Earlier this morning, I did a tribute to the late comedian, Andy Kaufman. Today marks the anniversary of his 70th birthday. I didn’t want to get too much going on in one post, so I committed to publishing a second entry on my site.
One of my goals for this year is more creativity through art and words. Yesterday I didn’t have time to join In Other Words but this week’s prompt sparked the desire, anyone who knows me will understand, to accept the challenge to come up with 5 lines or less using ‘dancing‘.
The evening grew painfully awkward. A room full of happy couples gyrating to the beat of the music while she stood quietly all alone watching, missing out on the fun. Wrapped in her thoughts, her grandmother’s last words unexpectedly crept in…”Life is too short to live on the sideline, Kiddo, make the moments count.” All self-consciences and inhibitions dashed aside, she stepped onto the floor owning it like a dancing queen.
Last week I listed 10 blessings. I count every day a reason in itself to be thankful but collecting my thoughts for specifics without repeating myself is a stretch at times. I think I need to keep a Thanksgiving Journal whenever I’m feeling especially thankful to jog my memory, don’t you agree?
Today, am I thankful for…
Exercise. I haven’t done much since the holidays. First I was too busy then I hurt my leg but now that I’m five weeks post injury I got on my elliptical on Tuesday for an hour. I didn’t strap on my leg weights but I’ll add them in the coming weeks. I’d rather ease into my workouts without too much resistance. I’m thankful to resume a bit of vigorous activity again.
Cab services. True, it’s an expensive way to get around town but it’s better than having a second car payment which means more auto insurance or for DH using up personal leave. If he’s going to take time off from work I’d rather it be for something fun, not a doctor’s appointment.
My appointments. It might not seem like a big deal to most but I’m a homebody. This is where I’m most comfortable and it’s really hard to step away from my safety net but as a SAHW then I like to think of my little outing as an adventure. This is something I do by myself pretty much. Again, it’s not a big deal to many of y’all but when you’re used to being at home all day, but for someone like me I see the world from a different perspective. It’s easy to take things for granted when you’re out all the time working, shopping, errands, whatever but it allows me to experience thing almost like a child filling me with a sense of wonder. I enjoy this ‘in the moment’ experiences.
Where we live. I know I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again and again. I love living in the Tennessee Valley. We experience the cold and the heat but it’s not nearly as bad as other parts of the country. Sure, I complain about both but in the end, I know it could be worse and for that, I’m very thankful for!
I’m joining Thankful Thursday and Ten Things of Thankful.
What are you thankful for this Thursday?
Kat from Mama’s Losin’ It shares six writing prompts each week and I’ve elected to take #6 for today’s topic. What were you blogging about a year ago? What has changed since then?
A year ago to the day, I shared photos from Lake Lure, North Carolina with the Wordless Wednesday community. Not a lot has changed in the past year with the way I do things in Blogosphere. I try to contribute at least three posts each week and if I manage to do more then hooray for me.
The biggest changes if you can call them big is I am making more time for my art sketches. Two years ago I challenged myself in the April A to Z Challenge to get artsy and found out I have a little talent drawing since last April’s blogfest I began sharing more of sketches and then toward the end of last year I became involved with the Scribble Picnic art community. The bi-weekly hop is just what I need to unleash my doodling spirit. The other area of growth is my creative writing endeavors. One of the reasons I began blogging was to prompt my first and only children’s book but lost sight along the way, but last year I began composing poems or short verses with the encouragement of good friends, like Eugenia from BrewNSpew and my ABC Wednesday community friends and Patricia’s Place hostess of ‘In Other Words’ (see above) and our very own Mama Kat. I’m trying to find my way back to what I love and that’s anything that’s creative but mostly through writing and art.
Look out 2019 I’m ready to set the world on fire! Wanna join me?
Tomorrow is DH’s off Friday but I will have giggle packed Friday Fun Stuff edition waiting for you. Leave your coffee on the counter!
, Cathy
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We all need to be dancing queens now and then. There would be more smiles and happy days. Happy to see you sharing your lines.
