Tag: video
April 01, 2021
A-Z Challenge
ACME Mail Order Catalog
Good morning! First let me say I’m glad that you stopped by. Today you’ll notice there are multiple headlines (posts)…
September 18, 2019
Wild Wednesdays
Exercise to magic slippers and sidelined by travel pics
Near the end of last month I committed myself to a strict diet, counting my calories and being extra careful…
August 16, 2014
Sunday Sillies
Sunday Sillies: Old Rockers
Good-morning, lovelies! I was inspired by today’s giggles when I spotted a hilarious video a friend shared on Facebook, but…
July 17, 2014
Friday Sillies
Friday Sillies: Babies
Good morning, my lovelies! The work week is just about through. I wanna give you something to really start your…
December 11, 2013
Wordless Wednesday
The Fugitive Bus-Train Crash Scene
Do you remember this movie scene from The Fugitive? Just across the Tennessee mountains near the Smoky Mountains in…