
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Wednesday’s Lineup: Chats & Hodgepodge


Who has had enough of this summer heat? Ugh, I hate it! I’m like soooo ready for autumn to get here. Isn’t it such a shame to wish away our seasons like this? sigh

Thankfully, we live in modern times with many wonderful conveniences such as air conditioning. I don’t know how many of us made it through our youth without such pleasures, do you? Despite what the temperatures will do outside today, I’m going to keep cool inside while I join some of my favorite blog friends. Let’s hop over to Patrice’s for Chats on the farmhouse porch




  1. Do you exercise? Yes. I’ve been routinely working out since the 80s when the big aerobic movement hit. Now, I simply exercise in the comfort and convenience of my home. I try to bicycle for at least 2-hours Monday-Friday. Sometimes, I’ll exercise on the weekends. My motto is pretty much, we have only one life…one body, make the most of it while you can!
  2. What’s your favorite type of party or get together? I don’t like big gatherings. I get totally weird out when I’m surrounded by too many people, even if it’s family. I prefer intimate gatherings, immediate family or another couple over large social gatherings any day!
  3. What’s your favorite kind of melon? This is easy, watermelon! Yum, I could eat a whole one in a day I think sometimes. lol
  4. Do you ever go to a farmers’ market? Not regularly, but I have in the past. It’s really a nice place to go for local produce.
  5. Would you prefer a series of day trips, or a week’s vacation? Day trips we take often and we all enjoy doing this, but I would love to take a week…maybe two for a nice long get-away vacation. I’ve yearned to go back to Maine. To be more precise, Acadia National Park on Bar Island.

We can’t let hump-day slip by without visiting Joyce From This Side of the Pond

1. How often do you check the weather? How do you check the weather? I don’t usually check the weather on a daily basis unless DH asks, but if we have something planned then I double-check the conditions.

2. Since this is volume 84 of the Wednesday Hodgepodge, and since I got married in 1984, and since I’m attending a wedding this weekend it only seems right to post something related here.
“Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance. If the dispositions of the parties are ever so well-known to each other or ever so similar beforehand, it does not advance their felicity in the least. They always continue to grow sufficiently unlike afterwards to have their share of vexation; and it is better to know as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life.”
Agree or Disagree. Why? I think I would have to disagree. First I think it’s a good idea to know as much about the person you intend to marry up front – good or bad. I’d like to think, if the person you’re involved with demonstrated bad qualities then you would jump ship before the union. That certainly would seem the wisest decision. At the same time, I know people who seem so perfect for one another and totally happily in-love fall away from one another. Happiness in marriage, I’m convinced, isn’t something by chance. It may seem like it but you have to continually work at it. It’s kinda like a delicate piece of equipment which requires tender loving for day-to-day maintenance.
3. Do you like to dance? Have you ever taken dance lessons? I like dancing, but am not a dancer. I think this is why I like DWTS so much. I have not taken any dance lessons, but I would love to! Maybe one day, DH & I can do this. I think it would be so much fun!
4. Fresh from the oven peach pie or home made peach ice cream? Pick one. I love pie, but it’s summer so I’m more incline to picking the peach ice cream. I love ice cream!
5. Should people accept unfairness and learn to make the best of it? I think it depends on the case. Sometimes unfairness can be challenged and other times it can’t. At those times, then I’d have to say you just have to make the best of things by accepting the fact life dishes out unfairness sometimes.
6. The top five all time summer movie blockbusters (released between May and August and grossing at least 100 million dollars) are-Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Star Wars (the original), Ghostbusters, and ET. Which one’s your favorite? These are some really good ones, most I would consider to be amongst my top picks, too. I would have to pick either Raiders or Ghostbusters as my top choice, though. I remember buying Raiders on VHS for almost $30. Ouch, right? We won’t even pay that now for a blu-ray.
7. If given the chance, would you like to visit the moon? I’ve always been intrigued with going to the moon. I guess, if I weren’t such a chicken at flying then I would jump at the chance.
8. Insert your own random thought here. I’m focusing on keeping my calorie intake at 1200. From everything I’ve seen, I have my caloric intake correct for losing 2-pounds per/week. That’s not happening, though. Recently, I decided there is a chance I’m doing something wrong when I estimate my own calories. What is your take on per-portioned foods for dieting? I’ve eaten SmartOnes for all three meals for a week now. It certainly is a ton easier to keep my daily log of foods and know precisely my calorie total for the day. The real test will come this Sunday when I do my weekly weight in. I think I will learn a lot with this short-run experiment. What have you found works best for you to lose weight effectively? I know it seems I’m a bit obsessed with this topic and maybe I am. I know at some point in my life, I’m not going to be able to exercise like a maniac. So, I have to figure out a life time change that works well for me where my eating habits are concernedd.


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5 thoughts on “Wednesday’s Lineup: Chats & Hodgepodge

  1. You have the right attitude towards exercise. I agree that small parties are more fun. Yay, watermelon. While day trips are fun, I can totally understand wanting a bigger vacation. Have a great week!

  2. We still have some vhs tapes and I think a player too but it jams. Wasn’t that always the case with the VHS. I hope we can all just stick with the DVD now. I don’t want to fork over the money to update the movie library again!

  3. Our answers are so much alike. I totally agree about being around too many people. I can talk one on one just fine….and if it’s talking about the Lord, I’m okay with that….but I don’t do well in big crowds!!! And, who doesn’t like watermelon!!! 😉

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