
29-03-2025 Vol 19

TV Series Theme Mewsic

Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! Another weekend bites the dust. We had a mix of clouds and sun with cooler temperatures. It was a nice change. Although, I can do without any more rain and wind. These elements play havoc with my allergies. It’s time to lace up your dance shoes and hit the dance floor with my choice of TV Series Theme Mewsic!

Damages (5 season series) is a drama starring Glenn Close as a cut throat attorney who will do just about anything to win. The episodes always open with a snippet of the season ending moving forward until the season finale. This is a must see, if you haven’t already!


From Dusk till Dawn (2 seasons available) is a spin-off of Quentin Tarantino (Did you know Q was born in Knoxville, TN?) cult horror flick. Casting well-matched actors from the big screen production to the series. Excellent job! Season three is still in production, I think, and I can’t wait to see its return on Netflix.


Vegas (2012) is based on the Mob’s growing presence in the city in the 60 starring Dennis Quaid. Sadly, the show ran for only one season in which Quaid portrays  a cattle farmer enlisted by Vegas’ mayor, a long time friend and ex-military bud, to solve the murder of the  governor’s niece with the promise of keeping the airplanes from flying over his land which spook the herds sending them in all directions. Quaid uses the help of his son and brother to track down leads to get the case closed quickly. This was an excellent show. I wish someone would pick it up.

Have you watched these programs? Do they interest you? What TV series do you like/liked? Finally, what mewsic are you listening to? I’d love to know what songs are moving you, so please feel free to tell me in comments. ?

This is a quick & painless way for others to find good tunes in Blogosphere by joining my no strings attached music hop, just add your music post URL below and wha-lah… instant traffic directed to your site. Clever, eh? I thought so.

Have a tunetastic week!

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24 thoughts on “TV Series Theme Mewsic

  1. Searching thru my Pocket and found this…

    Mary and I watched “Vegas,” and really liked it. I’m sorry it didn’t do well enough that the program planners at CBS would keep it on.

  2. I have not seen these programs. First time to hear the music. There is nothing here that is really up my alley, but I did enjoy giving them a listen.

  3. Greetings Cathy. I really enjoyed your selection of music today! Especially Dawn of the Dead soundtrack! And thank you for that intro to Vegas. I’ve never seen it, and the cast is really terrific!


  4. I have not seen these TV shows – we don’t always get them in Canada without paying for a special channel; like HBO. But I did see the Dusk to Dawn movies and loved them. Good campy fun. I like the Vegas theme – very stylish. Very much Vegas.

    Of course whenever I hear The Walking Dead theme, I will come running because that is the song of my people. That show just has great music all around. Same with X Files them when it returned and it’s my cell ring tone. I think one of my all time favourite TV theme songs would have to be MASH. There was just something about that tune. It just matched the show perfectly.

    1. Les, We don’t have HBO. If a movie or TV series isn’t on broadcast television, then we stream everything through Netflix, Amazon Prime, and on occasion will buy outright from iTunes. We are big fans of The Walking Dead series, too. I can’t wait to see season six! Is that currently being aired? Did you watch the new Xfiles season that aired this winter? I hope this is a sign that they are bringing it back. They did a super good job, I though. MASH was fabulous 70s programming. The comedy totally off the chart funny! Great, great stuff!

    1. Yolanda, thanks for the link to the flash fiction blog hop. I will bookmark it and try to figure away to work it into my schedule. 😉

    1. Liz, I’m generally slow to warm to different kind of movies or TV series, but when I do I’m like I can’t believe I didn’t start watching this sooner. 🙂

  5. Me too! I was a big Vegas fan… and the reruns too. I loved that show… the guy that plays on that show married “Fergie” what a cute couple those two are!!! They’re gonna make beautiful babies one day!!! ~hehehe~ Have a rockin’ week my friend! hugs

    1. Marie, you had me a bit stumped with who married Fergie, so I asked Google and I got Josh Duhamel. He played in the TV series Las Vegas (2003-2008). I may have to check into this program, but anywho the show I’m referring to is just called Vegas from 2012 and it ran only for one year. Oh well, I do appreciate you coming by to dance with me. Have a good evening, dearie!

  6. I was sorry to see Vegas cancelled. The music fit very well and gets my vote. Although, I also liked the show Damages and it’s theme music. Great battle!

  7. Nice listen although we don’t get the TV series here and the From Dusk Till Dawn one isn’t available to view from here, I ain’t had much luck haha!

    Have a tanfastic Monday Cathy 🙂

    1. Steve thanks for popping over for listen. We are currently watching a TV series that’s set in London, Torchwood, which is interesting. The English accent is a bit to follow at times. Yeah, I know what accent? That’s what I say when someone says, “I just love your southern accent!” lol I’m sure in time this series will make its way across the pond. From Dusk Till Dawn TV series is good, if you like that sort of thing. We enjoyed the first movie and started watching the second one last night. I’m not sure how I like it yet. Anywho, thanks for sharing the dance floor with me and have a tunetastic week!

  8. I remember reading that Tarantino was from Knoxville in an article that had mentioned the reference to Maryville in the film Inglorious Basterds. He didn’t stay long though. He left at about the time I moved there and he would have been a small child.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee, I think in his IMDb bio it says he moved to LA with his mom when was four after divorcing his father. I wonder with so little time spent here and his movie references to Knoxville if he has family in the area still.

  9. Hi, Cathy!

    You selected some high power TV series theme mewsic for us! I added Damages to my watch list a month ago and Mrs. Shady and I intend to begin watching the lawyer show as soon as we work our way through the remaining episodes of The Good Wife on Hulu. I especially enjoyed listening to the From Dusk Till Dawn theme mewsic. It doesn’t pull any punches. I didn’t even know that there is a Netflix series based on the cult movie. I’m gonna bookmark that show, too. Mrs. Shady is crazy about Michael Chicklis (The Commish, The Shield, No Ordinary Family, Fantastic Four, American Horror Story: Freak Show). Strange as it seems, we never watched him in Vegas. That’s another great piece of theme mewsic, however.

    Mrs. Shady and I are excited about the Marvel series Jessica Jones starring Krysten Ritter who co-starred in the short lived sitcom Don’t Trust the B—- in Apt. 23. We are also enjoying the related series Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Daredevil, The Flash and Arrow along with the sensational series Prison Break which ran from 2005 to 2009, American Horror Story (all avail. seasons on Netflix), two British series – Last Tango in Halifax and Happy Valley – and Fargo, based on the hit movie.

    Thank you very much, dear friend Cathy, and have a terrific week!

    1. Tom, I’m you like this morning’s mewsic selections. From Dusk Till Dawn TV series follows the first movie pretty close with a few exceptions like keeping characters killed in the flick around for the series. I like the change, too. Netflix has all three of the movies. We watched the first one after watching the TV series current 2 seasons and I’m eager to watch the rest of trilogy. I found The Good Wife on Amazon Prime and added it to our Watch List. I’ve seen this airing on TV, but never watched it. I believe we also have Jessica Jones sitting in our watch que. You named some good programs, many of which we hope to watch or have watched. Thanks for sharing. Have a good day!

    1. So glad you came by to listen and maybe do a little seat boogie, Patrick. Have a good day and thanks for making time to hop over for a visit.

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