
14-03-2025 Vol 19

What does Summer Vibe & The Birds and the Bees have in common?

Songs featured on Monday’s Music Moves Me! 

This week we are partying to not one, but two themes for your choosing.

  • What’s your favorite song on repeat “in your playlist” at the moment? submitted by Denise @RunDMT
  • One-hit wonders from 1965.  You get to pick from this List of 1960s One-Hit Wonders in the USA, submitted by Mike’s Place  


I hate to disappoint, Denise, and I really want to be hip because she’s such a cool Mama. The truth of the matter is, I don’t have a iPod, hence no playlist for me. 🙁 That being said and the mere fact I want to be cool, like RunDMT, I decided to improvise by sharing a new-to-me group, Walk Off the Earth, with you that I recently discovered.  Check it out….



Which ever theme(s) you choose, then we want to hear it right here. Come on join me on the dance floor!

Before we get swept away to the beat of the music, remember that our lovely hostesses, XmasDolly, will be sitting this dance out because of back surgery, but the rest of the 4M crew ~  JAmericanSpice,  Just the stuff ya know (filling in for Stacy Uncorked), myself, & this month’s honorary co-host, Everyday Life are ready and waiting to dance with you. Link up and shake your bootie with the rockin’ bloggers below!


Dance party rules:  Grab XmasDolly 4M button here,  display it on your blog, and then add your your favorite weekly music theme YouTube videos for everyone to enjoy. We aren’t music snobs, if you have tunes to share that don’t fit in with our theme then no problem! As long as you have music to share, then you’re cool coz all we want to do is dance with you! 

Now…lets shake our tail feathers!  In 1965, Mike, I was a little girl of only 4-years of age (wasn’t I cutie?) with not very much of a memory for songs from way back yonder.

However, I do remember well this One-Hit Wonder…

Did you have a good time on the dance floor? Remember, to be considered for honorary co-host each month, then be sure to add your URL to the link up.  Next stop… your place!  What music is moving you?

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