The first week of 2021 has evaporated already. Let’s take a peek at how my first Battle of the Bands went down. If you’ve followed the tally, it will come to you as no shock that this was a blowout. Honestly, I couldn’t have imagined when I put the Gothard Sisters and Home Free together in this showdown that one would run away with the showdown like they did. I held onto hope for things to change. Taking the victory by a landslide (12 to 2) is….Home Free.
Turn up your volume to listen to What We Need Is Love by Home Free!
Mark your calendar for BoTB 2021 Round 2 on January 15th. That’s next week, folks!

Ellen at 15andMeowing and Lorraine at Four-Legged Furballs share each Thursday four blank statements for us to copy and paste to create an entry for their Friday Friendly Fill-ins. Rounding things out this is how I filled in the blanks.

Before I leave, I want to give you the heads up that I deleted my Twitter account last night. I appreciate your the many followers I picked up over the years but it’s time to step away from that platform. In case you’re wondering, I’m still on Facebook but not very active.
That’s it for now. Join me on the dance floor with Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me for ‘your choice song picks‘ week. I’m gonna leave you with one more song by the champs, Home Free, “Diamond Dreams”. Have a funtastic Friday, stay safe and be well, dear friends! XX
, Cathy

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The math test will have me laughing for a bit. Do we ever need laughter right now, along with beautiful scenery like your mountain photo.
We sure do need laughter, lots and lots of it! Not to mention we need a whole lot of love. Our country has gone mad!
Amazing view
I’m glad you enjoyed the view, Kinga!
Hi, Cathy!
I hope you and DH are having a nice weekend, dear friend! I returned to blogging today, sooner than expected. For two days following Wednesday’s ugly spectacle at the U.S. Capitol, I was in a dark place, unable to even express myself in writing. While my mood has not yet bounced back to 100%, I am sure your Friday Sillies will help improve it and enable me to smile again.
In your band battle, I’m sorry I didn’t help even the score by voting for the Gothard Sisters. I like them, but I liked the Home Free men a little more. It was a tougher decision than the final tally of your contest might imply. Thanks for posting another song by Home Free. “What We Need Is Love’ is a timely message song that everyone should take to heart. It reminds me of two similar songs “All You Need Is Love” and “What The World Needs Now Is Love.” I also enjoyed their other song “Diamond Dreams.”
I enjoyed reading your Friday Friendly Fill-ins. I remember you taking a tumble a few years back and I’m very thankful you weren’t badly injured. I laughed at the school kid’s answer to the math question about Bob eating 29 candy bars. I know I could eat 29 of the candy treats you make for lucky DH, and I mean in a single sitting.
That Garfield cartoon tells the truth about the temperament of cats. We care for a stray black cat. Like a dog, he is always butting his head into my hand, signaling me that he wants me to scratch and pet him. However, if I rub him the wrong way or if he gets bored, he will lurch around and act like he’s going to bite me. 
Thank you for the mewsic and Sillies and enjoy the rest of your weekend, dear friend Cathy!
Our country is a mess. It’s hard to not feel like you’re being dragged under a tow struggling to catch your breath, fighting the current to survive. Despite turmoil or peace life goes on and we have to give our best no matter what’s going on around us. We have to make our own happiness when things fall down around us or we’ll just be swallowed up by the darkness. I hope you find peace.
I’m happy that you managed to stop by to learn how my BoTB went and to get a dose of humor. I’ll be over to see you soon. Thanks, dear friend!
“Diabetes” ~ Heeheehee! Thanks for the fun post.
Love the funnies today, especially Garfield!
Hey girl this post made me laugh. Thanks for that. Home Free, good sounds. I really like that photo at the end. Have a great weekend.
I’m happy to share some giggles and I’m glad I tickled your funny bone.
Loved all the funnies, and we certainly need them! Garfield always makes me laugh.
Garfield is a great!
Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! Your answer to #3 is perfectly clever, and it made my day. Happy weekend!
I’m glad you appreciated my silliness.
Indeed we do need more LOVE and a hell of a lot less Hate!
Amen to that, brother! Oh wait…was I suppose to say Awomen? Now isn’t that the silliest thing you ever heard? roll eyes
That first comic must be Gary looks like his work and he is brilliant! I love the Friday fill ins and that kid is right..diabetes would hit. Have a great weekend and enjoy the happy moments.
The Disney on Ice is by Scott Hillburn. I always laugh when I see something witty a kid scribbles in for an answer. I always think, “Why wasn’t I that clever?” lol
Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers, especially #1, so sweet. I am glad your fall wasn’t as bad as it could have been.
The Disney on Ice is funny and so is your # 3 answer. Have a nice weekend. XO
I still shutter when I think about that fall. It was terrifying to see my face heading straight for the steps. God’s angels helped to shift me so the impact wasn’t so terrible. God is so good!
Good fill-ins- especially #4…..and your funnies made me laugh! Take care!
Thanks for joining me for some Friday Sillies and fill-ins, Kathe. I’m glad the cartoons made you laugh. We all need more of that, don’t we?
I have to admit…I must live under a rock, I’d not heard Home Free before, I love their harmony, I’m off to listen to more. And we live the funnies today! Purrfectly hilarious!
Have a Happy Day!
There are a lot of bands that I do not know, so don’t be hard on yourself. I’m glad you enjoyed them and I appreciate your visit. Have a good day!
Not surprised they won the battle of the bands. They deserved the win.
Love your fill-ins and especially #4. We are on the same page as usual.
I love Garfield. Cats are so…so snarky.
The lake is beautiful. Wow.
Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.
Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Love and hugs, Cathy. ♥
Home Free did deserve to win. They are awesome and they harmonize so beautifully. Those Garfield cartoons are great.
We really liked Home Free too and we really, really like those funnies today!