
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Top July Commenters

Good-morning, kittens and dawgs! Last month, I didn’t get a chance to say thanks to my readers who made the Top Commenter List, but I won’t repeat that mistake this time.

Thank You strawberry basket kittens

Steve from bethere2day is an English chap who lives across the Atlantic in London. His personal blog is chock full of every day snippets – humor, randomness, rants, and music.  Steve is a great feller who really knows music. I love that he features a mixture of oldies and modern tunes on his site every Monday. Thank you for being so kind to comment here and for promoting my blog posts on Twitter.

Suzanne of McClendon Villa stands strong in her faith and loyal in her marriage to David for 30+ years. She’s a southern gal like me. That makes her pretty special. wink She now lives in the southwest. I first met on her on her other blog, P.S. Annie, and if my memory serves me, it was photography that brought us together. She’s a caring, supportive person and our friendship blossoms every time we connect. Thank you, Suzanne for being so compassionate and prayerful. The Bible tells us there is strength in numbers, so you reinforce God’s word in my life.

Colette of JAmericanSpice is my Jamaican sweetheart and sister-in-Christ. We first met through Monday’s Music Moves Me and I just love her to pieces! Colette is a SAHM mom of two kids. Her little niche in Blogosphere isn’t genre specific, so you expect to find a variety things going on at her place and if you’re looking for a friend then you count on Colette. Thank you for being a soul-sister. Life sometimes puts bad things on our plate, but we know we’re never alone.

Last, but not least to make the short list is Tom aka Mr. Shady, author of Shady Dell Music and Memories. You may recall Tom on my May list and I’m sure it won’t be the last time you see his name pop up. This guy is such a gentleman whose very, very kind. I can learn much from the thoughtfulness and care in his words left here and hopefully I can adopt my comment giving to be more like his. Thank you for sharing a ray of sunshine with your lovely thoughts with each visit. Your sincerity is genuine and warm.  God bless you!

Now, I invite insist, really for you to show some love to these fine, fine bloggers who are my friends. Right now, hop over to their place to leave a few way-to-gos and, if you can share the tweet below. You’re such a peach! ?

[tweetthis]#Thanks @bethere2day, @celticmama36, @JAmericanSpice & Mr. Shady. You rock my Blog world! #topcommenters #congrats[/tweetthis]

Before I go, let me say thank you to everyone who lands on my Home page. The stats tell the tale. Y’all make blogging worth doing and I consider myself blessed to have such a lovely circle of friends near and far away. Let’s continue to build on what we started years or days ago. Ah, yeah don’t forget to join me tomorrow for Not-So-Wordless Wednesday!


BOTB newPS: One more thing, Summer traffic is cutting into Battle of the Bands (BoTB) competitions and I invite you to cast your vote in my latest edition, here. There is no wrong way to vote, except to not vote at all! 😉

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8 thoughts on “Top July Commenters

  1. Hi Cathy,
    I always smile when I see your name.
    You are precious and a dear sister in Christ.
    Thank you for sharing this spotlight with me and those other lovely bloggers. I definitely know Steve! He is quite the lad.

    I’ll visit the others and give a wave.

    Happy Thursday!

    1. Colette, you’re a sweetheart. Smiles are good for the soul. Job done. Next? lol Thanks for popping in to see who else made the list. Have an awesome afternoon!

  2. What a nice shout out to some blogger friends of yours who have touched your heart. It must place a smile on their face

  3. This is so sweet, Cathy! Thank you for saying such nice things about me. I am very blessed to have you as a friend. I am glad that photography brought us together. 🙂

    Have a blessed and beautiful day! You have definitely blessed mine.

  4. So sweet of you to thank your followers! It’s a lovely way to meet new bloggers too. I know Steve already – love his jokes that he posts!!! ha. I’ve been scarce, July was our camping month, and then we have another big trip in a week! So behind on my favourite blogs, but I know all that will change when the kids are back in school in September. So for now, soaking up the sun as much as we can. 🙂

    1. Hey Les, no worries with not being around in Blogosphere. I love hearing when Bloggers choice to get away from computer life to spend it with family. I appreciate you taking time to stop in to see who made my list in July. Our schools go back this Friday. Can you believe that? Whew, it gets earlier ever year! Have fun on your next big trip!

  5. Hi, Cathy!

    Thank you very much for writing such sweet words, dear friend. I gravitate to people and bloggers who are warm, welcoming, sincere, respectful, conversational and down to earth. That’s who you are and that’s why I love to come here. All that plus the fact that your posts are consistently interesting, educational and entertaining. You set a quality standard for blogging that others should follow.

    Thank you again, dear friend, and enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. Tom, you’re way too kind, but thank you all the same. It’s such an honor and a privilege to have great network of friends in Blogosphere which includes you. Have an awesome day!

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