Yep, we all need to be a dancing queen every now and again.
I’m so impressed with your talents, Cathy! So much to be thankful for and a great reminder to the rest of us to take what we do best and run with what we have to offer.
I like your idea of keeping a Thanksgiving Journal…something to open and read as a positive reminder of all that is positive in our lives!
I don’t know if you’ve thought about going further with your sketches, but if you scanned them into a computer file I could see you making cards of your own for sale at like print on demand companies that let you have free space, like Zazzle or Fine Art America. I see a good number of cartoon-illusionists on Zazzle who just do greeting cards. I set up a special board at http://www.pinterest.com/choicemorsels called “Best Cartoonists/Illustrators on Zazzle” to show some of my favorites. Such a thing could bring in a few casual dollars for you from something you do just for fun. (I have a Zazzle store) I looked at her Friday Fun post and saw the cat sketch. Pretty good. I did the “Where I’m From” Poem, which will tell you more about me. I haven’t gotten to it yet, but I’m intending to take your advice about a about-me blurb on my blog.
I do have a Zazzle account. I set one up last April after I did the A to Z Challenge but haven’t done anything to my Zazzle store to speak of. I did upload one of my designs and applied it to a few items to try to snag some interest but since I haven’t gotten any nibbles I haven’t been back to much. Maybe that’s the problem and I need to do more with it. I think I’ll delve into this a bit more adding some of my artsy contributions. The greeting card idea might be an avenue to pursue. It would certainly be nice to get a few casual dollars doing something for fun that I love so much! Hey, that’s great that you’re considering adding an ‘About me’ blurb to your site. For me when I don’t have a name real or pseudo then it takes me longer to connect a blog with the author. I don’t know why it is like that for me but it is. Thanks for popping in for a visit. Have a good weekend!
Loooooove ABBA and Dancing Queen! Hubby and I do most of our shopping together. Sometimes he’ll make a quick trip alone to pick up odds and ends. We like to get out and around but don’t mind staying at home either. We’re planning on going to Blue Ridge for St. Patty’s Day.
Yes, I need to exercise more too!
You and your hubby sound a lot like us. That’s cool y’all are going to Blue Ridge for St. Patty’s Day. Does the community do something fun for the holiday or it just happens to work out this way for the get-away? I’m looking forward to us scouting out the little shops next time we go that way. The downtown area is so cute.
Yes, they have a St. Patty’s Day parade. It’s always on a Saturday and this year it’s Saturday, March 16th. The whole city gets involved and we’ve met so many nice people. It’s a fun small town parade. We go to the Boro Inn to watch it and believe me, the restaurants and bars are packed.
The Boro Inn has made many improvements since I took these pics.
Thanks for sharing two of your posts featuring Blue Ridge. It looks like a nice occasion to venture to the NC mountain community. St. Patty’s Day will be here before we know it.
Excellent list of thank yous! Brilliant!
Mom says she needs to start exercising again.
Here’s to us both starting and keep the exercising going regularly for better health!
I find I stay so much more consistent with writing when I have people I feel held accountable by and when I have a clear topic. I guess that’s why the Writer’s Workshop is the most consistent blog post entry I can be sure to publish every week too! And oh man, you’ve reminded me I need to get moving too. It’s one of my resolutions this year and I’m already failing at it. lol
I’m glad you host this little writing gem. It definitely helps to motivate and move my thinking. Exercise isn’t a huge problem for me but sitting too much is which I feel I do way too much of despite my workouts and house chores. I’ll find my happy balance, I’m sure.
Nice list of thankfuls. And you should give yourself some credit, your drawings are very nice. XO
I am going to take you up on your Thankfulness Memo…
Thankfulness Memo to Cathy (Sonnet)
I am currently thankful for, but not
limited to what quickly comes to mind.
First I am quite happy for what I’ve got,
beginning with Cathy, who is very kind.
I am grateful I secured two Nashville
tickets for Rachael Yamagata’s show.
