
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Tell the Truth Thursday – Favorite Cartoon Character

Welcome to “Tell The Truth Thursday” hosted by The Redhead Riter. The question this week is…



What was/is your most favorite cartoon character?

“Indian summer was slowly fading…”



This is an easy question, Snoopy is my all-time favorite cartoon character. In fact, I use him as my avatar for my google sign-in.  When I began blogging, Snoopy became my icon of choice because like good ole Snoopy, I’m a budding writer.




Like Snoopy, I’m a chef. Okay, I’m not a gourmet chef, but I do all the cooking in my house and it gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment. This is an outlet for creative tendencies when I can’t write or do artsy crafts.



8, 9,…

Snoopy enjoys maintaining his personal image through physical activities and the love of outdoors, which is one of my objectives in life.  We only have one life, one body so it’s up to me to take care of what God has given me.



30 Love


Don’t do this at home, kids!


Aah, isn’t this fun?



Joe Cool



And while I like to think I have a “Joe Cool” persona I come across as anything other than cool most times. Even as a young flutist, I was no match for Snoopy’s cool sax playing but I appreciated and admired his musical talents.



I love you!


Snoopy’s devotion to his friend equals my heart, as I’m passionate about those in my life and am loyal to a fault. If ever I think my friends need me, then I’m at their side ready for a fight as I  proudly stand shoulder-to-shoulder with those in need.


Back-off Buster!



And, like the kid I am, Snoopy shares the same sense of wonder watching snow gracefully fall out of the sky covering everything below.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!



Or, the giddy glee that comes from decorating his home for Christmas.  I’m no dog but there’s a bit of Snoopy in me even though I’m a CAThy! 😉

Deck the halls…




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19 thoughts on “Tell the Truth Thursday – Favorite Cartoon Character

  1. Well, wouldn’t it just be my luck to choose Tell the Truth Thursday to visit your blog? To tell you the truth, after that wonderful comment that you left on my blog today — I just had to check out your blog! And also to tell you the truth, I’m not going to stick to the question for today “What was/is your most favorite cartoon character?” Well, I really didn’t have one. I haven’t read a cartoon or comic book in I’m embarrassed to tell you how many years. But if push came to shove, I would tell you that when I was young it probably was “Betty and Veronica” a comic book published by Archie Comics focusing on “best friends and worst enemies,” Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge, both girlfriends of Archie Andrews. How did I remember all this? I didn’t. I looked it up online and the info I just quoted is from Wikipedia.

    But I rather talk about you, Cathy, and your blog. I’ve been reading it for about 2 hours now and I’ve checked out everyone of your tabs. I loved your “About Me” and your “Short Bio” — they both revealed so much about you. I am so happy for you that you married your high school sweetheart in 1979 and you still refer to him as the most wonderful, supportive husband. Your husband sounds like a complete gem. You both lucked out to have met each other — and it sounds like you are soul mates! How lovely that you have three incredible children and you have home schooled them all!

    I was interested to learn that you are a published childrens author! Yes, I read the link that told all about your book “The Tale of Ole Green Eyes.” Congratulations on getting your book published and from what I read it looked like a very interesting story.

    And I read several of your posts! You are an excellent writer. I could go on and on, but this comment is already running way too long — but I’ll definitely be back to read more!

  2. We just watched a Charlie abrown Christmas. :)Following you from BabyDealsDujour, we list all the baby daily deals in real-time. Love to see you on Facebook and Twitter too.

  3. @Tiffany, Esther, & Shelley…thank you for stopping by my blog. I have returned the favor and am now your newest follower. Please come back again anytime!

  4. This looks like another interesting meme… 🙂 I can’t wait to find out more..

  5. Following from the blog hop. Hope you can follow back.
    God Bless,
    < a href=””>Finding My Life in Faith< /a>

  6. I am your new follower. I invite you to check out my giveaways!

    Have a great weekend!

  7. We just watched a Charlie abrown Christmas. :)Following you from BabyDealsDujour, we list all the baby daily deals in real-time. Love to see you on Facebook and Twitter too.

  8. @quilly and Judy…thank you ladies for your visits and compliments. It’s a pleasure to always have to meet new friends via my posts or theirs. Come by as often as you’d like. Maybe next time we can have a cup of (virtual)tea while visit. Merry Christmas!

  9. Thank you so much for your visit. I enjoyed mine immensely!! You are truly talented, warm, witty, and entertaining. I used to love the comic Kathy, but have not seen it recently. Garfield is quite entertaining too. I love his quote “I don’t need your attitude. I’ve got my own!”

  10. @Joan…I’m honored you stopped by my blog. You’re right, I do have a gem of a husband. When we met, he was a diamond in the rough, honestly, but how he shines now. Whoa, get those sunglasses out! I can’t take credit for finding him, as I feel a higher being namely God pushed us together as kids. Who am I to argue with the man upstairs, right? Clearly, I’m happy for His interventions, though.

    {BLUSH} A girl can never get enough compliments so please keep them coming. I need fuel to boost my ego every now and again. LOL. But, you’re a dynamite writer. You keep me in stitches every time I read your posts. I don’t recall if I told you or not, but you remind me a lot of Erma Bombeck. I wish I was gifted more in the humor department. My husband has such quick witt and thankfully my children have inherited this ability with fast quirky come-backs. I’ll be seeing you at The RedRiter’s blogfrog community soon!

  11. Well, wouldn’t it just be my luck to choose Tell the Truth Thursday to visit your blog? To tell you the truth, after that wonderful comment that you left on my blog today — I just had to check out your blog! And also to tell you the truth, I’m not going to stick to the question for today “What was/is your most favorite cartoon character?” Well, I really didn’t have one. I haven’t read a cartoon or comic book in I’m embarrassed to tell you how many years. But if push came to shove, I would tell you that when I was young it probably was “Betty and Veronica” a comic book published by Archie Comics focusing on “best friends and worst enemies,” Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge, both girlfriends of Archie Andrews. How did I remember all this? I didn’t. I looked it up online and the info I just quoted is from Wikipedia.

    But I rather talk about you, Cathy, and your blog. I’ve been reading it for about 2 hours now and I’ve checked out everyone of your tabs. I loved your “About Me” and your “Short Bio” — they both revealed so much about you. I am so happy for you that you married your high school sweetheart in 1979 and you still refer to him as the most wonderful, supportive husband. Your husband sounds like a complete gem. You both lucked out to have met each other — and it sounds like you are soul mates! How lovely that you have three incredible children and you have home schooled them all!

    I was interested to learn that you are a published childrens author! Yes, I read the link that told all about your book “The Tale of Ole Green Eyes.” Congratulations on getting your book published and from what I read it looked like a very interesting story.

    And I read several of your posts! You are an excellent writer. I could go on and on, but this comment is already running way too long — but I’ll definitely be back to read more!

  12. What a wonderful post; light-hearted, funny, and endearing, as well as very informative. I have just learned quite a bit about you and enjoyed every moment of it.

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