Today’s TEXTURE art theme was challenging. I understand texture but translating it into my art is another thing. One of Rain’s examples ignited a fire and I immediately recalled an iPad sketch that I did some time ago but had no clue to when to share it until now. However, I gave the original a bit of a make over utilizing various digital textures in my painting-like illustration.
I incorporated spatters of paint for the background, wavy locks of hair, sable sweater, bamboo texture slacks, and Bonobo Chalk flesh tones. I think I got a little carried away with her hair. She could be a gal from the 80s with such big hair, don’t you think? One thing for certain the image does screams autumn time with my color scheme, don’t you agree? Has cooler weather moved into your neck of the wood yet? Can you believe Monday is the first day of fall?
Thanks for stopping in with your coffee for a peek at my masterpiece and …oh yeah for not spilling it on my artwork. It’s been a super pleasure to share a sprinkle of talent with you this morning. If you like to see what others are bringing to the art play date, then I invite you to high tail it over to Rain’s Garden to browse through the gallery of artistry!

I have a doctor’s appointment today, nothing serious just a normal follow-up with my GI doctor. I’ll be back tomorrow with an edition of Friday Fun Stuff chockfull of giggles, fill-ins, & more! Come join the fun!
, Cathy

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Hi Cathy! Late again this week!
I LOVE your eighty’s hair gal lol…reminds me of my life in the 80’s when I used way too much (aerosol) hair spray and my comb to tease my hair up to look like Pat Benatar lol…the textures of your piece really stand out, you did a great job on the sweater! It looks like those fuzzy wool sweaters I used to wear (again, in the 80’s!) Yes, very fall-like colours. She looks like she’s ready to go for a nice stroll in the woods, hand in hand with her lovey-dovey!
Your cake-popping gal is wonderful!!! Thanks so much for joining in!!! 
Texture in art is something i do not quite understand, but i do like your work!
Lovely colours!
Great sketches, Cathy! The first one definitely has an autumn flair. I remember the days of big hair – yikes!
Yes, very fall-like colors in that one.
Speaking of fall colors, yesterday when I left my doctor’s appointment I noticed the hillside sporting some faint color changes. It won’t be long before big changes arrive and I’m looking forward to it all!
Those are both great.
Thank you, Ellen!
You know how I love your sketches. You rock. I do wish I had all that hair though.
Have a fabulous day, honey. Big hug. ♥
Lovely texture you have shown today, hair is a great idea.
Thanks, Christine. It was Rain’s suggestions that helped me to pull these ideas together. Sometimes, I’m just clueless.
Love the hair in both sketches!
What a fun drawing for your DH’s birthday. He must have enjoyed that! 
We had a taste of fall a few days ago, but now it’s back to summer, at least until Monday. Hurray! It never lasts long enough for my taste. Happy sketching!
DH got a kick out of the card. I figured since he’d never had a girl pop out of a real cake then the very least I could sketch him one.
Fall temps aren’t in our grasp just yet. It’s been so hot here. We might get a bit of a cool day for a few days but by the end of the month, it’s going to be back in the low 90s. Good grief, will it ever end? It will then you’ll hear me complaining about the cold. There’s no making me happy it seems. lol
Those are some lucky hair locks and great drawings. Your DW must have been very surpurrized when he saw that woman coming out of the cake, doesn’t he
Pawkisses for a Happy Thursday

DH loved the girl jumping out of the cake. It made his birthday!
You can never have too much hair in a painting, especially when you are so adept in creating a”do”
Your ladies are lovely and your color scheme is definitely fall. And yes, we have had a taste of fall in Illinois … cool days then hot days then rainy days than windy days. The trees are starting to respond with a slight color change, so we all know what is in the offing. Fall is my favorite time of year, mostly for the consistent 70 degree weather that is oh so comfortable, but of course the colors are amazing as well. Beautifully done, Cathy and a belated Happy Birthday to DH (my husbands initials as well, but not his birthday, Ha!) See you next week, Cathy … looking forward to you mechanical drawings 
Andrea @ From the Sol
I’m mobile this afternoon as I’m sitting in my doctor’s waiting room, just routine stuff. We’re suffering with summer heat still. I can’t wait for the cool down to begin. Thanks for your sweet compliment on my artwork.
I refer to my husband as ‘DH’ as in Darling Husband. His first name is Robin.
Enjoy your fall and hopefully you’ll have a lovely show of color.
I like the cool textures in you cool art and the Dad says he likes all that hair!
Once upon a time, I had long hair but I have very fine locks, so it never looked pretty like in my drawings. When I was about 14, I had my hair cut very short and it’s been like that ever since. Our daughters have beautiful long locks and it suits them purrfectly.
I love the top one. That thick rich hair–can I have it??
Yeah, I’d like to have that thick head of hair, too. Mine is so fine and has to be worn short.
Hi, Cathy!
I made it over for a visit this morning before the work day begins on day 3 of my 17 days away from home. I am excited to see how well you did with these images of women “in living color.” Big hair on women was indeed the thing in the 70s and 80s and your retro gal is a dazzler. I like how her upper body and head are leaning slightly, a very natural pose that only an experienced artist like you would conceive. The color scheme is magnificent. Her lipstick matches her sweater and the background colors are compatible. The entire portrait fits with the transition from summer to fall. To answer your question, cooler weather has not yet reached as far south as Central Florida, We are still sweltering.
DH is a lucky man to have an artist wife who would surprise him with a drawing of a bikini clad girl jumping out of a cake. If you are this good at rendering the female form, then I know you will do well with your pinups in the A to Z Challenge.
I will make every effort to be here for your Friday Sillies. Until then have a wonderful day, dear friend Cathy!
In the big hair days, I used to get my hair permed. That’s about as big as it got for me. lol I love long locks but that style doesn’t suit my face very well.
Yeah, I was pretty certain Florida is still under the pressure cooker. It’s been really hot here, too.
Thanks for your kind words regarding my art. As you know, I love drawing the female form. I mean, what’s not to like about a woman’s figure? lol Anywho, it’s certainly a lot of fun and I’d love to be as good as some of the late vintage pinup artists someday. I guess I better get to practicing right now!