
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Thursday 2Q


Today, I wrote about Cold Feet in an earlier post.  I hate having cold feet more than the next gal, but what to do, right?

My Thursday Two Questions are:

  1. Do you have cold feet year round or only during the winter?

2. How do you keep your feet warm?


Typically, my feet are the coldest in the winter months. However in the spring and fall when it’s not extremely hot then my feet can be cool even cooler than I like.  I always say I have toesy-pops.  My feet are absolutely frigid feeling in the winter.

Generally, if I wear my house slippers and a nice pair of cotton socks then my feet are fairly comfortable.  On especially cold days I may wear a pair of wool socks.  I’ve been known to wear gloves indoors, too.

Be sure to link up with Self Sagacity below in Thursday Two Questions and don’t forget to leave a comment. I would love hearing how you deal with cold hands or feet!

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9 thoughts on “Thursday 2Q

  1. My feet are always cold, unless when it’s 80 degrees outside. I double-up on socks, and it’s ridiculous some time in the summer.

  2. we don’t have winters here but i get cold feet when the weather is cooler, around January; or when the ac is too cold. i wear socks or tuck my feet under a pillow.:p

  3. @Lui…ooo, coconut oil sounds lovely. I’ll remember that tip!
    @Judy….yeah, I use a lap blanket when I’m watching TV. I hate being cold!
    @SquirrelQueen…flipflops in the winter? You know, I see people wearing them here in Knoxville when we’re in stores and it freezes me to see toes exposed. My silly daughter had a bet going with a co-worker where they had to wear only flipflops. I don’t know how she did that. Brrr!

  4. I have been known to wear flip flops around the house in the winter. In our family it’s my hubby who always has cold feet. He keeps a small electric heater in his office to keep them warm.

  5. My feet only get cold in the winter but an extra pair of socks or warm slippers help. We keep our thermostat low so a lap blanket helps. Foot massages and circulatory herbs help too.

  6. Hi Cathy!
    We don’t have winter so I really don’t know how cold that can be. But we have cold nights and I wear cotton socks but I rub coconut oil over my feet first (it keeps my feet warm and soft!)

  7. @SelfSagacity…I find if I wear too much on my feet, then it works in reverse. Resulting in little air circulation causing my feet to be colder.

    @Donnie…lucky you!

  8. Only get them occasionally in the winter and if AC is too low. I have a green blankie that warms me up totally. Hubby found them 20 years ago in a yard sale. They are 2 twin blankets and are just the warmest things.

  9. Hi Cathy, My feet are always cold now. Ever since I started taking medication. It is so terrible, I sometimes have to put on two pairs of socks to stay warm. It is worst in the winter, that is why I have to start thinking about a warmer climate to move to.

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