
13-03-2025 Vol 19

#MondaysMusicMovesMe Things I Like About Autumn & #BoTB Results

Hop over to see Sandee for more Awww Mondays fun-spiration!

Good morning, Kittens and Dawgs! It’s fabulous to see you! Before I get into the groove, I wanted to pass the good mews to y’all…Marie is home! She’s in a lot of pain but she’s home! I know she’ll recover much faster from the comfort of her home than at the horsepital.  Marie can’t sit for long periods so she’s gonna be in and out of Blogosphere for a while yet…maybe.   The doctor ordered her to not sit for longer than 30-minutes until her October 4th follow-up.  On behalf of everyone, I reassured her that we DO understand completely.  Just keep offering those prayers up till our girl is all better.  We love you, Marie!!

Before I hit the dance floor I want to share the outcome of Sept. 15th Honky Cat #BoTB Showdown between Country Gazette and Lee Ann Womack.  I like Country Gazette uptempo version giving their cover an almost happy sound.  It certainly picks my mood every time I listen to it.  Lee Ann did just the opposite with her’s slowing the tempo down aaa lot!  Initially when I put these two together I 99% sure Womack would get my vote but after hearing both covers again, my ear is leaning toward the bluegrass, high-spirited rendition of Country Gazette.  My vote doesn’t change the general flow of how the voting went down because either way Country Gazette won (10 to 5).  You might enjoy listening Don’t Let Nobody Tie You Down.  Thanks to everyone who played alone!

 It was a pleasure to serve this month as the honorary co-host. My final theme contribution for September as the month comes to a close is songs about “things you like about autumn“.  Are you ready to groove? Get creative! Here are a few things I like about autumn. 😉

I love “Sweater Weather”.

The Neighbourhood

…cool nights or how even a “Cool Night”?

Paul Davis

and… pumpkin spice lattes!

Maxwell Glick “Shake It Off” parody (Pumpkin Spice)

I also love roasting marshmallows over a campfire, hayrides (gotta skip this one because of allergies), crisp blue skies, falling leaves, and a light breeze.  What do you like about autumn?

I’m not sure if I qualify to play along with the writing community Promote Yourself Monday hop. I think I’ll give it a first-time stab to see what happens especially since I’m including some past writings from my blog archives.  I found a few memories with A Hint of Autumn, a poem I penned Autumn Is Here, and an Autumn Surprise that you’re invited to check out when you have a chance.

I invite you to join my fellow co-hosts: XmasDolly (Party Coordinator),  StacyAlana, & Colette (taking semi-blog hiatus due to eye issues) on the dance floor (ONLY link mewsic posts) below.

The September 2018 chapter of our lives will close at the end of the week and when we next meet on the dance floor, we’ll begin afresh with a new month with a new guest co-host, Michele from Angels Bark.  Keep those tunes playing, your body swaying, and I’ll be boogieing over to see you soon.  Join me tomorrow for coffee and Cathy Chats.

X💋X 💋, Cathy
McGuffy’s Reader is the brain-child behind “SPARKS” inspiration. Have a sparkletastic day! 😉

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42 thoughts on “#MondaysMusicMovesMe Things I Like About Autumn & #BoTB Results

  1. As much as I enjoyed hearing that old Cool Night songs again, my favorite was Pumpkin Spice. In fact, my husband, who was in another room while I was on my laptop, stuck his head in and asked “is that Weird Al?” Well, no, but it was funny nevertheless. We had a nice fall afternoon here in upstate New York – the sun actually came out!! Trees are just starting to turn.

    1. Alana,

      Ahh, I bet it’s nice in upstate New York! Pumpkin Spice latte would be nice about now. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed the parody. Have a songsational Sunday, my friend!

