
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Unexpected Mewsic Twists

Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus

Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me on Sunday!

The weekend has not been all fun. Back in May DH had oral surgery (tooth extraction) and prep for an implant. This past Friday, our dentist put the post in place which meant more dental surgery.  Not at all fun for him and a restricted diet through the weekend and for the next several days.  He’ll be a happy boy to get this all behind him.  He’s doing better but still beat from the procedure.  A word of a warning to anyone, especially youngsters who often do not understand the importance of oral hygiene, reading please take good care of your teeth or you might have the same problems later in life.

Alrighty enough about that, are you ready to dance?  This week’s theme is your choice song picks. and I found an interesting, unexpected mewsic twist with my mewsic selections today.   

🎶  This is a mewsic linky party, all other posts are subjected for removal or labeled – NO MUSIC! 🎶

On behalf of the 4M crew, we’re so happy you joined our party today.

[tweetthis]Hit the #MondaysMusicMovesMe dance floor with me! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

ATTENTION!!! Would you like to be next month’s honorary co-host? If so, then leave a comment or send your request by email!


Until we meet on the dance floor (theme: Musical Acrostics! In honor of the birthday of Charles E. Hires (1851-1937), the first commercial brewer of root beer, build a playlist in which the first letters of the songs spell out ROOT BEER) next time, have a boogietastic week!























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49 thoughts on “Unexpected Mewsic Twists

  1. Aww… Came by hoping you’d have an announcement about rejoining BOTB soon, but… alas… no.

    Although I am decidedly no fan of Ozzie, Black Sabbath, or the song ‘Iron Man’, I will say that it sounded better on harps than it ever did in the heavy hands of Ozzie Osbourne and his group ‘Black Sundown-Friday-To-Sundown-Saturday’. That’s the actual “Sabbath”. A lot of people think it’s Sunday. Somehow, I get a feeling that a band called ‘Black Sundown-Friday-To-Sundown-Saturday’ would have had trouble gaining an audience and a record deal.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Stephen,

      I plan to return to BoTB Sept. 15th. I’ll try to swing by your place to vote before the weekend is over. Thanks for popping over to check on me, my friend!

  2. I was such a hard rock fan in the 80’s….back then we called Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and Judas Priest hard rock, but I guess they are more heavy metal. I can’t get that Iron Man tune out of my head lol! 🙂

  3. Aww…those little bears are so double cute, CK, I hope they shine a little light in DH’s healthiness of the toothies. Black Sabbath is fantastic and these girls did a great job on their music. Great choise as we do like harp music😸 Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead I’m looking for the stars now 😉 🐾😽💞

  4. Wow, first of all prayers for your hubby that he feels better really soon. Mouth pain is a total bummer!!! HUGS Now these harp players are awesome. My mother-in-law use to play the harp too and the flute besides piano. Dang!!! This is awesome and I’m sure they put all this together themselves. Thanks for sharing Cat! It’s awesome!

    1. Marie,

      Thank you for the prayers. DH is doing better. Oral surgery makes you tired just like any other procedure. You just don’t think about it unless you’ve experienced it or someone you know. Thankfully, the pain is very little to none right now. He gets his stitches out next week and the restricted diet will be lifted by then I think. WOW, your MIL is a talented woman. Does she not play any mewsical instruments now? I guess Dave gets his love for mewsic from her, huh? Thanks for boogieing with me dear friend. Have a great week! 😉

      1. Baby girl, You’ve come to the right place… been there done that with regards to DH! If there’s a spot that hurts and you don’t do whiskey or painkillers you’ll never guess what I found that works just like whiskey. I’m not kiddin’ either! MOUTHWASH! Truly take a sip and hold it where the pain is. Now aren’t you glad we’re buds? ~hehehehe~ YOUR WELCOME DH…. GET BETTER!

        1. Marie, it seems I used Listerine when I had toothaches as a child but DH’’s pain is from the surgery and he’s limited to a particular oral rinse kit. I appreciate the tip and reminder, though. I am very glad we are friends! 😘

        2. AMEN… only other thing is orajel. So I’m workin’ on my blog. YAY FOR ME! ~hehehe~ I’m trying to get the Music link updated on my sidebar. I copied from you again (you did say I could right?), and I thought I had it all done and POOF! It wasn’t there when I pasted it to my blog…. back to the drawing board. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr darn computer.

        3. Marie,

          Sometimes copying and pasting from one site to another doesn’t work properly. You may have to type it from scratch to your side menu. And, yes it’s fine if you do copy and paste from my 4M Mewsic Prompt page, dearie! 😉

    1. Patrick,

      Failed root canals and fillings are bound to happen when one has had so much dental work. Thankfully, we have a great dentist who’s taking good care of us both more so DH these days it seems. Thanks for sharing the dance floor with me, my friend.

