
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Tuesday Talk Time #4

image captured with iPhone4

Whew, was it ever chilly when I got up! The outdoor temperature read 48 degrees just a little after 5am. It’s official, this is the coldest morning we have had yet.

I snapped this gorgeous sunset photo in west Knoxville and the cool Distressed FX phone app turned my picture into a dramatic work of art. Isn’t this amazing? I am so enjoying playing with this fun photo app. My lovely FB friend, Cheryl, is the app designer. Do me a favor in checking this out. It will certainly put a smile on Cheryl’s face and mine, too.

iOS7 featurette #3:

The camera roll now sorts your pictures by day, making it easier than ever to find a particular photo by day, week, month, or at a year glance. Cool!

I am a lucky gal, did you know that? Staples asked me to do a product evaluation on android table and I got to keep it. Cool, huh? You may want read my Review Newz: Google Nexus 7 Tablet. Also, will you be a darlin’ and leave a comment on the review? I will say, thank you now. You’re the best! wink

Speaking of the Google Nexus 7 Tablet, I downloaded Blitz Bejeweled. I hooked! I play it every single day at least a dozen or so times. This is my quick way of giving my brain micro workouts. I have read that playing video games can reduce the effects of aging (Alzheimer’s, Dementia, …) on the brain. While I am young at heart, the rest of me doesn’t always bask in my youthful sense of self  and where my brain comes I won’t leave anything to chance, so it gets its daily exercises, too.

This week promises to be busy, busy, busy! I am giddy with excitement to spend some ‘special’ time with DH very soon. We have wanted to do this since May, but with the health problems I had in the spring forced us to push it off. So, we are very much in need of a vacation stay-cation. It will be super nice to do nothing, but kick our feet up and relax metaphorically speaking. In actuality we will doing anything other than sitting down. Our plans are to be on the go, go, go doing whatever fun stuff that suits our fancy. Meanwhile between now and then I have tons of stuff on my to-do list that needs my attention ASAP

Here is a sample…

Wash our bedding
Add another polar fleece blanket the bed
Help DH change oil
Get ‘steppin’ out on the town’ clothes together
Make New York Style Cheesecake

That all being said, I need to ska-daddle and get some of these to-dos knocked off my list today. Before I go, though I want to participate in Rorybore’s Tuesday Coffee Chat.  Here’s today’s prompt… You have 60 seconds to make a speech to the entire world – what do you say? Think of this as your “Ad Spot” – like a commercial – and your chance to have your say.

Testing. 1-2-3. Is the mic working? This is for the American people. Stop voting idiot politicians into office! Nuff said. Oh yeah, you have a shot at redeeming yourself in the 2016 Elections, if you can’t make the right decisions or if you’re one of the many whose votes were bought, then stay home because you’re ruining this country.  

I outta here for now. If you have time join me as I find sporadic moments today to visit my lovely Tuesday companions with a cup of coffee.

Have a terrific Tuesday!


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