
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Waiting for the sunrise

Often times I’ll snap photographs with my iPhone with the intention of sharing later but then later never happens. Last week I mentioned since I’m not using my big girl camera much that I’d pull photos from my archives, so why not include my smartphone, too?

mid-November 2019

I love the silhouette trees and shrubs facing the south with the Smoky mountains barely visible just below the cloud line! We hope with our next home purchase we’re able to get a place with a similar view. Sometimes, while waiting on the sunrise…

it never comes just like this a few days later. Well…the sun did rise but the thick early morning fog shrouded the sky. All I could see was the glow behind the veil. It’s still a stunning sight!

Frequently, I like monkeying around with my images using my photo-editing software Pixelmator Pro to add a filter. The program calls this a Rosy effect.

The weather brings interesting changes within days apart as seen above, even as little as 24 hours as I pointed out in my mid-month BoTB last November.   

That wraps things. I’ll be back tomorrow with another art contribution for Thursday Art Date with Rain weekly prompt, leaps and bounds.  Thanks for joining me.  I’m gonna “Wait for the Sunrise” (Richard Marx) to see how this day shapes up but the forecast isn’t the greatest.

X💋X💋, Cathy

Please read: Aces are wild birthing the idea of my new mid-week hop WILD WEDNESDAYS (#WildWednesdays) and all personal bloggers are invited to promote yourself. Share your photos, artwork, music, musings, randomness, or more because we want to connect with you. Warning… please NO CRUDE CONTENT and spammers will be DELETED without prejudice. Thank you! 

This linky list is now closed.

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37 thoughts on “Waiting for the sunrise

  1. I think the pictures are Stunning! We’re waiting for the sunrise too AND for the Sun😸Pawkisses for a Happy Thursday🐾😽💞 We forgot to post our linky, CK, but scheduled it now 😀

    1. Binky,

      Thanks for stopping in for a peek at my photos. I’ll get your post linked up with mine. No worries. It’s always nice having you by for a visit, little furriend!

    1. Linda,

      I’ll have to go by YT to listen to Les Paul & Mary Ford. I’m listening to it now. I haven’t heard this version, either. The TV show aired before I was born, so I guess that’s why I don’t remember it. Thanks for passing on the artists you remember, though. One can’t learn enough about music. 🙂

  2. Beautiful photos, Cathy! 💖 The songs are a nice complement, as well. 🙂 Thanks for hosting this link party. I’m running way behind this week and will catch up with your previous posts asap. Happy #WW!

    1. Debbie,

      I’ve been running behind all week. I have too many irons in the fire and I really don’t see that changing until May. I put a lot on myself but I like the challenge to see what I’m able to accomplish. I’m crazy like that sometimes. 🙂 Thanks for joining in the fun today!

    1. Liz,

      Generally fog does add a sense of eeriness especially when the light is low. I thought the sun’s glow made it more interesting than eerie.

  3. Those photos are gorgeous! Not to advertise another blog hop, but I will. I hope you intend to link with Skywatch Friday again this Friday.

    1. Alana,

      I won’t be linking up with SWF this week, since it’s DH’s off Friday. You’re welcome to advertise another blog hop anytime, my dear. In the past I used to participate regularly but haven’t done so in the last few years. I am trying to change that, though. Thanks for stopping by today, dearie!

  4. What beautiful photos and music…eye and ear candy today.
    Thank you for stopping by and reading our saga. There was so much I left out in my tale.
    Like the best behaved of the 4 adults was the son who had some obvious mental health challenges.
    We were surprised all the mess didn’t set him off but I guess he is accustomed to the drama. We didn’t want to add to the drama by saying something. Good idea about looking for the most private table which at this place would have been hard since the dining area was so small.
    Hugs cecilia

    1. Cecilia,

      Some people have no class or good judgement. Saying nothing to those folks is the best thing. You never know how some will retaliate which I hate to saying given their crass behavior at the restaurant that it wouldn’t play out well. Thanks for stopping by for a visit. Have a good evening!

