
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Things I am learning A-Z

It’s exciting to take part in the April 2014 A-Z Challenge. It’ll be great fun meeting other bloggers along this adventure. Today being the first day, then you know the first letter in the alphabet.

First up, to get to know me better on a personal level, then I invite you to read the About me section of my blog to start with because that will be the first area of your site I will check out when I visit you for the first time.

My approach to this interesting challenge will revolve around things I am learning. I have faced some medical issues brought on after my hysterectomy. Although, I am on HRT that just doesn’t seem enough at times.

image source credit The Health Journals

Last spring, I notice a slight shift with my libido. In hindsight, the only difference that came to mind is for 2-weeks I had little to no caffeine. Perhaps, it is coincidence and then maybe there is more to it. That’s when I discovered an interesting fact about the Adrenal gland.

Too much coffee stresses this walnut size gland, which affects hormone functionality needed for producing ~ estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Aside these complications, the decline in adrenal gland performance causes issues with low blood pressure, low blood sugar, cold intolerance, fatigue, depression, irritability, anxiety, recurring infections, and poor response to stress to name a few.

The good news is you can rejuvenate the adrenal gland back to health with more a less a common sense approach. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • cut caffeine
  • eat leafy green vegetables
  • increase your daily fresh fruit and veggies
  • eat super foods such as Brewer’s Yeast, wheat germ, or fresh sprouts
  • eat foods enriched with Omega-3 oils such as salmon 3x per/week

Including OTC supplements add a nice perk to maintaining proper dietary needs, but not in place of whole food sources. For more information about this subject, you may want to read Woman-to-Woman and for supplemental suggestions, I found Feed Your Glands as a good guide to rebuilding my adrenal gland.

I started taking corrective measures to restoring my adrenal gland to health. Natural remedies and self-helps always need time but if diet changes improve things then I will be ecstatic. It may even make my DH’s life a little better, too. 😉  I hope what I have learned on the adrenal gland is beneficial to you! Don’t forget to leave your say-so in my comments, and I will definitely stop by to see you. What new things are you learning? Have a terrific Tuesday!



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11 thoughts on “Things I am learning A-Z

  1. Fascinating! I have to admit that I don’t think about my Adrenal gland much 🙂 But I don’t drink caffeine really at all, and am a pretty calm person, so hopefully I won’t have to? Sounds like a process to have to learn about though! Good luck!

    AJ @ Naturally Sweet
    an A-Z co-host blog

    1. For the past year I have 4-cups of coffee a day. This week, I have cut caffeine out altogether. I have limited myself to 2-cups of decaf coffee and 2-cups of chamomile tea. The tea is actually suppose to be good for the adrenal gland, but I’m not sure about decaf coffee so I’m being conservative drinking it for now.

    1. 30 is young for a hysterectomy. I was two months from my 40th bday when I had my surgery, but it was several years before I began HRT. In retrospect, I believe I should have started much sooner despite the one ovary the doctor left. I feel like it wasn’t working properly and then who’s to say my adrenal gland wasn’t stressed, too. Everything is closely connected in our bodies anyhow. I am feeling good about the changes I am making, and if nothing else it should give me over-all better health.

  2. Hi Cathy – I come from good WV stock as well – daddy was from Pinch! Loved your About Me and can’t wait to read more of what you are learning a to z. Just followed you on bloglovin so I can keep up. Great blog title too – well done! Lisa @ My Sweet Peanut

    1. Didn’t know where Pinch was till I looked it up. DH & I went to high school in Iaeger, WV. We lived a good drive from there, but if you have been back in the hills then you know that’s how it goes or use to anyhow. I bet your dad knows where Iaeger is. Do you remember the movie October Sky? If so, then that’s the county that we both grew up in. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I love your About Me – I feel like I learned so much about your life. You’ve done so much in such a short time. I like how you embrace opportunity. I have experienced medical issues since having my hysterectomy as well – the trauma activated fibromyalgia which was dormant in my body. I appreciate the information about the adrenal gland. Visiting from A to Z!

    Early Riser

    1. I appreciate you saying that. There are times I don’t feel like I have done much at all, so it’s refreshing to hear someone else say otherwise.

    2. You’re most welcome. I have learned so much through the internet, and if I can personally tells others on my blog what I am trying to make my life better then hooray! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Hi, Your life is inspirational as described in About me. Yes, I did go through :-). Also your this post is very informative on how a slight change can improve your lifestyle. Look forward to more. Thanks for your time on my post.

    1. It’s important to share with others things I learn along the way. I hope it helps someone else who maybe doesn’t have a clue to what’s happening.

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