Tag: writing prompt
February 21, 2019
Thankful Thursday, Writing Prompt
It’s a Challenge
Every Wednesday, Kat Bouska author of Mama’s Losin’ It posts six questions prompting her readers to choose, create, and link…
February 14, 2019
Thankful Thursday, Writing Prompt
Through impurrfections we find God’s purrfection.
Every Wednesday, Kat Bouska author of Mama’s Losin’ It posts six questions prompting her readers to choose, create, and link…
February 07, 2019
Thankful Thursday, Writing Prompt
One Childhood Snow Day Memory
Every Wednesday, Kat Bouska author of Mama’s Losin’ It posts six questions prompting her readers to choose, create, and link…
January 31, 2019
Thankful Thursday, Writing Prompt
11 Ideas to Making This My Best Year Yet & #ThankfulThursday Blessings
The Best is Yet to Come (Mike & the Mechanics) helps to put me in the groove for this week’s writing prompts…
January 17, 2019
Thankful Thursday
#ThankfulThursday Blessings and #InOtherWords & Mama Kat’s #WritingWorkshop prompts
Earlier this morning, I did a tribute to the late comedian, Andy Kaufman. Today marks the anniversary of his 70th…