Thanks Joyce for hosting the first edition of Wednesday Hodgepodge.
in 2012! I’m looking forward to enjoying another year with my friends in Blogville. It’s funny how I’ve grown to love blogging. Who knew just how much fun this sort of thing is until you get it going? Do you wanna know how I answered Joyce’s get-to-know-me/you questions? If so, then stick around!
1. What are three words you would use to describe your 2011? It’s now history. Oh! That’s not what you meant. Hmmm, I know you want something really profound, as I reflect upon the past year with my sincerest heartfelt thoughts, but at this wee hour in the morning everything escapes my noggin. If I can wake up enough….where’s my coffee? look around desk Oh yeah, I haven’t made it yet. I guess, I shall have to leave this one up in the air for now.
2. Do you like shrimp? What’s your favorite way to have it prepared? In regards to food, there is little I do not like. I love a wide variety of foods as so as it’s not too weird. My favorite way to have shrimp is either sautéed or grilled, but I won’t turn down batter-dipped & fried shrimp.
3. Is your house de-Christmased? If so when did you tackle that job? If not, when will the decorations come down? Absolutely not! I do plan to begin this sad job today, though. I shall begin dismantling our tree – removing the ornaments and lights. If time allows, I will break it down to put it away.
4. Do you like to watch scary movies? I like certain kinds of scary movies, like suspense thrillers NOT gory flicks.
5. ice skating~sledding~skiing~snowboarding~of the four listed which wintertime activity do you most enjoy? When I was a kid, we loved sledding. I would say if I had to pick one among this group today I’d choose sledding. I believe with this activity I stand a better percentage of walking away with fewer injuries.
6. Did you have a childhood hideout? Describe it. Growing up in the hills of southern of West Virginia it was easy to have a number of hideouts, but two come to mind almost instantly. My best friend’s house had enough crawl space beneath the floor where small fries such as us, kids, could completely stand up. Exploring dusty, cobweb-laced, mouse infested, dark, and musky places appealed to me then, but now you couldn’t pay me enough to snoop around dingy, scary, uninviting spots. Another place we loved and turned into our clubhouse was an old hen coup in the woods. I wonder how we survived childhood. Do you ever wonder the same thing about yourself?
7. What’s a place or space that motivates you? Just about anywhere I can find quiet time because that’s when I get ideas and motivations. Usually, this occurs while I’m in the shower but that’s one of the worst places because I can’t write my thought down before losing it.
8. Insert your own random thought here. Last week, I was MIA in Blogville. Did you miss me? Probably not, but that’s okay. I spent it with my DH. He had some days he had to use or loose. This worked well with the holidays padding the week a bit. It made a great way to round out the old year. Let me recap some of the stuff we did. We watched a lot of Netflix movies. Each evening, after returning home from our “I have nothing real important to do messing around town, other than to simply have some goof-off fun” then we’d gathered in the soft Christmas ambiance of our living room to snuggle on the sofa. It was warm, welcoming, relaxation.
When we weren’t watching movies, we were busy playing Real Racing either on our iPhone or iPod. Santa aka Mom & Dad got DS an iPod. He was nearly hysterical when he discovered this little extra treat since we opened our gifts early. It was priceless to see his reaction and to sense his appreciation. God has been so good to us. What’s Real Racing? It’s a cool app DH downloaded. It normally costs $10, but it was on sale for 99 cents. That was too good of a deal to pass up with the fabulous reviews it has gotten. We are all totally hooked on this game!
By the time the weekend ushered in, we decided to stay home. We knew the stores would be swamped and we never go out for New Year’s celebrations. We prefer the cozy comfort of our home doing our own little thing – watched two movies (Cowboys & Aliens and Dante’s Peak) and had Stephano’s Chicago Style pizza (we had to pick this up while running errands since they do not deliver. It was worth the special stop), snacking on holiday goodies, watching the ball drop in Time Square, toasting to the New Year with non-alcoholic sparkling apple cider, & then to bed. Okay, we played Real Racing for hours, too.
We had our first snow on Monday night. The interstate appeared to be okay from the Traffic Cams, but our street and the major artery leading to the interstate was icy. DH took yesterday off, another blessed day to spend chillaxing with him. Speaking of weather, our temperatures are forecast to be cool through tomorrow, then by Friday things will warm up to the upper 50s. We have such strange winters!
Hump-days aren’t complete without visiting my friend, Patrice at Everyday Ruralty. Farm life is an interesting life, I would say, but not for me. lol The closest I got to farm life was doing a little gardening with my grandparents and gathering eggs. I have a lot of admiration for people who earn their keep as farmers. In fact, we commented on our way home Christmas morning how farmers can’t take holidays off because something is always dependant on them – livestock need to be fed, cows milked, gardens watered, and more Why not hug a farmer or farmer’s wife today?
Here’s what we’re chatting about on Patrice’s farmhouse porch today.
What’s your favorite kind of tree?
I like all trees, but evergreens are my favorite simply because they are green year round. I love seeing the color in winter’s gray.
How did you celebrate the New Year?
Isn’t this interesting? I mentioned in part what we did for New Year’s eve in #8 of Joyce meme. Why not jump above to read this?
Do you have any family traditions for the New Year?
We do nearly the same thing every year and have for many years. I guess ever since the children were born. We don’t like going to parties. That’s just not our style. A quiet cozy celebration is by far the best party we enjoy, not to mention it’s a lot safer.
I’m so glad I was able to lose several pounds in 2011.
Did you have a nickname as a child?
I was called, “Caffey” by classmates because I couldn’t say my name. I also remember being called “Four Eyes” in the 4th grade, after I got my first pair of glasses. That didn’t stick, though. Another nickname I remember being given was “Purple Girl”.My best childhood friend occasionally sends me an email using “Caffey” in the salutation. lol
I hope you’re off to a good start for the New Year!
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Sounds like you had a warm and cozy holiday at home. Sometimes a stay-cation is just great. My Christmas stuff is all put away for next year, well for the end of the year!!! Still confused…
My daughter and I were just talking about how as a kid I walked about 8 blocks to school. There was always a group of us but my mom never seemed to worry about whether we got there or not. Times have changed sadly.
Your week around Christmas sounds so nice…I will miss sitting by the light of the tree.
Your hideout reminds me of being a kid and crawling through the culvert (big pipe going across and underneath the driveway) at my granny’s house. We used to love crawling in there and hearing cars go across it!
We missed you last week, but I knew that some folks would be busy. I think spending time with DH is a good kind of busy! I wonder how many kids have been called “four eyes”? It’s not exactly original, but probably better than some of the things one would hear today.
I like your card. Homemade things are the best!!!
So funny how our perspectives change as adults (your hideout)!
Nice that you had such a relaxing time with your family. Times to be treasured I’m sure.
Happy 2012!
Your holiday sounds like the kind I like. Run around a little during the day and then spend the evening at home doing whatever along with relaxing.
It sounds like your holiday wasa lot of fun. I love it when the whole family finds something that we all love to play together.
We love shrimp too! Having access to fresh shrimp year ’round is one great thing about living on the SC coast. Your time with the husband sounds just marvelous! How lucky to have that time together! I’m still working on taking down the Christmas decorations. I agree that it’s a sad task indeed.
Evergreens are wonderful! It’s hard to pick- but weeping willows are my favorite and all others come in at number 2. LOL