
15-03-2025 Vol 19

What does a ballerina and Superman have in common?

What does a ballerina and Superman have in common? Simple, they both take leaps and bounds effortlessly which brings me to today’s art theme posed this week LEAPS and BOUNDS. 




I’ll redo these pencil sketches eventually as color illustrations using Procreate when I have more time. My focus primarily is on my April A to Z Challenge sketches.

From my 2018 A to Z challenge Procreate artwork series

It’s a super pleasure to share my newest illustration with you this morning. 😘  Follow me to Rain’s Garden to browse through the gallery of artistry!

Thanks for stopping in with your coffee for a peek at my masterpiece and …oh yeah for not spilling it on my artwork. 😉  Tomorrow is the last day of February and this is a leap year. Did you know?  It’s also DH’s off-Friday, so I’ll be MIA. I’ll return to Blogosphere bright and early Monday morning but be sure to watch for my scheduled Songsational Sundays edition!

The perfect song for today’s art prompt, Leaps and Bounds by Paul Kelly




For more giggles, check out my Leap year edition of Tickle Me Tuesdays.

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23 thoughts on “What does a ballerina and Superman have in common?

  1. Hi Cathy :)!! Firstly, thank you so much for making a beautiful pinup with an easel and palette for the art date! I smiled from ear to ear seeing that!!! 🙂 I love your ballerina the most, her skirt is wonderfully drawn!! And Superman, oh it reminds me of Christopher Reeve…swoon…lol! Your dolphin is very sweet! LOL at the February 29th funny….great post!! 🙂

  2. You stirred up some memories with your post this week. My mother was a dancer (ballet and modern dance) among many other things, but your picture reminded me of the days when I would attend her classes and try to leap through the air. Believe me, I was nowhere near as graceful as your picture. Your Superman reminded me of a gentleman that I know who’s hero is “Wonder Woman”! What a hoot … never would occur to me that the guys were ogling Wonder Women while we were slurping over Superman. Anyway, this was fun and, as always, I love your art and enjoyed listening to your music while I wrote my comment 🙂 Thank you, Cathy (and just for fun … my husband’s initials are DH too … hmmmm 🙂

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Chris,

      Art sketching is my favorite past time. I picked up my pencil in 2017 after decades of doing nothing with the little talent I had and re-taught myself what I know. First I used step-by-step tutorials until I was able to graduate myself to drawing strictly by sight. The bottom line is I have doodling and that’s all that counts. 🙂

  3. Fun theme for a Leap Year! 🙂 Your sketches are excellent, as always, Cathy. I like the Dolphin, especially. New song to me, as well. Nice!

  4. No I did not spill coffee, I was careful would be a shame about your beautiful pictures, dolphin and superman and the jumping woman. Great the music and the fun drawing for the party make the sound year!
    Greetings elke

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