel about leftovers, not just on Thanksgiving but after any meal? Favorite thing to make/eat using your Thanksgiving leftovers? I absolutely love leftovers! This means I don’t have to cook if I don’t want to. It’s great having foods I can easily reheat. As for making anything out of Thanksgiving leftovers, it’s a perfect meal anytime!
3. Sherwin Williams unveiled it’s 2022 Color of the Year-Evergreen Fog. Are you a fan? Would I find this mid-tone gray green shade anywhere in your house? Does your house need painting? Inside or out? What one space is most in need of a paint job? Are you a do-it-yourselfer or do you hire a professional? Nope, I don’t like gray paint inside the home but I’m not a fan of colors that deviate from white or beige for the interior. I prefer light colors to make the room brighter. Our walls are definitely in need of painting and if we were to do it, then the job falls on us.
4. What is one aspect of the way you were parented that you are grateful for today? My parents paddling my behind or giving me a good switching when I needed it. It taught me there are consequences to my actions like nothing else.
5. Write an acrostic for the word-thankful
Trees, the beautiful fall trees changing colors painting the hillside
Home, despite the cramped conditions it’s always home sweet home
Another day, to share with those I love
Nudges that direct me frequently to do things without a reason why, except I know I should listen to that little quiet voice
Kindred spirits in this little box I call my computer who visit me daily
Friends and family, near or far fill my heart with unfiltered love
Unexpected blessings that makes me pause to utter a thank you to the One in charge
Leaves swirling in the wind, dancing gracefully to the ground
6. Insert your own random thought here. In coming up with my acrostic, I had an unexpected opportunity blessing to see this while out last week for DH’s dental appointment.

I’m putting my Wild Wednesdays linky party on hold until after the new year. Life is busy so it’s best just to go with the flow, enjoy the moments, and have a little fun.
I’ll leave you with a marvelous YT playlist to get you ready for tomorrow as you browse online or perhaps while you busily work in the kitchen. Hit play and let the music pace your step! Tomorrow, I have some music to publish for those needing some ear candy to get them through the last minutes of preparation before everyone offers up their thanksgivings and dig into the feast, so if you’re around then tune in to CAAC. Have a wonderful Wild Wednesday! XX
, Cathy
I’m won’t be linking up with, Sandee, Natasha, Marie, & Wordless Wednesday, my favorite Wordless Wednesday Communities today but if you’re looking for new places to showcase your photos and giggles then do stop by to see my pals!
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Stopped by to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and got treated to some clever Maxine words of wisdom, too.
A blessed and beautiful Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Maxine is such a hoot! I enjoyed your answers, Amen to #4, same here! Happy Thanksgiving!
I am listening to your song list while writing. It is so great. The second song is always sung by the Quartermaine clan who always end up ordering pizza on my soap General Hospital. Maxine is priceless and love her!! The last one made me laugh out loud. I’m thankful I am feeling better and can walk more and sit up. Leftovers are great just as what you stated. I love colour! I hate the fads….right now grey is painted everywhere with white..maybe a few limes or oranges are thrown into a bowl. I believe in not painting wood unless it is crappy. I love blue. I so agree with you in a spanking which is not hitting. I know my mom spanked me…maybe 5 times and I deserved it. Discipline means love and teaches us respect and value. If you say No…mean it! I love your Thankful words..here are mine…T: Trust-you need this from your significant other to family and friends. It’s a tough one. H: Happiness-too many people seem quite unhappy and forget that the simple things can place a smile on ones’ face. A-Attitude-if one has an ornery attitude, you just don’t want to be near them and they are often alone. The young people seem to be upset by too many things..life is too good. Do you think a kid in a war torn country or a kid who only gets one meal a day but plays with an old wheel and a stick, worry about what song, they think, is against women, minorities etc? Enjoy life and have a better attidue, youwill live better and longer. N: Never-Never say never because….you never know what life dishes out. K: Kindness-a smile, the touch of a hand, a listening ear goes a long way. F: Flowers-Talk about putting a smile on ones’ face. Whether it is a beautiful rose or a blue flowered weed that grows in the ditch, they are pretty and bring promise. U: uniqueness-It is always great to follow your own path and do not follow fads, buy the outfit that is in, the car or dress up your home with what is in…do your own thing. L: Love-Of course, we use that word too much (I Love those sneakers…they’re sneakers not a person..ughhh! Besides, in 5 years those sneakers are in the garbage). Love your family, friends if they treat you with respect. If not let them go without malice or harm but you need to love yourself first. This is not an easy task.
I love Maxine. She’s my kind of gal.
Love the Q&A. I’m glad hubby got that tooth fixed. Yikes.
Loved the THANKFUL list the very best. Brilliant.
Have a fabulous day and Thanksgiving, Cathy. Love and hugs, my friend. ♥
I love Maxine. She always tells it like it is. We had our turkey dinner on Monday. No particular reason. It’s just me and Mr. M. so who cares what day we eat turkey. Pantone has been the color guru but I do like S. W. color better. Yes, I would use this color in my house. Wishing you a grand day.
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I love leftovers too because it means less cooking for me. XO
Happy Thanksgiving eve, Cathy! Even though you’re not linking to Wordless Wednesday, I included your link anyway – just because. I love your Maxine funnies! lol
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Wild, Wacky, Wonderful and Almost Wordless Wednesday, dear friend!
Cranky Maxine strikes again! I enjoyed her Thanksgiving related zingers. Mrs. Shady made a large quantity of oyster stuffing for my b-day feast. It’s delicious and we are still having some each day. Maxine hit the nail on the head when she compared visiting relatives to a plague of locusts. I haven’t seen anybody get a cream pie in the face at our get togethers, but Mrs. Shady’s brother maintains a tradition of getting upset by something a family member says and storming out in the middle of dinner.
I enjoyed your Hodgepodge answers. I’m glad the problem with DH’s tooth was a quick fix. Along with Mrs. S’s oyster stuffing, we have enjoyed eating leftover turkey, mashed potatoes, peas, Brussels sprouts, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie in the days since my weekend b-day. Mrs. S also froze a large bag of turkey meat for future use in soup. SW’s Evergreen Fog is a pleasing shade, but Mrs. S and I are all “greened out.” For decades we decorated and painted our home in shades of green, including the exterior which was a pale green-gray, and we eventually got tired of it. I thoroughly enjoyed how you filled in the acrostic. I consider you a kindred spirit in this little box, and I appreciate your choice of words in mentioning the “unfiltered love” of family and friends.
I enjoyed listening to your song set, especially Celtic Spirits and Mary Chapin Carpenter, a familiar name of the past, an artist I haven’t heard from in ages. We used that powerful Louis Armstrong ballad as the closing “anchor song” in our series of NLP motivational seminars. Of course, I remember Natalie as the frontwoman of 10,000 Maniacs. “Count Your Blessings” says it all. That wonderful Bing Crosby song was big when I was very little, and it still brings a tear to my eye.
Have a happy Wednesday, dear friend Cathy. See you tamale inside this little box.