I hope she sings “Reasons Why, bet she will;
now I have three weeks to worry about snow.
I am thankful for my friends who still speak,
even those who tease over my commas.
I am thinking this sonnet needs a tweak.
Oh, and I got new Christmas pajamas!
I’m thankful for coconuts in my Mounds,
although I wish they did not gain me pounds.
Michael Todd (2019)
Myke, fantastical poem!! Thank you for sharing this with me! I wish I was so quick to write such creative poetry as you.
Good for her, getting out there, i hope you get to do the same in 2019!
I enjoyed your dancing story – reading your post today and when I get time I realize there is a lot here to go back and catch up on . Today I am grateful for all the rain that is filling up all the mountain lakes around my area. I feel like an ark needs to be built – i think we are getting an inch an hour at times.
I have a gratitude journal Cathy, I write in it every day. I just jot down everything I can think of, even the fact that I’m not having a hot flash at the moment lol…
Your writing is fun, keep it up! Right now I’m very thankful for the sunshine. It’s bitterly cold out there and the sun is warming my soul!
I admire those who keep a journal. I wish I was motivated to do that but let’s face it, I am not. I really do need to keep a list of my blessings, though. The small things slip my mind but they deserve recognition, too. Sunshine, what’s that? We haven’t had that in a few days and I really would love to see the sun. It’s chilly here but I know it’s not as cold as what y’all experience in Canada. Keep warm!
I know how you feel about getting out of the house. I’m cooped up most days so I look forward to getting out a couple of times a week for coffee. I’m basically doing the same thing there I’d do at home (drinking coffee and writing) but it’s a change of scenery.
Keep it up with the art. You’re getting better!
That sounds good. I’m glad you break away to do what you love but in a different environment.
A great thankful list. I love Brian’s Thankful Thursday. It’s a time when we can all look at the positive things.
The only big change in blogging is I went from Blogspot to WordPress last January. The best thing I’ve ever done.
Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Big hug and lots of love. ♥
I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying the new platform. I prefer WP over Blogger, too. You’re right TT is a nice way to focus on the good in one’s life because we all have it, we just need to see it and appreciate it.
I love TT every week. I’m always very thankful, but this is the day I can showcase my thankful.
Interesting post, Cathy. I’m a homebody who really doesn’t like those appointments and errands. Thankfully, my husband does all the shopping stuff but Dr appts–I’m stuck with those!
I like going to the store, it’s just everything else about it I dislike about grocery shopping.
That’s wonderful your husband takes care of that for you. Sometimes DH will stop to get a handful of things to make life a little easier so we don’t have to go on the weekends which is nice.
This is a wonderful list of thankfuls. I remember Andy because my parents used to watch him on Taxi all the time. I also watched Jim Carey revive him on The Man On The Moon. His documentary was quite brilliant. I am mostly a homebody too due to chronic illnesses so those appointments do get me out and about. My son also has illnesses so I take care of him when he is unwell and has his appointments as well. So I do get what you mean completely. I hope that you have a lovely rest of the week!
I have not seen Jim Carey in ‘The Man On The Moon’. I am a fan of Carey’s so I think I’d enjoy seeing it. I’m sorry to hear that you deal with chronic health problems. While I have some troubles with this area, they pale in comparison to what others live with daily. I’m SO blessed and am humbled when I complain to hear how others suffer. It’s nice to know that you can relate to how my outings make me feel. It’s always tiring to get out like that but it refreshes the soul, doesn’t it?
Great post and a nice list of thanksfuls too. Lake Lure isn’t all that far from us and the peeps have been there several times including when they were filming Dirty Dancing. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Ah, so you’re practically a neighbor! We consider western North Carolina a part of our home boundary since we’re there so much. That’s super cool that y’all got to visit while Hollyweird was filming ‘Dirty Dancing’. Are you referring to the original with Patrick Swayze or the newer TV edition or both? We wanted to catch some of the action when they were in the area filming the TV movie but we were a little too late.