  5. Sending healing purrz to DH. TW’s mother was scared of dentists so believe it or not TW never went to the dentist until she was 23. She had 7 extractions and some other work done at the time. Only a few root canals since than which she’s thankful for. That certainly was a musical twist. I got all ready to listen to some metal and—surprise—no metal. I clicked on “Creep” first since since we like Radiohead and was like “what the hay?” You set me up today, my friend. I just hope TW doesn’t start singing along.

    1. CK,

      I understand about being super scared of dentists. I had lots of trouble with them as a kid. They weren’t so nice to children in those early days. No time for patience or soothing fears. In my teen years, I reluctantly went with my nails dug deep in the dental chair with every visit. Does TW’s mother still have fears of seeing a dentist? I hope not. Although my playlist wasn’t what you were expecting, I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. Did TW break out in song? 🙂 Making a joyful sound is the way the soul expresses happiness, so it’s good TW likes singing. I often break out in song, too. I know I wouldn’t make it on American Idol or The Voice but that’s alright. There’s no pretending with this gal. I know my limitations and okay with it. 😉 Thanks for stopping by to boogie with me, my little furriend!

    1. Robin,

      Yep, it’s not an idea of a good time for sure. 🙂 I’m delighted you enjoyed my playlist. Thanks for sharing the dance floor with me.

  6. Over the past decade or so, I have had three implants and all have worked out fine. Praying DH will recover well. I have to say, this will be the most unique playlist that I will see for sure and I enjoyed the trip into all new-to-me music. Thanks for sharing your choices. Have a blessed week.

    1. Driller,

      This is DH’s 4th implant. Actually, I 5th considering the one he got last year failed. It’s just a time-consuming, painful process as you know and one that we can’t wait to have far, far behind us. It seems one of the culprits causing tooth loss is root canals. The roots will eventually break and the only thing left to do is extract the tooth. I think I only have one root canal to worry with but I hope it never breaks! 🙂 Thanks for your prayers. I am glad you joined me on the dance floor with my different than normal playset. I like shaking things up a bit sometimes and it’s a nice change to do.

  7. Ahh yes, I totally understand bad teeth. Since my body does not produce collagen, my teeth suck! I have a bad phobia to boot which meant I didn’t go to the dentist for years until my one side of my face blew up. This was back in 1993 and I ended up in the dentist chair that whole summer. I have been not too bad since then but now I need 3 root canals, a few cavities to be dealt with and a tooth extraction. The problem is my work coverage is done for the year so I have to wait….I would tell anyone to go to the dentist no matter what and get another dentist if the one you have is horrible.

    1. Birgit,

      Oh wow, you’ve really had the dental nightmares to deal with, haven’t you? It’s horrible when you’re so afraid until you have no other recourse but to do it. DH probably will wait to get the crown put on his newest implant next year so dental will pay on it since we’re now tapped out for the year but we’ll probably go ahead with getting the replacement implant crown now. The reason for the implants is his roots cracked (root canals) so when that happens all they can do is extract the tooth. You either loss the tooth completely, get a bridge, or implant. Going to the dentist isn’t my favorite place to be but I’ve grown out of my fear of sitting in the dental chair plus it helps that our dentist is really nice, too. 🙂

    1. Ramona,

      DH’s is improving. I think he’ll be okay. He’s kinda used to this now after five implant procedures altogether. Thanks for boogieing by to join me on the dance floor. Have a songsational week!

  8. I was so distracted by the two girls with harps playing in that gorgeous, gorgeous estate museum (it’s not usually open to the public, alas) that I almost didn’t listen to the rest of the playlist! (so steampunk, the jewelry the musicians wore was perfect.) But: other favs here were the Skillet cover (I like what I’ve heard of them) and and the woman who did “Enter Sandman” on the bagpipes. I even got my husband (who has had a dental implant, and it worked out OK) up here to listen to a couple of these. He loved that harp video, too.

    1. Alana,

      I’m delighted you enjoyed my playlist. It’s a nice twist. Ahh, so your hubby has experience with dental implants, too. It seems to be a very common thing these days. I hope DH doesn’t have to worry about this anymore. Thanks for dancing with me, my friend!

  9. Poor DH! I can understand his pain as I spent many hours in a dental chair. I hope all goes well for him.Wowza! Great mewsic. Cathy!

