
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Thursday Thoughts: Muscles, 10 Things to Smile About, Water, & Nip/Tuck

Oh. My. Stars! My quads are absolutely killing me! This week, I began a new exercise routine. If you happened to join me on Tuesdays = Random Thoughts then you know what program I started. I am a hard-core believer of the no pain, no gain philosophy. With that, I know I am definitely gaining muscle growth!

Did you know strong quads support the knee-joint and help to prevent injury?

The key element to building muscle is not resistance training alone. You have to fuel your body with the proper amount of protein. My minimum daily requirement says 67-grams. (Figure out your daily protein intake here.)

What I most want to know is, how much protein do I need to build new muscle? According to, someone who trains hard should consume 1-gram of protein for every pound you weigh. This means I would need 107 grams. That is if I was some a body builder, which I am not. That being said, it seems I need to ingest 67-107 grams of protein to begin to ramp up my muscle building potential. All I can say is, “Holy Moly!”

For the past several months, I have not had the privilege in linking up with Mama Kat’s Pretty Much World Famous Writer’s Workshop. One of the prompts this week, 10 Things to Smile About (inspired by Mama’s Losin’ It prompt Things I Can’t Say) motivated me to join in on the fun….

10 Things to Smile About

… my one true joy, my DH.
…as I find that my physical strength returns more and more.
…getting back into my exercise routine again.
…that I have overall better health now than I did 3-months ago.
…that I am nearly done with all doctor appointments this year.
…every time I knock out a little more clutter, giving me that sense of better organization.
….the thought of autumn soon arriving.
…the creamy, delicious taste of Blue Bell Rocky Mountain Road ice cream.
…that Christmas is only 130 some days away.
…for friends like you who make blogging so much fun!

Are you a fan of drinking water? I am. It really helps to keep my body in check. Our bodies are mostly water, as you know (55% for women & 60% for men) is very important to our system. Here is a  little visualization to help you understand what water does for you.

A little trick I learned years ago was this simple rule of thumb to decide how much water one needs to drink each day. Divide your weight by half and that’s the number of ounces you should drink to properly stay hydrated. Personally speaking, I try to aim to drink 8-16 ounces of water every hour. I miss it a lot, but in general, I do get my necessary water intake. However, if you are like me and want to know how to get the best use of my water consumption, then check out 9 Best Times to Drink Water.

Have you seen the Showtime series Nip/Tuck? It’s rated MA. Definitely not a program suited for young children. We recently began watching it on Netflix and much to my surprise, we like it! The basic story line revolves around two Miami plastic surgeons – Sean McNamara & Christian Troy who are different on most levels but need each other to make a successful business work.

Visit Miss Jenny and the rest of the Alphabe-Thursday classroom for this week’s letter “M” assigned homework and while you’re hopping around, be sure to play along with Miss Amanda in her latest edition of Thursday Two Questions.

1. How are your muscles, steadily depleting or growing or staying the same?

2. Concerning muscles, what is the one trouble spot you would like to improve?

Join the no-rules Thursday Thoughts link up party!

Thursday Favorite Things Mama’s Losin’ It






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