
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Tuesday Talk Time ~ DIY: Anniversary hand-stamped card

iPhone5s image capture
Last week’s snow storm

The weather is such a contrast this morning versus last week. Instead of snow and bitter cold, it’s just gray and mild. Winter isn’t over thanks to Puxotawny Phil’s forecast, but if conditions stay in the normal range (highs are usually in the upper 40 to mid-50s and with the lows rarely dropping below 35) then I will be a happy camper.

I made a few adjustments with the DIY: Anniversary Hand-stamped card that I wanted to share with you.

This anniversary card is very much like the original one, except I stamped and cut out the chickadees, then used two tiny self-adhesive dots on the backside of the chickadees and attached to the sky background. Also, I used  Color Box copper pigment ink pad to stamp Happy Anniversary and embossed with Zing copper embossing powder. These few changes really make the new anniversary card stand out.

In the second image, I used my stippled brush to create white clouds on the blue card stock, then stamped, colored, and cut out the image and attached the self-adhesive dots to the backside before sticking it directly to the blue card stock. For the final touch, I wrote free hand Saying a prayer… at the bottom.

Time Out For Mom’s prompt for this week is…

Gimme Five.
Reasons for Living that is.
This is simple for me. My five reasons for living are:
  1. for my DH!
  2. for my DD#1!
  3. for my DD#2!
  4. for my DS!
  5. for my God – He  has a purpose for my life, which includes me being here for the other four reasons for living that I mentioned.

Who am I to argue with, to feel pity for, or question God’s plan for my life? If I do not give each day my all to be what He would have me to be or do, then I do not bring Him honor. 

For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope. 
~Jeremiah 29:11(NET)

Everyday RuraltyPatrice’s chats on the farmhouse porch questions this week are:

  1. Do you worry about what other people think? No, not so much these days. I can’t concern myself what someone else thinks, especially those who only see with limited understanding. On the other side of the coin, something for us to ponder on is and we all do it, including myself, how we quietly sit in judgment without understanding everything or we think we are somehow above what that person did (or what we think he/she did). I have since learned to place myself in another person’s shoes. I find I want to give people the benefit of the doubt. It also helps to remove preconceptions I form, which keeps me from judging so harshly or even at all. Who are we to judge another? I am always reminded when I point a finger at another, there is always four pointing back at me.
  2. Do you own a sewing machine? Yes. I have an old Kenmore sewing machine that my parents bought me for a high school graduation present. I have used it several times over the years, but not so much anymore. However, it is nice to have if I need it.

3.Tell us about someone interesting in your life. Please. I don’t know, if this is interesting or not. But…we finally caught that clever elusive mouse. You may recall that I caught a mouse a couple of weeks ago. Read about it here, if you don’t. What’s really about the whole thing is last night I dreamed that I found the mouse caught in a glue trap near the refrigerator. Naturally, I look in that spot first off when I approached the kitchen. However, it wasn’t there. Instead, I found it in a glue trap close to the middle of the kitchen floor securely trapped. How did he get there, you’re wondering. I speculate before he got caught up in the glue that he dragged the trap in hopes of freeing itself.  Planned failed on itself behalf, but finally success on my part. I am certain we are now rodent-free, but I will lay out a replacement trap and continue to watch for activity. Like I said before, when you see one there is always one or two or three of those itsy, bitzy creatures.

  1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Yep, sure did. In fact, you can read about it here.
  • What’s the best dinner you had last week? Hmm, we are still eating leftovers. I always make more food than we need to save for meals at another time. It makes life so much easier. It perplexes me to hear that some people don’t like left-overs. Oh yeah, let me get back to the question….I think the best dinner we had last week may have been Split Pea & Ham soup with cornbread. For the recipe, click here. I want to make a large pot of beef stew next! 🙂


Stacy Uncorked is taking a blogging hiatus. You may recall, she and her family moved back to her home state of Washington last summer. For the past several months, they have lived in Stacy’s parents’ basement. She’s thrilled to report they are entering the last leg of their journey since settling on a new home recently and promises me to return to Blogosphere in March. All of her loyal friends, including myself, are looking forward to seeing her soon. Until then, I continue doing what I always do… visit my other buds! 

Have a terrific Tuesday!







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11 thoughts on “Tuesday Talk Time ~ DIY: Anniversary hand-stamped card

  1. The cards are very pretty. I wish that I could be that creative. I have all sorts of ideas in my head, but can never actually successfully get them to paper.

    Judging is a problem that I’m having…it is directed at people that think it is perfectly fine for them to go around with their “stuff” all hanging out for everyone else’s husbands to see. It makes me angry and makes me have not-so-Christian thoughts. I need to reel it in, but don’t know where to start…don’t know how to get past the anger. They are disrespecting themselves and the rest of us. Any suggestions on how to curb these anger and judgement feelings?

  2. The best reasons for living 🙂 I, too, don’t care so much what people think as I get older. One of the best things about getting older, IMO. Less cares to give stuff like that, which is out of our control anyway.

    Yay for Stacy and her new home! Thanks for the info 🙂

  3. The card is just lovely, and raising the birds makes it even more special. You are very creative!! Fun reading your responses to the Farmhouse Porch questions!

  4. the cards are just beautiful — you are so creative and artistic!
    We got more snow on the weekend — I think my snow banks in my yard have to be about 6 feet now. maybe even more. The kids sled down them.

    Love your Gimme 5 – and you picked the perfect verse for #5. “a future filled with hope” love that verse.

  5. Beautiful card. Well done
    Love your answers…..the poor mouse…lol
    Thank you for sharing
    Phoebe x

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