
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Weird Things I Do When I’m Alone to Celebrity Crushes to Other Musings

What do Tuesdays mean to you? For me, it’s my time to random up. Yep, it’s my one day of the week in which I can cut loose to muse about whatever comes to mind planned or not planned.

First thing is first, I have a new PR & Giveaway up. Please check out…. CollageIt PR & Giveaway! Last weeks’ giveaway is A Little Bird Told Me So rubber art stamp set has a week yet to go, and finally Elfishki and the Giant Cake interactive iPad book giveaway ends tonight at 11:59pm with NO ENTRIES. This should be an easy claim for someone. Tweet the word!




I don’t or can’t do weird stunts like photographed above, but just how weird are you? I’m sure I’m weird, but as in being weird while I’m alone. I don’t get much of that “alone time”. With that, it’s really hard for me to say, if I what I do is weird or not. Off the top of my head these weird things come to mind…

  • Talk out loud to myself
  • Answer myself
  • Sing crazy
  • Dance funky
  • Walk around naked in high heels.

The latter one isn’t one I get to do unless I know for fact the house is truly all mine or if DH is the only person expected to return home or is home. 😀



Thinking back…wayback…my first celebrity crush ever I can recall has to be. 


Wasn’t Donny Osmond simply a cutie back in the day? lol

I think I had a crush on Leaf Garrett before his bad boy days. What a shame some celebrities find themselves in, huh?


Once upon a time, I thought it would be sorta kinda cool to have a teeny tattoo. I never followed through with it, and I’m glad I didn’t. I would not be happy today having permanent body art anywhere – visible or not. I think tattoos take away from a person’s beauty. That can be argued by someone who is a tattoo enthusiast, but I’m not here to pick a fight with anyone on this topic I only wanted to state my personal preference.

However, that beings said that I am not a tattoo person. You are probably are wondering what kinda tattoo would I have gotten, if I had gone through with it, right? Well, it would’ve been something like this…



  • It’s trash day
  • DS finds turtle in driveway
  • DS brings turtle indoors to show me
  • Ahs & O’s on my part
  • Turtle wee-weed on carpet
  • DS swears
  • Turtle removed from house

Now, lets skip hop over to some of my random bloggy buds for a little hook up time with Stacy Uncorked!

Take a few minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee as you do your morning reading over their musings. While you’re at it, consider joining in on the fun – create your own post and link up! Have a terrific Tuesday!

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6 thoughts on “Weird Things I Do When I’m Alone to Celebrity Crushes to Other Musings

  1. Holy cow! Sometimes I wish I could be that flexible… but not to drink my coffee. 😉

    Celebrity crushes from ‘way back’ – Starsky from Starsky and Hutch, and Tom Selleck… 🙂

    Are you going to like me a little less if I tell you I have 3 tattoos? You can’t see them unless I show them to you (except the one on the inside of one ankle which is a deer head holding a rose in its mouth since I’ve collected deer items since I was 7). Will it make you feel better that I was in my late 30’s before I got my first one? 😉

    That whole turtle story cracked me up!! 🙂

    Summer Heat, Christmas in June, Misspelled Fun, and 20 Mules

  2. I’ve always wanted a tattoo. All four of the lovelies have them. My problem is that I’m a big ‘ol chicken. I don’t like pain. I remember crushing on Donnie myself.

  3. Oh if I drank coffee, I’m CONFIDENT I could drink my coffee just like that. HA! That’s crazy!
    I’m a dancer. I dance and sing when I’m getting ready. My husband and child are just used to it now.

    Thanks for linking up!

  4. You and I are so made from the same mold, cut from the same cloth. Love to sing when I’m alone and dance around while I clean. And Donnie Osmond? Well, YES! My first heart throb and the love of my life until I met hubby. Still get a little thrill when I see Donnie sing on TV. Have an awesome Tuesday my dear.

  5. I would like a tat. but I want something on my ankle like a bracelet or a daisey chain.
    I loved Donnie, David, and Shaun Cassidy… I think my dad had a boy crush on Shaun Cassidy!!!

    And I do all those thing when I alone at home but my cat comes and scolds for doing it. He’s either opposed to my singing, dancing, or nekkedness.

  6. Ok, I like my coffee…you know I LOVE my coffee – but even I am not that enthusiastic about it! LOL

    my first celebrity crush was Shaun Cassidy. between the Da Do Run Run and The Hardy Boys; well, it was pretty hard core.

    uh oh…I have a tattoo. but it’s very patriotic, nothing scary! and well hidden 😉

    I use to have 2 pet turtles. you would not believe the antics a pair of turtles can get up to when set free from the tank to torment 2 cats! LOL
    thanks for chatting!

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