  5. Beautiful images! Could be paintings on a wall! And I like how you filter the colors. I am a fan of effects and I play a lot changing the shapes and colors! 😀
    Thank you for the linking. First time here! And yes, I love also the music!
    Wishing you beautiful days ahead!
    Happy WW!

    1. Suzana,

      Thanks for dropping by for a visit. If you like music then you ought to hit the Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me dance floor with me. 😉 Have an awesome day!

  6. This song with Eric Clapton, Rings and George et al is fun to listen to. I love all 3 pictures of the same scene because it shows how moody it can be from the colourful sky to the misty dreamy look of the 2nd and 3rd photo.

  7. Someday I’m going to have to visit this beauty. Wow.

    Love the videos. Music makes the world go around.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs. ♥

  8. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Wild (and Almost Wordless) Wednesday, dear friend! I’m up at 4 am this morning and guzzling black coffee. That pickin’ by Carl Perkins & Friends on “Waiting For The Sunrise” is clean as country water, just what I needed to get my eyes open for the day. One of my earliest childhood memories is listening to the hit version of the song entitled “The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise” recorded by Les Paul & Mary Ford, a platter my parents bought in 1951. I never heard the other sunrise song you posted – “Wait For The Sunrise” – by Richard Marx, a track from his 1989 album Repeat Offender. I enjoyed it. RIchard was big on the MTV station where I worked at the time. We ran his videos for “Don’t Mean Nothing,” “Should’ve Known Better,” “Endless Summer Nights,” “Hold On to the Nights,” “Satisfied” and “Right Here Waiting.”

    I appreciate your eye for photography as much as your artwork, Cathy. The first picture is breathtaking with its mix of red, pink, purple, blue and yellow sky colors and silhouetted black trees and shrubs in the foreground. It looks like a fine art watercolor painting. I also like the second image with the same scene shrouded in fog and the rosy haze effect used to create the third sky portrait.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Well…imagine my surprise to see this post come up earlier than expected? lol I thought it was scheduled for 6am but I guess I failed to change it. At least you benefited from the goof at such an early hour before you get super busy with your new house guest. Thank you for your generous words. It makes me happy knowing that you like these morning sky views from last November, as well as the accompanying mewsic. I also appreciate you pointing other songs the artist has recorded or the song’s backstory as with the second track. Generally it’s the song title that peaks my interest, but it’s the sound of the track that usually causes me to incorporate the arrangement into my content. I can’t follow the lyrics as close as I once did and I rarely find time to research the songs so I do enjoy gleaning from your knowledge. So an extra thanks for teaching me new things about mewsic. 🙂 It’s time for me to get my morning brew going so my eyes will open a little wider and make my brain a little sharper. Have a good day, dear friend!

  9. Where is the <3 button sweetheart? :)))

    Such incredible shots and music that is balm to my soul.

    And I didn’t know you live by the Smokey Mountains. 🙂

    Have a fantastic rest of the week ahead!

    1. Natasha,

      We are about 45 minutes from the Smoky Mountain park entrance but we can see them from our front porch most of the time, some days are better than others. We didn’t know 40 years ago just how important this view would be to us. I have to admit, I’m a bit confused about the <3 button you’re referring to, please elaborate! Thanks for stopping by and I’m sorry the linking wasn’t open. As I mentioned to Tom, I forgot to change the publish time and it push through earlier than expected. I’ll go ahead with linking you up to the party, though. Now, I’m off to make my rounds!

      1. Love button, not the like button. Lol!!!

        🙂 Hope you are doing good girlfriend. 🙂

        1. Natasha,

          I don’t think I ever had a ‘love’ button on my blog posts. This did get me curious. I checked on a plugin that might offer this feature but haven’t found one yet. If it’s out there then I will find it and perhaps I’ll even add it to my site. 🙂

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