
17-03-2025 Vol 19

Tuesday Talk Time ~ No longer Google+ user to Movie/TV series Reviews


Yawn…boy am I tired! I didn’t sleep too well last night because of an achy neck and shoulders. I have a bundle of overly sensitive nerves along the top of back near my neck that gets triggered sometimes. It’s not unbearable, but it’s not a whole lot of fun, either. Anywho enough whining, right?

Update since writing this post, the paragraph spoke of the various social connections I was a member of and changes made for one reason or another but have stopped using nearly all social media sites for those wondering

Other than doing a few change-ups on my blog, DH and I got to watch Thor: The Dark World recently.  In this sequel, we find the universe is in turmoil…again and it’s up to Thor to make sure the world and the Nine Realms from Asgard’s arch-nemesis, Malekith aren’t destroyed. Will Thor be able to return order to the cosmos before everything getting sucked into blackness? I can’t tell you this.You will have to find out for yourself. I enjoyed this movie a good deal, not as much as the first flick, but what piqued my curiosity more than anything is the cleverly and totally unexpected ending. I am anxious to see where this will go and it seems from Internet rumors that there may be a third flick. The time frame for its release? That I don’t know. However, if you’re a Marvel fan, then you won’t be disappointed with Thor: The Dark World!

Netflix aired House of Cards Season 2 on Valentine’s Day. The intrigue of the new series sucked me instantly but it was in the last few minutes of the episode that totally did it for me. It shocked me how it left me wanting to see the next episode which we quickly did. It’s safe to say this new season is ever bit as good as the first. Do you remember how everyone said, JR Ewing is a man you love to hate? Well, Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey) is the new character you just love to hate! His ruthlessness has landed him in the Vice-President’s seat this season and you aren’t going to want to miss a second of what’s up his underhanded sleeve!

Now, grab a cup of coffee and join me as I visit my lovelies!

Les from Time Out For Mom prompts us to answer the following question…

When I woke up this morning I thought…

Do I really want to blog? I simply don’t know what’s wrong me, but I’m in a bit of a crabby mood. The only thing that keeps me going with blogging is THIS is my social outlet. ARRRGH!

Patrice’s Chats on the farmhouse porch questions this week are:
Everyday Ruralty

  1. Have you been watching the Olympics? A little, but my heart just doesn’t seem to be in the spirit of the winter games this go around. 🙁
  2. Does the grey winter affect your moods? Generally no, but there are days I think yes it does and maybe that’s why I am in a crabby mood today.
  3. When was the last time you held a baby? 19-years ago. Whew, that’s been a long time!
  4. Do you do a thorough spring cleaning each year? I do have a period of spring cleaning, but it seems to last all spring through fall. I like doing the deep cleaning at least 2x a year, which makes my cleaning period last several months. Oh well…that’s okay. I prefer doing all the heavy cleaning during the warmer months, instead the cooler months anytime.
  5. Please tell Wendell a bedtime story. He asked. I said I’d ask you.If you don’t feel that creative, tell him a favorite book you think he might like. please:) I’ll be happy to tell Wendell a story. In fact, this story is one that I wrote for my children. Here’s a taste of itIndian summer gave way in the Appalachian Mountains with the colors of autumn blanketing the East Tennessee hillside. Two sisters, Brittany and Nicole, were spending the weekend with their grandparents. On the first evening of their stay, Great-Grandma Sarah had come for a visit. By the warmth of a cozy fire in the living room, Brittany and Nicole listened closely to Great-Grandma’s true story about a face-to-face meeting with a panther named, Ole Green Eyes, and how she and younger sister, Ella, barely escaped a terrible fate. The weekend’s promise of fun with their grandparents included cookie baking, apple picking, and romping through the leaves. However, when the two sisters venture into the woods and find a large paw print in the soft dirt, they suddenly recall Great-Grandma’s story and warnings about wild animals in the woods from their Papaw. As the late afternoon sunlight begins to fade, the woods darken quickly and things soon get a little scary. If you would like a copy of my book, The Tale of Ole Green Eyes, I still have a few available that I can autograph to send to you if you’d like to see what happens in Brittany and Nicole’s great adventure!
Stacy Uncorked is taking a blogging hiatus. You may recall, she and her family moved back to her home state of Washington last summer. For the past several months, they have lived in Stacy’s parents’ basement. So, when they finally settled on a new home recently, then it thrilled them to begin the last leg of their journey. Stacy promises me to return to Blogosphere in March. All of her loyal friends, including myself are looking forward to seeing her soon. Until then, I continue doing what I always do… visit my other buds!Have a terrific Tuesday!




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7 thoughts on “Tuesday Talk Time ~ No longer Google+ user to Movie/TV series Reviews

  1. I think that it would be wonderful to be able to sit with my any of my great-grandmothers to hear their stories. My blog, PS Annie! is named after my daddy’s paternal grandmother. He called her “Big Mama”. She wasn’t really big, though. She was little like the rest of my grandmas. 🙂

    Have a great weekend!

  2. I did not sleep well last night either and believe it or not, for the same reason!
    Anyway, it is ok to be crabby on occasion. Have a good evening.

    btw-I think if you have GFC, you are still on G+…they are connected.

  3. We all do get crabby sometimes, especially when tired.

    I hope to watch the Thor movie soon, so I didn’t read that part 🙂 The kids can’t wait. We might have to watch all together…that would take a long holiday 🙂

  4. I definitely think this long cold snowy winter is taking its toll this month! I am tired and restless too. The crabby hasn’t set in yet, but up here I still have 2 months to go, so I gotta pace myself. ha

    Thor 2 was our Valentines movie too! Oh and that ending!!! I just knew it…. I told hubby at one point that I thought that would be how it would end (being a Marvel comic reader, I had a bit of an advantage) and he said No Way! boy was he shocked! Now… I wonder if any of this will play into the Avengers sequel they just started production on??? If only I could spy on them over in South Africa where they are filming!!
    Love that story — I know that ending too 🙂

  5. We all get crabby sometimes…its just one of those things. I usually get like that if Im not sleeping well…but I just kick myself in the but ( trying not to fall over)
    What a great story…loved it..and Im sure Wendell will too
    Have a wonderful week
    Phoebe x

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