
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Tuesday Talk Time ~ Highlands, NC

Highlands, North Carolina

I snapped the above photo Saturday. You can learn a little more about the western North Carolina mountain community on this week’s Monday Morning Musings #16 post. For a better viewing experience, click to enlarge photo for your enjoyment.

I am running super late today, so I dispense my chattiness and get right on today’s hops. Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I visit my lovelies!

Les from Time Out For Mom prompts us to answer the following question…

If you really knew me, you would know….

This is an easy one for me. If I knew you? Well…dah, yell, I know you! Like I know that you have this crazy thing for the handsome, bad boy ~ Jeremy Renner. Another thing is I know your iPhone predates my previous iPhone and that’s pretty old, but yet it’s still a darn good camera…I mean phone. lol Also, you love to craft to the point that it gets to be a little obsessive… sometimes. There are groups out there that can help you with this, you know? I know that I should never, ever complain about the cold weather to you because I don’t really know what cold temperatures are like in your neck of the woods. I have discovered that you’re an excellent, excellent mama whose children are the center of her world, that your mother raised you practically single-handed (BTW, she did a fabulous job! You turned out to be a pretty amazing big girl, in my opinion), you’re a fierce sister in Christ, and oh yeah, your husband has handcuffs. I’ll leave that one point along. I have found we share many things in common. For instance… the love of music, photography, and writing. Who ever thought something like blogging would bring people together forming new and wonderful friendships such as ours. 😉

Patrice’s chats on the farmhouse porch questions this week are:

  1. What is your favorite kind of bread? (wheat, white, rye, sourdough, a gluten-free type, etc.) At the moment, I’m really enjoying Arnold’s Country Kitchen whole wheat bread. This is great stuff toasted and it makes fabulous sandwiches. However, when I make biscuits I use Hudson Cream self-rising white flour. It makes excellent home-made biscuits!
  2. Would you go to an opera if someone you know was in it? Maybe…but don’t hold me to it.
  3. What is your favorite kind of citrus fruit? Tangerines or oranges or grapefruit. These are all good and would be difficult for me to settle on just one as my favorite.
  4. Are you doing any home renovations or decorating projects? Nope, but I am getting more serious in finding our dream house. I actually contacted a realtor who is sending me listings of homes/property that fit our cafeterias. I getting a wee bit excited with the hopes of finding something before this year is out. Keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer.
  5. If you could sit in a rocking chair and view a beautiful scene, where would you be and what would you be looking at? Without question, on a porch with a view of the mountains. Our good friends have a cabin in the mountains of western North Carolina. This is their summer home. We try to visit them during their 6-month stay and while they do not have any rockers on their screened in porch it still fantastic to sit there enjoying the warm company against a stupendous backdrop.



Stacy Uncorked is taking a blogging hiatus. You may recall, she and her family moved back to her home state of Washington last summer. For the past several months, they have lived in Stacy’s parents’ basement. She’s thrilled to share they are on their last leg of this journey now that they settled on a new home. Stacy promises me to return to Blogosphere in March. All of her loyal friends, including myself, are looking forward to seeing her soon. Until then, I continue doing what I always do… visit my other buds!

Have a terrific Tuesday!Save


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4 thoughts on “Tuesday Talk Time ~ Highlands, NC

  1. That is a very good photo! I wonder what it looks like with Full spring blooms and hot sun!

    I baked my own break the other day. It was wonderful! Ice cream bread!

    I want to visit an opera.

    I LOVE satsumas. yummy!

    No money for projects 🙂
    I want to be in a home with my mom, drinking tea and looking at the Caribbean Sea.

  2. You are taking some fabulous pictures my friend! Just beautiful scene – I would love that to my eventual retirement view. A cozy cabin on a lake somewhere, with a reliable wood stove for the winter months. Heaven.

    Ha – you know me pretty well my friend! That was so good.
    And you know – I have not even seen Jeremy’s latest movie yet!! He was in American Hustle with Bale and Cooper, but they are very 70’s with the hair and clothes!! LOL Not exactly his usual sexy bad boy form — but I hear he did an amazing job (as usual), so I can’t wait to see it.
    But you forgot Norman Reedus too. 😉
    It’s definitely a Love/Hate thing with the crafts. It’s not in my nature – although I do enjoy being creative – but mostly it’s one of those things I push myself in for the kids sake. And yep – definitely guilty of the over-reach on occasion. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing great pictures, great music, your amazing words of wisdom and support, and always a good laugh too! It’s definitely what makes this blogging gig so special – and fun! <3

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