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13-03-2025 Vol 19

Today is canceled!

While today might not be canceled for some, I believe it’s gonna have to be for me.  You see, I made the decision a week ago to take part in the 10th April A to Z Challenge (meme button, right sidebar at the top).  I haven’t been doing it that long but a good number of those years. 

Some folks like the task of doing daily posts, me not so much. It’s an overload to my system, so in order to keep my sanity and on track (sorta) I prefer to get everything possible done in advance.  

You can check back later in the month for my A2Z Theme Reveal post but I am continuing with my art sketch series.  This year I’m taking a more focused approach but I don’t want to let the Cathy out of the bag just yet. Are you curious?  Set yourself a reminder to join me on the 18th to learn more!

I’ll be back on Friday to announce last week’s BoTB winner.  What’s that you didn’t vote yet? You still have time to give your opinion but hurry the deadline is Thursday at noon (EST). Have funtastic day!


Tuesday hops I like…





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32 thoughts on “Today is canceled!

    1. Red,

      That’s an interesting, how on earth did beer pop in your mind from what I said? lol Maybe you were thinking in terms of relaxing and taking it easy since that’s what I’m trying to do as I get my sketches done. 🙂

  1. I’m glad you’re going to keep up with your sketches. I love seeing what you come up with. I’ve heard of the A to Z challenge and I’ve thought of joining it. Maybe this year. I’m still not sure because like you I have a lot on my plate

    1. Mary,

      To get started with a month-long blogfest really is a challenge and is daunting the first time. In fact, I was overwhelmed the first year and gave up. Do what you can if you decide to join and if it doesn’t work out then you can try again next year. Thanks for letting me know that you’ll follow along with me. 😉

      1. Ok, I’ll probaby do it with my haiku blog. I don’t think I can come up with an alphabet everyday with cats, food and Tucson. Well, maybe I could but it would drive me batty.

        1. Mary,

          What I do each year is write down all the alphabet letters then jot something down by each prompt. Sometimes I’ll come up with more than one subject. This might help you. I will look forward to your A2Z shares. Oh yeah, one of my friends last year did multiple letters each day. I think her theme was mewsic, so she’d have the first week’s letters in one post and song choices to go with each one. I thought that was a clever way for her to go at the challenge from a non-official standpoint. This might work for you if you don’t want to post every day. At least you can think about it.

        2. wow! you put a lot of thought into this. That sounds like a good idea. It starts April 10th? I’ll watch for it.

        3. Mary,

          The A2Z Challenge begins on April 1st. You can sign up now (closes April 6th) if you want to be included in the official challenge. The A2Z home button is in my side menu at the top if you don’t have their web address. Best of luck to you!

  2. Blogging every day is… Crazy!!!

    I say, go for it, Cathy. You will have a blast.

  3. Hi! I’ve participated in the A-Z in the past, but find it hard to follow through nicely….too rushed and then I feel badly for not doing it better……good call on doing a lot before hand!

    1. Kathe,

      I totally get where you’re coming from on feeling bad. Even with all the prep done ahead I still find it difficult to stay on point and I do feel bad somewhere along the way due to being short on time. This year, I’ll breathe more and not stress about these things. It’s all in fun anyhow, right?

  4. Definitely looking forward to your sketches and by the way I love when you left the comment about how you loved to draw houses as a kid…(might we see some of them during this challenge possibly)…anyway…enjoy that strong coffee.

    1. Sandy,

      Unfortunately, there won’t be any houses in my A2Z art sketch series but I am looking at images and how-tos so I might give it a try in the very near future. It smells like the coffee is done, so it’s time to fill my mug to the brim. 🙂

  5. I’ve never participated int he A to Z challenge. I’m sure I’d fail, so I just don’t do that kind of pressure. I’ll be here to see what you do though.

    The Heat Is On. Love that song and love that movie. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen it. Funny and then some.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      I steered clear from this challenge for years until I decided that’s just what I needed – the pressure to keep me focused. The first year I did fail. It got overwhelming but the following year I picked myself up and completed it. That charged me to keep doing it, even if I struggled. It wasn’t until the 4th year that I began scheduling my posts ahead which made a big difference in how I managed blog life for 30 straight days…technically 26. 🙂 I hope you get a chance to pop in on my progress next month as I make my way through the alphabet. Hopefully, I’ll have everything done on time!

    1. Brian,

      The A2Z challenge is a lot of fun. A lot of my blog buddies are very supportive during this time, making regular visits just to see what I’m doing. Plus I get to meet a lot of new people I’d otherwise might not. The keeping up process is tricky and usually, by the end of the month, I’m really zonked, though. Do stop by to see what I have in store if you get a chance!

  6. I look forward to your sketches. I am still deciding on A-Z, I did it 4 times and I am fresh out of themes.

    1. Ellen,

      Coming up with the theme is hard. Maybe you can just create posts from an everyday perspective with so many cats incorporating alpha-prompt words. For instance Audacious to describe a kitty or two and then just build your posts around ‘A’ words. 🙂 It’s just an idea. Sometimes you just need to know when to fold ’em when it comes to this challenge but walking away is so hard! lol

  7. I’m doing AtoZ but in a quirky way this year. That daily posting just about did me in last year! I’ll keep an eye on your sketches, though. They thoroughly entertained me last year.

  8. Daily blogging is definitely difficult! Something’s gotta give, as they say. 🙂 No #WW tomorrow either then? Happy sketching!

    1. Debbie,

      I’m undecided about tomorrow. I had an appointment yesterday and had one scheduled for today but I managed to get it for next week, so I can do two doctor visits on the same day. I think I better set things out until Friday. Life gets too hectic in a hurry without further complicating it. 🙂

    2. Hey Debbie,

      Just a quick message to let you know I changed my mind. I will have one more #WW post before I go dark until May. Well…almost dark anyhow. 🙂 Stop in at midnight to join if you’re up. That’s a silly thing to say because I’m sure you’ll be up, right?

      1. Cool! I’ll definitely still be up as I’m a hardcore night person. My post is also scheduled to go live around them. I’ll be here! 🙂

  9. Hi, Cathy!

    You are smart for working ahead on the A 2 Z. If I were doing it, I’d probably begin work on the next year’s challenge on May 1. I cant wait for you to let the Cathy out of the bag and reveal your theme.

    Have a great day, dear friend!

    1. Tom,

      That’s what I wanted to do last year but burnout was trying to seize control so I instead of letting that happened I postponed things. Between now and April it’s going to be a fight to get it all done because of appointments thrown in the mix, but I’ll do what I can and try to not worry about it. Thanks for your support, dear friend!

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