  2. Hi Cathy,
    Happy Autumn! I love your creative compilation of what you like about Autumn through song! Brilliant. Very creative. And I love your song choices. I never heard of the band Neighbourhood and enjoyed their song. I too love sweater weather but sadly, I often don’t get a chance to wear many sweaters here in Austin. First of all, Fall is never cool enough to suit me and in the winter, I get to maybe wear sweaters five times. I can’t tell you how many awesome sweaters I have in my closet but it just never gets cold enough for me to justify wearing them! Now I know I’m a different bird because I’ll be out and see people around here all bundled up and I’m in a t-shirt with no jacket so maybe my blood runs hot…or I just still have too much Buffalo in me. Believe me, I miss home year-aournd down here…

    And cool nights: YES, YES, YES! Both actual cool nights and Paul Davis! I love that song! I love cool nights. Now we get some cool nights here and I can have my windows open sometimes, which I really enjoy. I remember being back home: Fall was always my favorite time of year and I have such fond memories of us diehard’s weathering the cool nights (when it was actually cold) so we could sit around on the park picnic tables and dring and such… haha Ah, those were the days… 🙂

    And guess what? Pumpkin Spice lattes is for sure one of the things I look forward to this time of year! I love all things pumpkin. The smell, the taste. Except the pumpkin creme soda I have in my garage that’s been sitting there for the last two years! It’s a partial case that I haven’t given away yet. I figured I would love it being that it was pumpkin so I bought a few cases knowing that it was a limited time only product. But I didn’t care for it at all. I gave away the unopened cases and still have the remaining cans of the open case. A customer that was loading her cart up the day I bought mine said that her family loved it so she was buying a ton of it too. She said it is especially good over vanilla ice cream, like a pumpkin float. I guess I need to buy some vanilla ice cream to check that out. Maybe that’s why I’ve been holding on to that remaining case of pumpkin creme soda! haha
    Anyway, your pumpkin spice parody song is hilarious! Especially for us folks who really dig those pumpkin lattes. Very clever to do it to Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off”. I enjoyed very much.

    Thanks for being a wonderful honorary conductor this month. My sincere apologies that I missed the last two Mondays. It’s just been a flat out crazy month and I fear that it’s not going to slow down now until after the holidays. So I’m trying to get caught up on things that desperately need to be taken care of before all hell breaks loose and I’m nutso busy.
    I really love what you did with your Autumn theme: I hope you don’t mind that I used your theme from the last 4M theme Monday which I missed. I did an Autumn theme a while back and honestly I couldn’t really think in terms of Autumn this last week: probably because it was so stinkin’ hot here! But I really did relate to your Aging theme so I chose to go with that one this week instead.

    Re: your BOTB results: I voted for Womack but Country Gazette was a very good cover too, evidenced by their strong win. I enjoyed being introduced to them and will look forward to checking out more music by Country Gazette. Interesting name too. I’d like to find out how they came up with that name. Sounds like a newspaper to me… 🙂

    Again, thanks for your Conductor job this month. I know you had a lot going on at this time too.
    talk soon,

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele,

      Thanks for dancing with me. I’m glad you enjoyed my selections. 🙂 Don’t worry about not playing along with the 4M crew. We’re here anytime you wanna boogie. I totally get a crazy month. Ours has been a wild one, too. I don’t think October is going to be much better, either. I never have a bone to pick with anyone about the kind of mewsic they share, just as long as there’s mewsic I’m happy. Country Gazette has an interesting sound. I listened to a YT playlist the other day which was really good. I think it’s the one that shows up on the right side. Yeah, I agree their name sounds like a newspaper. I thought that the first time I came across them. lol Have a tunetastic day. I’m not up normally this early but I’m getting ready for my colonoscopy this morning. I hate the prep! I can’t wait to get back home to have breakfast!!

  3. A few thoughts….

    Though they are definitely different musically, The Neighborhood’s singer’s voice is so similar to Jared Leto’s.

    I think Paul Davis grew up to be Gandalf. And the guitar player on (our right) his left probably ran off to join a glam rock outfit.

    And lastly, pumpkin spice. It pains me just a little to admit this, but I actually like Pumpkin Spice, and don’t know why so many people find it hilarious (though that parody WAS hilarious!)

    Two of these selections were new to me, but as it turns out, I had heard the Paul Davis song before – just can’t remember when or where.

