I read an interesting quote… “Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed.” by G.K. Chesterton
Fairy Tales are wonderful. I spent hours over the years reading beautiful stories with little eyes growing wide in anticipation to hear that good triumphed over evil, and how the princess lived happily ever after with her prince.
There is something magical about all that fluff that stays with us forever. I feel looking and feeling a princess, don’t you? Would you like to know, which Disney princess you are? I do!
I recall seeing a Disney princess quiz in circulation several years ago on Facebook, but I never took it. I checked with my good buddy, Google, and came up with, Which Disney princess are you? Being the curious girl I am, I took the quiz to learn the secret of my inner Disney princess self.
The test results tagged me as Princess Pocahontas. Ironically, I have a touch of American Indian blood coursing through my veins. How did it know? This what it says about me a.k.a. Pocahontas.
You defy convention and sometimes do what is considered taboo. Unfortunately, others do not always appreciate your differences, so it’s good that you are so strong-willed. You are loyal and you believe in fate. Your true love will find you one day.
It surprised me at how close this answer mirrored me. I am not always conventional. I don’t care what others think about me. Yes, I am a determined person, loyal to a fault, and believe things happen for a reason. And…my true love DID find me! Isn’t that scary?
Here are two others I found and took:
It seems none of the princess quizzes matched, but it was fun to do. I guess it’s safe to say that a bit of these princess personalities embed in my character. The good thing is, I still like to daydream, but I already have the prince of my dreams.
Speaking of the prince of my dreams, it was he who inSpired this post. Last week, DH showed me an entertaining video at Gizmodo. He knew I would love it, too. Hooray, he knows me so well! Now, I want to share it with you.
Isn’t that amazing? I don’t know how one guy pulled that song off, but he did a sensational job! This brings us to the readers’ participation part in answering today’s two questions. Come on, join the fun in leaving your responses in comments. Today, I (and everyone else reading) wants to know…
1. Which Disney princess are you?
2. Can you mimic a cartoon character voice, if so which one(s)? Go ahead, brag!
In closing, I just want to say we all need something to hold on to, even if it is a dream because at the point we stop believing in the impossible or the what ifs, then hope is gone. Keep on dreamin’!
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How weird…or great minds think-alike? I have a post about this subject too.
Thanks for holding up the fort! I will put the linky there today.
When I was trucking with Bill, we did a lot of these FB quizzes. Most were hilarious. I’m not the Princess type, but I did match Kermit as a Muppet!
Everyone loves Kermit!