
28-03-2025 Vol 19

What DO I Do?

Painting title: Washed Up
Image credit belongs to Jocelyn Audette

I’m a bit washed up. There are days when I feel my time is waffle-thin. This revelation became evidently clear recently.  The realization I spend most of my “writing” time on blog hop prompts or Q&A.

Have I lost my purpose behind my blog?

Or am I still trying to find my way in Blogosphere?

This has weighing on my mind, especially while waist deep in creating advanced blog posts for our staycation. Instead, I should have walked on air thinking about what is to come with my warm-hearted DH and part of me was. Perhaps these worried musings necessitated itself due to stress or maybe it is legitimate concerns warranting further attention. I realize you probably have felt the same aWakenings for a hiatus from blogging.  I’m perplexed at best and stumped to even dare take the test of pushing my beloved blogging writing aside.

How do you wrestle with similar thoughts?

Would you put your blog aside to return to “normal” life temporarily?

The real question is…

What do I do?

Visit Miss Jenny and the rest of the Alphabe-Thursday classroom for more homework assignments of the letter “W” and while you’re hopping around, be sure to play along with Miss Amanda in her latest edition of Thursday Two Questions.


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16 thoughts on “What DO I Do?

  1. Wow.

    I think we’re all in this boat right now.

    I understand the need to take a break.

    but I also understand the need to communicate and not totally hibernate inside my own life.

    I wish I had an easy answer for this.

    I mostly just do a few memes…and feel less than inspired much of the time lately.

    Sending a hug your way!

    Do whatever is right for you, Miss Cathy!


  2. Honestly, I’ve put my blog aside many a times, whether due to health issues or just a mental break. The thing is sometimes, it’s NEEDED. Every blogger, regardless of who they are, have the same need for a break and it’s a normal feeling.

    Things happen in their own time and if you need a break, take a break! We’ll all understand and welcome you back with open arms when you come back. However if you chose not to take a break, we’ll still be here cheering you on 😉

    I guess it’s just a listen-to-your-gut situation.

  3. Interesting question today Cathy. And it is so valid. I have…
    When I went back to work, it was very hard to go around leaving comments, no time. Not to mention when you land on a blog that you need to leave a comment, and the loading takes forever. When you go to finish a comment, they want you to verified the code…gees! Do they want a comment left or not! Those are the moments when I say, what am I doing this for? This (x) amount of minutes…I could use to go take a shower! Take care of myself instead. Then like you say, those moments when we are supposed to be light headed, excited about doing something, instead we are in panic to pre- schedule posts, or keep up with the blog.
    You know all of that, and I am still here. I guess everything has its moments, and just all depends on how much you want it. You will sort it out. Have a great weekend!

  4. Writing is my normal. I’ve always written in a journal, or jotted down poetic lines on pieces of paper. I’ve had several stories floating around in my head for years that have yet to be put to paper. When I first became married and then when children came along, I had of time of complete misery. I have moved from my hometown – all my familiar faces and places – and felt lost. But then I also realized: you haven’t written anything in over a year!! Moving in with someone else when I got married completely changed how I processed my life. And now I know: I process much better when I can write. I feel less “full”. All that stuff inside needs to be emptied out.
    The thing with memes/hops is that you have to some how find a way to put your own stamp on it. Let your own voice come through a bit. I always try to introduce with a little story, or ancedote so that it’s not simply the the hop’s theme/prompt in the post. that way my readers stay connected and current to my life. Because they really are a great way to meet new bloggers and to strengthen your bond with your current followers.
    So basically….don’t leave! Please. 🙂

  5. I only blog from ‘prompts and posts’ around the internet. I took a hiatus this summer because there was just too much going on but I missed it. I am not committed to one blog-site’s prompts, but have found ones that I can accommodate when I have time. Some days its a Monday, others it’s a Thursday…It’s great fun and if it becomes a thing of pressure or too consuming, I’ll have to make an executive decision too. I hope you’ll just Play. It’s a lost art. 🙂

  6. I have to admit that I blog less than I used to, but that’s okay. I always blogged every day but Sunday, but now I’m sitting at about three posts a week. And that’s fine! Hey, it’s all for fun, right?