    1. Kim,

      I like…correction LOVE Pumpkin Spice Lattes! Well, I love Pumpkin Spice lattes if I make them. 🙂 The stuff you get at Starbucks is not only too pricey but way too sweet. Years ago, I got started making this simple fall treat by using coffee syrups and Readi Wipp topping. I’ve tried Torani and Davinci. My favorite between these is Davinci. I’d be interested in know what other people have tried and what they like the best. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks for dropping by for a dance!

    1. Red,

      I suppose if I lived in a dry climate then the rain would be a good thing but as it is we get plenty enough as it is. 🙂 But…I do enjoy a good steady rain that gently falls all day sometimes. We especially need the rain, warm days, and cool nights for a fabulous fall show of colors. Thanks for the song selection – a great oldie!

    1. Ellen,

      I’m so glad you joined me on the dance floor. We’re all happy that Marie is doing better. It’s gonna take time for her to give her all but she’s on the right road. 🙂

    1. Mimi,

      I believe Marie will be okay. It’s just getting her to stay patient while she heals. That gal will try to sneak on the dance floor, so I am keeping watch on her. lol I know she can’t wait to get back into the groove of things again. Mondays Music Moves Me is her little baby. I met Marie in not long after I began blogging in 2010, then soon afterward I was asked to be co-host of this great dance party. It’s been a fabulously fun way to meet some very nice people who love mewsic ever bit as much as I do. Thanks for the well-wishes for Marie and I’m glad you enjoyed the parody. 🙂

  4. I am glad Marie is home and eating normal food instead of the slop they serve at the hospital. It may take a while to get back to norm but it’s nicer doing it in familiar surroundings. I love Autumn because it means cooler weather, vibrant colours, I get to wear some hats I love as well as scarves. I think of the song, Autumn Leaves and The 4 Seasons by Vivaldi, with, of course, the Autumn piece.

    1. Birgit,

      Hospital food is really bad. When I in the last time (2013) it was terrible beyond terrible. I was already having problems eating and what they served didn’t inspire me to eat. Luckily, DH brought me dinner most evenings after he got off work so that I wouldn’t whiter away into nothing. By the time I got home, I weighed 98 pounds. That sounds horrible but I was 105 prior to getting sick so it wasn’t that big of a loss in weight. 🙂 I’ve made up since that time and now, to drop a few pounds. lol I hate this yo-yoing thing! Are y’all beginning to see color changes yet? Yesterday, I noticed one lone tree with a bit of color. We’re under much rain this week and cooler temps, I think next week we’ll see more changes in the season. I’m ready for cooler weather!

    1. Claire,

      The only time I’ll miss summer is when winter’s cold bites me too hard. lol I don’t like the extreme temperature changes. I prefer the mild weather of fall and spring but when you live in the part of the world where the four seasons are felt then you gotta go with the flow. 🙂

  5. I do like cooler autumn weather, but unfortunately we don’t get that same cool down out here in wacky L.A. that you all get back there.

    I’m glad the bluegrass version of “Honky Cat” received the love that it did. Leanne was good, but the other guys showed a lot of life in their rendition.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      Living in California would be not only culture but a climate shock, too. I can’t imagine not having four seasons. DD#2 says we don’t have four seasons like Maine but I told we do, it’s just not as noticeable as theirs. I’m happy with East Tennessee conditions overall. I wouldn’t like to live in a place with long winters or summers. We’re in the middle so I’m good with that. Thanks for stopping by to see how my BoTBs went down.

  6. I’m glad to hear about Marie and love your selection of mewsic. Happy fall and Happy Monday, Cathy! Now, I have a craving for a pumpkin spice latte. 😁

  7. First, thanks for the update of Marie. I love her too. Prayers in progress too.

    I love fall too. Not winter, but fall is a great time of year.

    Love the music. You always have great music.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday. Big hugs. ❤

    1. Sandee,

      Thanks for the continued prayers for Marie. 🙂

      You’re like me regarding fall and winter. The extreme weather I do not like but the mild conditions of fall and spring I adore!

    1. Hit the wrong button. Anyway… I learned from being in the hospital is that it’s the worst place to try and get well. I’m very happy Marie is home and hope she’ll be back with us soon.

      As Cherdo would say, “hooray! I voted for the winner!”

      Love your choices for today, particularly “Cool Night.” Paul Davis had a geat voice and died too young.

