
25-03-2025 Vol 19

Tuesday Talk Time

I have committed myself to the April A to Z Challenge. This is why the late hook up with this morning’s coffee chat. Chances are very good that you may find my routine daily hops taking a slight set back, as I get into a rhythm, but I will be around to visit….eventually!

It looks like combat mode is paying off, or at least in small portions. You may recall I mentioned last week my strategy to knock off some of this unwanted weight. The low-cal diet and biking are working. My new weigh-in on Sunday morning read 115. That’s 1.5 pounds less than I was the previous week. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but that’s actually good for me.  The fight continues.

In my quest to maintain the best health, I found myself looking for ways to boost my health due to menopause related issues.  At the age of 52, I am not ready to throw in the towel. In my research, I found that a low adrenal gland function can interfere with hormone production. If you want, you can read more about this in my earlier post, here. Not worry, Dr. Cathy is on this and will report back with her successes or lack of success. Only time will tell the tale!

How was your weekend? It was rainy on Saturday, but Sunday was gorgeous. I thought of you when I took this picture.

Blooms of spring with what’s that in the far distance?
Starbucks! Anyone care for a cup of coffee?

Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I visit my lovelies at. Starting first with Les from Time Out For Mom wants to know… Are you a prankster, or just another day?

Who am I going to prank? The house is empty. I am not all that original and if I attempted to trick the only person in the house and it goes sour, then who will that leave me to talk with? No one! sigh I do enough one-sided conversations throughout the day, as it is. I don’t need to extend that into the evening, as well. That’s okay, I have never been big into pulling April Fool’s day pranks. It’s just another day for me. However, I do love hearing about or seeing what other people’s creative, mischievous minds come up with, though.

Patrice’s chats on the farmhouse porch questions this week are:

  1. What’s your favorite method of travel? Car…remember I’m a big scaredy-cat and you won’t catch me traveling by airplane or boat.
  2. If you wear jewelry, are you more likely to wear silver or gold? Gold jewelry looks best against my skin.
  3. How often do you wear sunglasses? Usually, when we are in the car or out for the day. I squint too much without shades protecting my eyes.
  4. Which would be easier for you to leave undone (for a short period), dishes or laundry? Really both can go undone for a short period with only the two of us in the house now.
  5. On a scale of 1-10 (1=hardly any, somewhere in between, 10 = house is full), how much clutter have you collected? 11…oh wait, that’s off the scale. But, so is our clutter! Our slow-pace de-cluttering made only a dent in what we have.

For now, did someone say coffee? Oh yes, that was me. Hee-Hee! It’s time to get another refill of Joe. As luck will have it, my last stop takes us to Starbuck’s home state to visit Stacy Uncorked. She is now back in Blogosphere doing what she does best  ~ random musings on Random Tuesday Thoughts! I’m gonna to join her linky party now. Wanna come with?

Have a terrific Tuesday!



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15 thoughts on “Tuesday Talk Time

  1. 115? My left leg weighs that much! Well, okay, maybe not really, but I have a way long way to go before I get anywhere near 115. Lupus, arthritis, and COPD are adding challenge upon challenge when it comes to weight loss and de-jiggling for me. I am so glad that you are making the progress that you want to make. YAYAY Cathy! I know that you’ll reach your goal on all of the things that you’ve mentioned up there in your post.

    I’m a scaredy cat, too. 🙂

    Have a great week!

  2. I did A-Z last year and finished it but when I was done….I was blogged out. Took me a month to get started and I basically just do memes.

    1. I know blog challenges can leave you exhausted, but I decided to combine my daily memes/posts with it. Hopefully, this will elevate this problem in the end.

  3. Can’t wait to read your challenges! I debated doing the A-Z too, but I got too many other writings backlogged in my journal that I want to get out this month. The story of me doesn’t seem to want to want any longer to be told!
    Gorgeous picture! I cannot wait for the crab apple tree across in the park to bloom. it is so gorgeous and I am close enough that I can smell its scent on the breeze. Can’t wait to photograph it with my big girl camera!
    Congrats on the weight loss! I haven’t been that low in weight since university, and I doubt very much I could get that low again. but I love my 30 day challenge that I have been doing – it is rewarding in that I keep meeting the challenges. So I guess my fitness journey will be the long, slow but sure to get there eventually route.

    And yes, I will always take a refill! 🙂

    1. Weight loss is truly hard, and it’s difficult to maintain your weight goal. Through all of these stumbles, I am learning and the lesson taught is not to let 10 pounds creep back on me ever again! Good luck with your 30-day challenge. At least you’re keeping at it, you’ll be better off in doing it even if you don’t see the scales move.

  4. Grats on your weight loss, that’s some accomplishment. So true what you said about the clutter. For us, it’s a challenge keeping it from building up again LOL. Have a great week.

    1. Thank you! The longer you’re married the more stuff that builds up. We are taking baby steps to busting up the clutter, and it this rate we may see grandkids before it all gets done.

  5. Congrats on the weight loss. I lost 5 pounds while on our last cruise and it is a lot of work to keep it off.

    1. Oh boy, you know it’s hard to keep off! The pounds are super duper easy to put on, aren’t they? Wouldn’t it be nice, if it were the other way around? lol

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