
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Victory songs #BOTB showdown

Hello Kittens and dawgs! I’m feeling pretty good with the way things went down in last week’s presidential election. I can tell you a huge weight is lifted off my shoulders, too.

In today’s BoTB edition, I’m going to throw two different victory songs at you and ask you to pick the one that best describes how you feel.



Ok, here’s the drill. Voting is open to everyone visiting. There is NO wrong vote, except if you DON’T vote. You can start by telling me in comments which artist you like best and why (optional).

Who gets your vote, the theme song from Rocky, Gonna Fly Now by Bill Conti or the theme song from Chariots of Fire by Vangelis?

The fun continues with more epic battles underway and I invite you to visit the official manager of BoTB, Stephen for the update list of players.

Thanks for stopping by and you’re invited to join me tomorrow for Not-so Wordless Wednesday.

Have a songtastic day!






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18 thoughts on “Victory songs #BOTB showdown

  1. I am so not a Rocky fan and this music piece, which is iconic, just feels to In your face for me…always has. I love Vangelis and I do like this song quite a bit so they get my vote

  2. Oh, my, this is hard…I love the Chariots of Fire theme – and that scene. But I’m a deplorable American, who patted the bum of the Rocky statue in Philly….ROCKY GETS MY VOTE.

    Nice battle, Cathy!

    1. Cherdo, you barely squeezed your vote in this round. lol I think I missed out on yours, though. 🙁 Life is just crazy for me lately but did you hear the good mews? DH got a job! He hasn’t started yet but hopefully within a week or two he will. It’s an hourly position with the possibility of a permanent status if the workload improves. We’re just grateful that he’s getting his foot in at a good company. Thanks for stopping by, my friend!

  3. I’m choosing COF, though I love both of these songs. This election has felt like a long race. A very long race. And even when Trump was winning all of the talking heads on TV were saying he was losing. And I wondered, “Are we watching the same race? Am I the crazy one here?” After the debates with Clinton they all gave her the win. Were we watching the same debates?

    In the final days of the campaign Trump changed his itinerary to include some Democratic strongholds. The media laughed out one side of their face but gave him kudos for TRYING. No one could process winning when they saw it. I think because deep down all media (Inc Fox News) is part of the swamp needing a drain, and the swamp couldn’t believe their candidate would lose. Yes, Clinton was also Fox News favorite to win. I thought Megyn Kelly was going to cry when Trump won. Not as distraught as the folks over at MSNBC, but not happy.

    This guy ran through fire for our country. I pray for him every day. Chariots of Fire seems so appropriate given what he’s been through to get here.

    1. Robin, I agree Trump did run through fire for our country. I didn’t think about this until how fitting COF regarding Trump’s continuous plight with nearly everyone other than the everyday man and woman. I got your vote recorded.

  4. I’m going to go with Chariots of Fire. I just like the song better.
    Great battle idea with the victory songs! Very clever. Well played!

    Michele at Angels Bark

  5. Vangelis has a great song here. I’ve listened to it many a times. But I find it hard to compete against the Rocky Theme Song. It’s an inspiring song and makes me want to get out and do something; run a flight of steps, run a 5K, do some boxing. It’s motiving second only to Survivor’s Eye of the Tiger.

    1. John, I’m not a boxing fan but the Rocky movies are very popular and the theme music is iconic. You might be the first person I know who doesn’t like the theme song. lol I have your vote recorded for “Chariots of Fire” and so far you’re the Lonewolf in this showdown with your vote but it’s still early, right? I’m heading your way now.

  6. Gonna Fly Now is the ultimate victory song for me. Chariots of Fire seems to have a bittersweet twinge to the victory. My vote is for Rocky!


  7. CAThy ~
    I really dig the concept of this BOTB. Nice ‘n’ clever! I don’t even need to listen to the recordings as I am very familiar with both. In fact, I own the soundtrack to the first ‘ROCKY’ movie — which in my opinion is the ONLY one really worth watching. I LOVE the original, but I’ll pass on the 364 sequels.

    Due to the outcome of the presidential election, I’m flying now, too!

    Vote: ‘GONNA FLY NOW’
    (It’s just too stirring and uplifting to get knocked out by synthesizers. Ha!)

    Very neat idea, CAThy!
    I’m really looking forward to my 12/1 Battle, because I’ve got a “TWISTED BOTB” concept planned for that one. Being December, it’ll have a Christian theme and twist to it.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    ‘Loyal American Underground’

    1. D’plorable-Stephen! I knew you’d appreciate this BoTB and I’m feeling ever bit as ecstatic as you. Gonna Fly Now is probably my choice song, too. Thanks for weighing in this round and I’m looking forward to your twisted Christian edition on Dec. 1st. 🙂

    1. Lee, COF is a song to just sit back to savor but it stirs a sense of “I did it”, too. But, the theme song of Rocky is definitely a knockout of a song. Thanks for voting. I have you done for “Gonna Fly Now”. 😉

  8. I’m a huge fan of the Rocky series and have all the movies. That was an easy choice, for me. Rocky all the way! 🙂 My selection has nothing to do with politics, though, just the music.

    1. Debbie, a victory is a victory regardless of what you’re celebrating. I’ve only seen Rocky in bits & pieces. I think it’s available on Netflix. I’m gonna have to watch this sometime but boxing movies just don’t do it for me, but the music is awesome, though. Gotcha recorded for Rocky!

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