      1. John,

        You’re right the hospital is the worst place to be for getting well. The last time I was in, they held me for nearly a week. You know how they are after any kind of abdominal surgeries watching for certain things to happen before they cut you loose which I knew would happen as long as I was in there not eating anything. Sure enough, within a days time of being home what they wanted me to in the hospital happened at home. I contribute that being able to eat better. The food quality is horrible in the hospital. I’d like to see the staff eat that stuff. ugh

        1. In my case, they had to make sure I could get around before they turned me loose, so I was in for six weeks. Of course, two weeks of that was me getting over pneumonia, which I caught in the hospital. Like I said, the hospital is not the place to get well…

      1. I have plenty of friends who aren’t baseball fans. I’m not a college football fan (or a football fan in general); guess I moved to the wrong part of the country, didn’t I? XD

  8. I do like the fall weather with sweaters and jackets. “Cool Nights” is a perfect example of the crooners of the day. Harry Connick Jr. fell into more of the traditional crooner role. Later came Michael Buble’. Who will be next to carry on the smooth sounds? Have a blessed week.

    1. Driller,

      I don’t know who’ll be the next smooth sound but this year on The Voice and AGT, there were a few hopefuls to carry the torch had they not been voted off too soon. I hope this exposure gets these individuals a recording contract. We need more crooners!

  9. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy 4M to you, dear friend! That’s great mews about Marie/XmasDolly. You are absolutely right. She is likely to recover quickly in the comfort of her own home with family and friends close by. I continue to offer prayers for her to continue on the mend and get back to the blog world a.s.a.p.

    I’m sorry your ears didn’t match mine in your latest BOTB. It was one of the easiest choices I ever made as a participant in the hop, giving an enthusiastic vote to Lee Ann Womack.

    I enjoyed today’s theme “things you like about autumn.“ The first act is new to my eyes and ears. I thoroughly enjoyed the sound of lead zinger Jesse James Rutherford and his California based indie pop/alt. rock band The Neighbourhood with “Sweater Weather.” It’s interesting that the band adopted the British spelling of neighbourhood because another band was already using the American spelling. I would think two groups with almost identical names would lead to confusion among fans.

    I remember the smooth sound of “Cool Night,” a single by Paul Davis that brushed the top 10 in the early days and weeks of 1982. How sad that Paul was shot in 1986, survived, and then died of a heart attack one day after his 60th birthday! Yet another tragic story in the annals of rock.

    I also enjoyed watching “Pumpkin Spice,” Maxwell Glick’s parody song inspired by Taylor Swift’s hit “Shake It Off.” Before I go I wanted to tell you how much I appreciated yesterday’s introduction of Hanne Sørvaag, the Norwegian singer based in Stockholm, Sweden, and her song “Hot Chocolate & Marshmallows.” Hanne has the beauty of a Miss Universe contestant and her Christmas album recording sounds like it was made by an American folk artist singing country style. It is a unique combo and Hanne is my Pick To Click.

    Thank you for ushering in fall 2018 in fine mewsical style, dear friend Cathy. Have a wonderful week ahead!

    1. Tom,

      I was really torn between the two contenders and I almost went with Lee Ann but in the last listen of Country Gazette uptempo did it for me best. I think it was just the mood I was in because originally my thoughts were I’m going with Lee Ann. Oh, how a mood can change one’s vote! Oh WOW, I didn’t know this about Paul Davis! Heart disease has a way of getting ya after mid-life if you’re not careful. That’s really sad. The Pumpkin Spice parody is funny. I stumbled on this last year, I think. I’m glad you liked Hanne Sørvaag’s song. I want to listen to more of her stuff. Thanks for joining me on the dance floor. I’m a bit slow these days, so please be patient with me!

  10. Hi Cathy!

    Great minds think alike. I also used Sweater Weather in my post. The Taylor Swift Parody had me laughing. Thanks for that!


    1. Mary,

      “Sweater Weather” is a new-to-me song so to find that you used it as well is really cool! Yes, the Taylor Swift parody is great fun and it’s sure to put a smile on your face. Thanks for dancing with me, my friend!

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