    I do miss the bloggers that have moved on. A lot of people I really enjoyed seem to have quit altogether. I don’t intend to do that because I get too much enjoyment from it.


  7. Funny you should write this today. A few hours ago, I was thinking about how my blog has approximately 1 post a week, that being my participation in Alphabe-Thursday. For a moment, I felt kind of embarassed. But, then, I thought about it – I do my ABC posts faithfully, just as in the past I posted a vintage photo once a week. Eventually, I realized I so enjoyed the ABC posts, and it was getting to be a stuggle to do the photo (honestly, because I posted great free vintage photos for others to use and in the several years I did it, not one person ever said thanks, boo, yoohoo or yuck. My ATC friends of course did, but from the 10,000 hits I got over the years, their posts amounted to about 100, so, I guess the other 9,900(dead silent) hits kind of ticked me off.) So, as blog owner I made an executive decision and ceased the photo posts. I enjoy doing the ABC posts and enjoy visiting the sites of others in the group. But, honestly I limit my blogging to just to this one blog hop group. Anything else I choose to post is because I have time, I found something I wanted share etc. Please don’t cease your blog. I love coming to visit. Insteadmaybe you can cut back on some of your hop-obligations (but not ABC PLEASE!!). Okay enough of my telling you what to do. Don’t go. Please. Great option for the W post.

    1. I don’t think I shall ever give up on Miss Jenny’s Alphabe-Thursday blog hop. I just love it so much! I sure do appreciate your encouragement and would have hopped over to your blog, but for some reason I can’t access your blogger profile and since I can’t recall what your URL is then I’m stuck. I hope you’ll notice my reply and give me your address so I can visit you soon!

  8. Hi Cathy, I like your blue lady all washed up picture. Of course I don’t like that things like this really do happen.

    I have similar feelings. The majority of the bloggers on my ‘friends’ list don’t blog anymore, at regularly. So it is up to me to find new contacts which I’ve done some. These memes give us new friends for the meme only although most would return comments other days and become friends as the ones I have met are all soooo nice.

    But for sure I don’t want to be writing to just write. I like my blog to be read. I think a good way is to find a meme that you can write the things you like to write about and exchange those thought with others writing with similar motives. ONE THING TO REMEMBER, blog memes wear out so you should be cultivating new ones. Two are quitting or about to that I participate in.

    I really don’t have time to answer every time all the comments I get. And they aren’t a whole lot like some of you are getting. I purposely sign in late sometimes to limit the number who will visit. Blogging does keep me from doing some things I need to do and also get me in the family dog house about blogging too much.

    Nice thoughts, forgive me please for my ramblings,

  9. Oh yes, I have been through this a couple of times. Tell you best online friends you are taking a breather and will be scheduling some photos and such for the next week. And then walk away from the computer, if you can. Maybe not your e-mail… {:-Deb

  10. When blogging isn’t fun anymore, I think that it is time to step away from it awhile. I need to feel that is enjoyable in order for it to really reflect me.

  11. Oh I hear you and understand you! There are times that I DO abandon my blog for long stretches and I feel ok with that. Essentially it is myself I am writing for so therefore there are times I let it go and run the risk of losing all my readers (simply thousands of them 😉 and return to it when I feel ready again. While I love writing I don’t want thoughts of blogging to interfere with actual life for me. 🙂 Good luck with your decision!

  12. Cathy…. although you did not ‘quite’ fit into the subject matter today… you sort of did!
    I think you are trying to figure out if you are content with your blogging experiences of late… and I have to say that I had the same dilemma right around May and I decided to just cut back…. I am now much more committed to those posts I do put up and I have found that I did not actually lose any ‘real’ friends along the way.

    BUT … I might steal this subject for a PWP prompt 🙂

  13. I think it’s just that time of year….and then it’s also knowing this year is coming soon to a well you know close….and another new year begins. It’s time right now to look at what all we didn’t do and should have done…and get going on it before the new year arrives! I really like that laid back and exposed reflection…by the water…great painting!

  14. I think we all have days where we wonder what we are doing. Blogging has allowed me to connect with my family and I often find messages that encourage me to keep writing. I hope you do too.

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