    1. Eugenia,

      I hope things go well, too. Last year, he had a third implant but then noticed something wrong about the time the other one side was acting up and that’s when he learned the 3rd implant failed due to not all the infection being out. Some bacteria continues to grow even after the skin is healed and no oxygen. That’s one concern I have for the newest one because he had to take antibiotics for the infection. I hope there is none at all left behind. The dentist said it looked good, so let’s hope it really is! Thanks for stopping by to enjoy my mewsic selection this week, dearie.

  10. Awww on your Awww Monday pick. So cute.

    Love the harps. They are good.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a beartastic Awww Monday and week, my friend. Sending love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      Thanks for joining me for this splurge of high energy strings on the dance floor! I’ll be hopping over to see you soon, my furriend. 😉

  11. Whoa, Black Sabbath is quite the flashback for the Dad. Speaking of the Dad, he is going through the dental implant process too so he feels for DH.

    1. Brian,

      I’m glad the Dad enjoyed the mental trek in time with the Black Sabbath string cover. I enjoy making these discoveries and sharing them with my furriends. Best of luck to the Dad on his upcoming dental implant procedure. Tell him to be sure to take pain medication regularly even when he thinks he doesn’t need it. OTC stuff worked well for DH. He only took a prescribed pain med the first night and that was it. Thanks for dropping by to enjoy the tunes!

  12. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy 4M Monday on Sunday, dear friend! How have you been? I’m sorry DH is sidelined again. Dental surgery and a restricted diet are not my idea of a good time. I wish him well as he recovers in the days ahead.

    Your Unexpected Mewsic Twists theme lives up to its name and delivers the goods, dear friend. What a wonderful idea! I am always excited to discover new mewsic acts and listen to creative covers of old favorites.

    I can’t believe I never heard of The Harp Twins – Camille and Kennerly Kitt – identical twins who play electric and acoustic harp. The twins have released six cover albums and more than 100 singles. They are also actresses and have appeared in nine films! I enjoyed their 2 Girls 3 Harps cover of Black Sabbath’s heavy metal classic “Iron Man.”

    I am even more astounded by The Goddesses of Bagpipes” – Chelsea Joy: Dame of Drones, Archy Jay: The Snake Charmer and Jane Espie: The Phantom Piper. Together they form a Celtic Rock band that is described on their Facebook page as “Three badass female bagpipers from three different continents collaborate in this eclectic trio,” and this description on the act’s website: “Three bad-ass female bagpipers from three corners of the world unite to perform rock music on their unique instruments.” According to CDbaby,their Shipping Up To Boston/Enter Sandman album release is a medley of Dropkick Murphys and Metallica anthems. The album’s liner notes state: “Three female bagpipe goddesses from not just three different countries, but three different continents, join forces to create breathtaking Celtic bagpipe rock.” Their sound is otherworldly and their video is slickly produced. My eyes rolled back into my head and I experienced ecstasy when the track reached the 2:45 mark and “Enter Sandman” began. This is as exciting as it gets!

    I was also blown away by cellist Ghislaine Valdivia and The Symphonic Orchestra from Chancay, Perú, performing the great Led Zeppelin song “Kashmir” at last year’s Epic Symphonic Rock show in Lima. It brought tears to my eyes!

    Of course I am delighted that you were inspired to include those thrilling Russian GlamRock musicians Silenzium who cover everything from rock to Bach, and in this case Kiss. On their Facebook page they describe themselves as” a classical string trio with the addition of electronic sound and a drum set, which breaks all the stereotypes about a traditional sound of a string band.”

    The excitement continues with Skillet, the Memphis based Christian metal rock band, and their 2006 single “Whispers in the Dark,” “the most played song in 2008 for Christian rock radio” and popular on mainstream radio as well. It also brought me joy to watch and listen to the beautiful young classically trained musicians of Thalia Strings, an acoustic string quartet with members from the U.S. and Canada. I thoroughly enjoyed their covers of “Creep,” originally recorded in 1992 by Radiohead, and “Carry On Wayward Son,” the 1976/77 hit by Kansas.

    The awesome mewsic continues Apocalyptica, the Finnish symphonic metal band from Helsinki, covering “Fade To Black, the 1984 heavy metal power ballad by Metallica. Next comes a violin/guitar duet act from Poland called Fusion aka “The Dirge” – Joanna Jusianiec and Daniel Wróbe – with wonderful covers of “Don’t Cry” by Guns N’ Roses and “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana.

    It does my heart good to see and hear all these talented young musicians from around the world performing these imaginative covers of classic rock recordings. They are all amazing. This post was time well spent and I thank you for thinking outside the box, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I knew you’d love these mewsical talents with their covers of some well known heavy rock classics. I loved reading all the tidbits you shared. Your comments are like a mini-course in mewsic history of past and present artists. Thanks for joining me on the dance floor. You rock, my friend!

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