
13-03-2025 Vol 19

What Child Is This BOTB Outcome

I doubled checked the tallies and the spam folder this time.  It was beginning to look like I would have a tie this time for sure but then a vote popped up tipping the scale in favor of Lindsey Stirling!

Special thanks to everyone who took part in this battle round!

A recap of how the votes fell….

Piano Guys – Willow, Debbie, Lee, Diedre, Eugi (5)

Lindsey Stirling – Sande, Brian, John, Mimi, Stephen, Birgit (6)

To learn how others’ did with their most recent BOTB, you’ll find a list of participants in my side bar beneath the banner.  Monday is Christmas but I have a Monday’s Music Moves Me post set to publish for your enjoyment.  This is CAAC signing off, have a bandtastic day!  X💋X💋, Cathy

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6 thoughts on “What Child Is This BOTB Outcome

  1. Nice balanced outcome. That’s the way I like to see things turn out. Have a great Christmas weekend!


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