
27-03-2025 Vol 19


Howdy, Hi!  April has nearly vanished and this is the last week of the A-Z Challenge.  If you’re looking to boogie with me on the 4M dance floor, you’ll find find my tunes spinning earlier this morning, here.  Wait, don’t rush off just yet why not take a peek at today’s Looney Tunes illustration.  V is for Villain, right?  I’ve sketched a few already like Marvin the Martian, Nasty Canasta, and Taz  so this leaves me with Witch Hazel. 

Villain, Witch Hazel pencil sketch

The pudgy, green-skinned Witch Hazel ears a plain blue dress and has skinny-twig legs and wears crumpled witches hat.  She has wild black hair and when she zoom off hairpins fly and spin in mid-air from her witchy-locks.  Witch Hazel appeared on the Looney Tunes scene in 1954 in Bewitched Bunny, retells of the Hansel and Gretel fable. Bugs foils the witches plans to eat the children but when she finds out Bugs is a rabbit she changes her menu to include rabbit stew.  I won’t spoil the rest of it for you.  This is one I saw as a kid.  If you missed it or just want to see it again, watch the cartoon now.

I think I vaguely remember Bugs and Hazel facing off one last time in 1959 A Witch’s Tangled Hare, a Macbeth parody, if only in segments.  I couldn’t find the entire cartoon but did find a clip.


Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your day.  Please leave a direct link for today’s post in comments to ensure others can find an easy way back to you.  I’m heading over to the A2Z headquarters to see who’s joined the party now.  I hope to see you again tomorrow for the next letter in the alphabet in my Looney Tunes Art Sketch series! X💋X💋 Cathy


Pixelmator Pro Chroma purple & green effect

Alphabetical Looney Tunes Art Sketch series quick links:

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14 thoughts on “Villain

  1. I love Witch Hazel and her bobby pins flying everywhere. I actually did a card with her as the star..enter witch’s cackle. I love where she becomes beautiful and the genie in the mirror sees her and chases after her. You did a great job on Witch Hazel and her cauldron. I love that you put in the cartoons. You know, I know I saw the Macbeth one but I hardly recall it. I have to see these again.

  2. I don’t remember Witch Hazel, or a Bugs Bunny version of Hansel and Gretl, so it surprises me that she dates from the years of my early childhood. You did a nice job on Witch Hazel’s portrait, too.

  3. Oh these are such great cartoons. I remember her and she never could win no matter how hard she tried. No we’re not all witches inside. Love the sketch. You rock Cathy and I’ve so enjoyed your A2Z Challenge.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Love and hugs. ♥

  4. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy V-day, dear friend – the second one of the year! 🙂 The pack is rounding the final turn and heading into the home stretch, every A to Z-er mounting a furious charge for the finish line.

    Today’s sketch, showing villain Witch Hazel cooking her bewitching brew, is probably my favorite of the whole month. First of all, her face looks exactly like a witch Halloween mask I owned as a boy. I wore it on trick-or-treat night, and my parents once played a trick on their party guests by having my brother put the mask on. They placed him in bed under the covers in a dimly lit bedroom, brought party goers to the room to have a look at him, and told them he was another party guest who had taken ill and needed to lie down for a while. That gag actually fooled several people. Secondly, as a child, I was stricken with rheumatic fever. For years, every night at bedtime, my dad rubbed my sore legs with Witch Hazel to ease the pain and help me get to sleep. That drawing is one you simply must bring back In Living Color so that we can see Hazel’s creepy green skin and blue dress. I got a kick out of the Bewitched Bunny cartoon. It reminds me that in elementary school I had a part in the school play, a production of Hansel & Gretel. My dad took pictures from the audience and I recently shared them with several of my old classmates. They were surprised and delighted to see those rare old pictures of themselves on stage. In both cartoon clips you posted, Witch Hazel seems more like a jolly, nurturing granny than an evil villain. She reminds me of some of the old ladies actress Betty White has played in her career.

    Thanks for the smiles and giggles to go along with the band beats in your other post. Have a wonderful day, dear friend Cathy. I’ll be back tamale on W-day!

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