Angela from Mommy Time Out and I would like to welcome you to Wayback Wednesdays! Last week’s WW post, I brought back a little nostalgia from something that’s nearly all but forgotten – drive-in movie speakers. If you didn’t get a chance to take a peak, then click here. Today, I thought I’d share with this with you….
Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth… Okay, not that long ago, but a few years back this was common in many homes. My folks didn’t own one. I guess it cost too for them. Just look at it! It looks like a nice piece of furniture, doesn’t it? My in-laws still have one kinda like it in their living room. Cool, right? This is what my parents had or very much like it.
A portable record player with built-in speakers. Groovy, huh? When I was about 7-years old I wanted my own. My parents decided to combine my birthday & Christmas present (what a ripoff, right?) with one similar that looked like this little suitcase style kiddie player.
I loved it! I remember playing my very favorite song on it, Puff the Magic Dragon.
Now, that I’ve gone way back on Wayback Wednesday. What’s taking you way back? To join this blog hop you don’t have to follow a bunch of rules. It’s simple! Just link up your blog, twitter, or Facebook below (only one please).
Leave a comment letting us know You are now our newest follower and we’ll pop over to your lovely blog. I’m looking forward to sharing memories with you!
Wait, don’t go yet! I’m heading over to Patrice’s. Why not join me!
Chat on the Farmhouse Porch #48 weekly Questions:
- What’s your favorite day of the week? Why? It’s either Thursday or Friday depending on the week, as that will be the last day for my DH, then I’ll either get a 2 or 3 day weekend of togetherness time with him. Yay!
- Do you have a blog? Please tell us the name of it and how long you’ve had it. Yep, it’s Cathy Kennedy’s Blog and I’ve blogged for 2-years now. I think I’m getting the hang of things at last or it feels like I am.
- What’s the last book you read? If you’re not a reader, please tell us about the last movie you saw. We saw Eight on the Lam with Bob Hope this past Saturday night on Netflix. This was one of Hope’s later movies, and I believe I may recall having watched it when I was kid cause I remember seeing him and Phyllis Diller together. They were great together.
- Do you ever doodle with a pen or pencil while something else is going on? I did that a lot when I was in school, which may explain why I wasn’t a high honors student. I was lucky if I pulled Bs & Cs. I think I was a wee bit ADHD before we knew what it was and I got my bottom whacked a few times for having it, too. That soon cured me of my disorder without medication.
- Tell me about your bathroom towels. What color are they? Do they all match? I am not color coördinated here by design. I like lots of colors, so I don’t want everything to be the same or looks like it belongs together, you know? I guess this rules out being featured in Better Homes & Garden, huh?
Mid-week wouldn’t be the same if I didn’t get to visit From This Side of the Pond.
This week, Joyce is asking….
- What do the words ‘freedom’ and ‘liberty’ mean to you? Does your mind go more in the direction of not being persecuted or discriminated against or does it head in the direction of doing what you please? Freedom & liberty is all of those things to me. That’s why so many people love America and hate America, too. For those who seek personal liberty to enjoy life as he/she pleases then America is their refuge and those who stand against such things despise America for all she represents. I say God bless America, let freedom roll!
2. Nathan’s sponsors a hot dog eating contest every 4th of July. Last year over 40,000 people attended the event and almost 2 million watched it on TV. The winner ate over 60 hot dogs and buns in 10 minutes. How do you like your hot dogs? 60 hot dogs is a bit much. My limit is only one and I like my hot dogs topped with chili, onions, & cole slaw.
3. If you were going to enter an eating contest what would be on the menu? Ice Cream!
4. Do you run your house more as a dictatorship or a democracy? It depends on who’s asking. I’m sure the kids would swear to it, I was a dictator. Nah, I’m just kidding! They’d agree things were more like a democracy around here.
5. Where was your favorite summer place when you were a kid? For a two or three summers, I would spend about a week with my uncle Neal and his wife, Sharon. They didn’t have any kids at the time, so I got treated special. Sharon would make sure to have some of my favorite foods, like Chef Boyardee Spaghetti with meatballs. I loved that stuff! Neal & Sharon lived near or maybe it was actually in a state park, so there was a swimming pool a couple of miles from their house which we could walk to every day. That was the best!
6. Do you have a guest room? Would you want to stay there?Unfortunately, we do not have a guest room. Maybe, in our next house…my dream house, we’ll have a lovely guest room that anyone would love to stay in!
