
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Tour the home of Alvin and Grace York in Pall Mall, TN

Welcome Kittens & Dawgs! I’m going through my archived photos.  In 2011, I shared with you that we visited the home of An American hero Sgt. Alvin C. York but I didn’t post any photos.   Perhaps I had intended to but then maybe not. Looking through my not-so-good pictures I figured that was the reason I never publicly displayed them but my thinking has changed. With that in mind, please walk through the home of Alvin and Grace York.

Terrible capture but I wanted to share it anyhow.

Alvin and Grace York were laid to rest not far from their home.

Sgt. Alvin C. York Park and Homeplace is in Pall Mall, Tennessee. The fees are very reasonable – free for kids under 12 and $3 for everyone else to enter. You can tour the grounds for free. According to the site, the house is closed due to restoration.

In this photo series, I used my first digital camera – Canon SD880 point n’ shoot. I modified some of the images with Pixelmator photo editing software applying either a “Sepia” or “B&W” effect to match the mood of the picture.

Come back for another peek through my lens with my newest edition of Skywatch Friday and get in on the Friday social media action. Have a fototastic day.








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18 thoughts on “Tour the home of Alvin and Grace York in Pall Mall, TN

    1. Mike, it was a lovely place to visit despite the gray, cool April day it was when we were there in 2011. I can’t believe it’s been almost 6 years since we visited York’s Home. Thank you for visiting and if you’re looking for my BoTB entry then check Tuesday’s post! Have a good day, my friend!

    1. Kathe, thank you for visiting me for (not-so)Wordless Wednesday. I don’t believe I see you on my linky party, did you forget to link up? You’re welcome to join but don’t feel obligated. 😉 Have a good day, my friend!

  1. It’s been a while since I saw the movie, but I remember something about all he wanted was a house after his military career was over. Beautiful place, simple but elegant in its way, the kind of place I could see him living.

  2. Is the home a preservation or a restoration? Either way, it’s interesting. I saw the movie Sgt. York a long time ago and loved it, and later read a book that said much of the movie was invented.


    1. Janie, their site used “restoration”. I’m sure when we saw the home it was left in its later use by the Yorks. I’m not sure why they’d what take the home back to its original condition. Whatever they do, I’m sure it’ll be wonderful! 🙂

    1. Annie, so glad you enjoyed the tour! I’m sorry for just now seeing your comment. For some reason, WP had it in my SPAM folder. It’s a good thing I noticed it. 🙂

    1. Anytime, Patrick! I’m glad to share this with you and everyone else today. Thanks for stopping in for a peek but I didn’t see you on the linky. I hope you’ll decide to join! Have a good day, my friend!

    1. Sandee, We have several nice historic places near us that aren’t expensive to see and make for nice day trips. I love stuff like this and we had the place to ourselves on this day! The next time we visit, I hope we’re just as lucky. 🙂 Thank you for coming by today!

    1. Steve, the home is very quaint and judging by the setting it appears the York’s lived comfortably for their times. Thanks for stopping by for a visit, my friend!

  3. Never been there, but I’d like to visit someday. I have the DVD of the Gary Cooper film Sgt York and it’s a good one. I’ve liked that film since I first saw it as a small child.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee, It’s a nice piece of history to see. We didn’t tour the General Store that day. I’m not sure why we didn’t. It’s possible it wasn’t open. The mill was closed. Perhaps in the spring, I will check the status of the restorations to see if the house is open to the public and if so then that will make a good day trip. We bought the Sgt. York movie on DVD after visiting and it was nice to see the story behind one of our nation’s heroes. Thanks for stopping by and if you’re looking for my BoTB, I posted that yesterday. Have a good day!

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