
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Tell The Truth Thursday

I stumbled upon a new blog hop through The Redhead Riter community and I thought this would be a fun one to participate in Tell The Truth Thursday.

The question this week,  What was one of your most favorite wedding anniversaries or where is your dream anniversary?

Anniversaries are a big deal at our house, too.  We are known to break the rules as well, Red.  My husband has grown into a terribly romantic fellow and is extremely sensitive when it comes to remembering our anniversary.  We do the whole exchange of handmade anniversary cards. My husband has his artwork down to a perfection. No one draws stick people better than he does. You think I’m joking? I am not! This has become his trademark when making all of his greeting cards for me. I think it’s absolutely priceless!  I use rubber stamps to custom craft his anniversary card. I somehow feel my his personal touch overshadows mine but he seems to like what I do and that’s all that matters.

I have two…no three anniversaries that are pretty outstanding in my memory. Does that count if I give you all three?  In 1989, we celebrated our 10th anniversary and we took our darling daughter who wasn’t even a year old yet to Maine.  A vacation we had dreamed about for years up until that point. We spent a week in Boothbay Harbor, Maine and had a glorious time.  On our 25th anniversary in 2004, we – all three kids, my husband, and I journeyed to Maine again. This time, we stayed in Bar Harbor, Maine and visited Acadia National Park. That anniversary/vacation

In 1989, we celebrated our 10th anniversary and we took our darling daughter who wasn’t even a year old to Maine.  A vacation we had dreamed about for years up until that point. We spent a week in Boothbay Harbor and had a glorious time.  On our 25th anniversary in 2004, we – all three kids, my husband, and I journeyed to Maine again. This time, we stayed in Bar Harbor, Maine and visited Acadia National Park. That anniversary/vacation

On our 25th anniversary in 2004, we took the family on a journey to Maine. This time, we stayed in Bar Harbor concentrating on the Acadia National Park and shoreline. That anniversary trip, we made sure to visit several lighthouses.

Finally, my third favorite anniversary was in 2009 – our 30th anniversary. My husband lavishing spoiled me with a string of pearls.  I thought that was the most wonderfully, romantic, thoughtful thing he could do. But, he’s no slob as he has treated me like royalty on more than one occasion outside of our anniversary.  Both, Red and I can count ourselves blessed to have such wonderful husbands.  What about you? Tell me your answer to this question and be sure to visit Red’s blog!

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10 thoughts on “Tell The Truth Thursday

  1. Wow, Cathy. You and your husband do know how to celebrate your anniversaries. You are a very fortunate couple in all the ways that count. Our wedding anniversary is shared with that of my mother and our son. Yep all on the same day. Often our son, his family and my husband and I celebrate together, usually on an overnight trip not far from home. We are dairy farmers, you see, and can’t get away for long, especially since our son is part of the business. We’ve learned to be satisfied with the little things that count in big ways.

  2. Don and I don’t do anything special for any of our anniversaries. We’ve been married 44 years and everyday is like a honeymoon with him. No Ladies he is not available…lol…

  3. @Donnie…that’s wonderful to hear! But, you should have kept your little secret close to your heart because I know there are ladies out there aching for man like yours. =D God bless!

  4. Don and I don’t do anything special for any of our anniversaries. We’ve been married 44 years and everyday is like a honeymoon with him. No Ladies he is not available…lol…

  5. @Margaret…material objects are nice, but they don’t make a relationship any better than it is. That has to be already there. Simplistic celebrations are often times the best and we do have our share of them. The experiences I have as you can see occured with many years between, but are moments in time forever treasured.

  6. Wow, Cathy. You and your husband do know how to celebrate your anniversaries. You are a very fortunate couple in all the ways that count. Our wedding anniversary is shared with that of my mother and our son. Yep all on the same day. Often our son, his family and my husband and I celebrate together, usually on an overnight trip not far from home. We are dairy farmers, you see, and can’t get away for long, especially since our son is part of the business. We’ve learned to be satisfied with the little things that count in big ways.

  7. @a11smiles…you know some people just have a gift at remembering dates. I’m usually pretty good with remembering dates, but not names. How embarassing is that? My husband is good about remembering my bday and anniversary, but he can’t remember how old our kids are. However, this is the funniest thing…he remembers the VIN from his first car he owned. Isn’t that hilarious? Thanks for stopping by! I’ll dash over to your profile in a sec… Happy Thursday!

  8. I have to admit, I’m useless at remembering anniversaries but I have a friend who remembers everything.

    She told me the other day it was our 4 yr friend anniversary from the day we met. I thought it was sweet but really would love to know how she remembers.

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