
26-03-2025 Vol 19

Tuesday Talk Time: How tos


Good morning, my lovelies! It’s been a VERY long time since I did a TTT post. Yeah, life gets crazy sometimes, but the main reason I have not kept up with my routine Tuesday posts is I had too much on my plate. What’s changed? Nothing. I still have too much going one, but I hope to get back into things regularly soon.

DH subscribed me to a neat newsletter called, iPhone Life Magazine. I receive daily tips and tricks on how to use my iPhone. A pop up (if you have pop-ups blocked on your computer, you’ll need to turn that off) will appear on your screen shortly after you land on the homepage, asking if you would like to subscribe to their newsletter. However, for those of you who prefer to get tips and tricks directly on your iDevice, then you can get the free app through iTunes.

That being said, I thought it would be fun from time-to-time to share with you some of these cool tips with you. Who hear hates autocorrect? Personally, I do. This is why so many funny goofs are made. Yeah, we get a good laugh out of some of these, but I never thought about the usefulness of having to enter words that autocorrect doesn’t recognize until this daily tip arrived in my in-box on July 29th.

How to Teach iOS Autocorrect New Words

Autocorrect is awesome at turning your garbled typing into coherent messages, notes, and more.

Except when it’s not.

Here’s how to make the awesomeness of autocorrect work for you:

Override autocorrect’s suggestions by tapping the suggestion bubble that appears above the word autocorrect thinks you have misspelled. autocorrect will then learn your preferred spelling.

Type a space, punctuation, or Enter to accept the suggestion.

If you accidentally accept an autocorrect suggestion, tap delete and retype the last letter of your word and the suggestion will go away. Sometimes autocorrect offers other suggestions. If you accept too many erroneous corrections,autocorrect may start correcting words you don’t want changed. If this happens you can reset autocorrect by going to Settings>General>Reset>Reset Keyboard Dictionary.

image borrowed from iPhone Life Magazine
image borrowed from iPhone Life Magazine

Add to Contacts. If the name of a person or company is in your contacts, autocorrect will no longer try to change the correct spelling of that name and will even catch it if you mistype the name.

Use the Word in the Safari search field. Once you search the word in Safari, autocorrect will learn the correct spelling.

Create a shortcut. Create a new shortcut for the word that autocorrect does not recognize by going to Settings>General>Keyboard>Add New Shortcut. Type the word you want in the Phrase field but leave the Shortcut field blank. Autocorrect will no longer think the word is misspelled. If you commonly misspell a word that autocorrect doesn’t catch, use the misspelling as the shortcut for the correctly spelled word.

What new tricks and tips have you learned?

Have a terrific Tuesday!

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