7. Next Wednesday America celebrates her independence. Do you have any special plans for the 4th of July? If you live outside the USA when and how does your country celebrate its own patriotic holiday? It’s hard to really get into doing too much during the middle of the week. We will watch some of the patriotic programs like a Capital 4th in Washington, DC or the production put on by the Boston Pops, as well, we’ll catch our local aired program celebration from downtown. The KSO performs every year at the World’s Fair park. Basically, there’s this big picnic going on at the fair ground all day long, then as the evening rolls around the KSO plays for the crowd, then around 10 the fireworks begin. It’s really nice for a city our size.
8. Insert your own random thought here. My DH concluded his dental treatment yesterday. He got his permanent crown for his implant. It’s wonderful to have this all behind us at last. The long haul is finally over. Yay!!!!
This week has been rather up in the air with my blogging. I’ve just been off-key from the start. Monday, DH stayed home. I love spending an extra day with him. Yesterday, I spent doing Monday’s blog hopping and I didn’t get to do Tuesday’s hops at all. I don’t like the idea of skipping over this kind of fun completely. Today, I decided to play catch up on a big scale. That being said, I pulled my mid-week memes and yesterday’s blog hops into one grand-daddy size post. Allow me to introduce you to my routine Tuesday morning connections.

Why not consider taking a few minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee with my bloggy friends. You’ll enjoy some random reflections, considerations, or brooding among the warm, inviting company of these gals. Maybe, next the rest of the week I can get myself together, but don’t go holding your breath!
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OMG! I loved my little record player! It’s so funny how much things have changed. I still think that some things would sound better played on one of those archaic turntables!
Thanks for linking up with us!
I was browsing from since morning in search of music notes in that search sudden i got your post its really nice and interesting also.
Famous TV Shows
we have two guest rooms and in the summer, living on the beach, they are usually filled
I didn’t realize you were a co-host! I love this stuff. I had to listen to Puff a couple of times. It almost makes me cry at the end. My Mom use to have a stereo like that, and I had a record player like that red & white one… I mean no I didn’t… Okay, yeah I did. Showing my age here guys! hahaha but let me tell you when my dad and mom left for the store to go buy a stereo Dad kept swearing up & down I’m only spending $500 that doesn’t mean $500 and a penny only $500.00 period. So they left and they came home & mom was all smiles and Dad was grumbling. What’s the matter Dad? Grumble Grumble Grumble I only said 500. Well, how much did you spend I said. heheheehehe He grumbled a bit more that I didn’t understand and then started yelling, “I SPENT $1,500.00, and when it came he made sure he invited our neighborhood gossiper so she could tell the whole dam neighborhood what a good husband that he bought his wife such an expensive new toy! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA HE was just too too funny! Ya, gotta admit though my Dad was cool, and Mom played her Glen Miller, and show hits on it… oh and of course Doris Day all day long!
Wow, that’s awesome, I had nearly forgotten about these old records! I used to have one in my room when I was a teenager, I think I still have the old records hiding somewhere in the garage
Thanks for being a new ‘Linky Friend’ it’s great to meet new friends.
My Great Aunt had one of those really nice radios with the record player in her living room, I remember seeing it when I was a kid. I had the portable record player when I was in grade school, I listened to my Disney records with the book to match at night.
Oh, the Fourth of July, it is always a mixed bag for us, sometimes we travel and sometimes we do nothing. This year we are thinking of going to the ‘big’ firework display on the Third!
My kids would swear I was the dictator of the home LOL
Have a great day
I love record players, I have a huge record collection that I need to sort out sometime soon! Thanks for the hop
Great to see we have doodling in common.
I loved Puff the Magic Dragon! That’s a great button you made for McGuffy! You are so sweet to do both hers, and mine! Yay, Thursdays:)
I wish I still had a record player! Aside from the music, I think album covers is a lost art form. Some of them are so cool, some so weird, and some just really unique. I miss the scratchy sounds of an old 45 some days.
Cool shots of record players. My husband just helped our oldest make one out of cardboard. He had the needle and the record could spin. There were wooden gears that he put on the bottom. He won 2nd place in the Science Fair at school with it. He didn’t bother telling us. He’s in Kindergarten. Then we were looking at his papers from school from the last day, we ran into the certificate.
I love old things. We have a collection of arrowheads in shadow boxes hanging in our hallway.
Wow, I’m impressed! I bet your husband & son had a good time constructing the cardboard turntable. It’s hard for kids today to know what a “record” is since they are born into the world of CDs. I wonder what our kids’ kids will have for music media? Thanks for linking up with Wayback Wednesdays. I hope you’re repeat hopper!
My inlaws sometimes go to the Fair site for the fireworks. Wednesday is a little odd for a party but we’re celebrating anyway. I’ll be with both sisters and my brother. I don’t think we’ve had a July 4th together since we were kids!