2019 April #AtoZChallenge Theme

Before you get going let me invite you to join me listen to this week’s 4M theme song picks. 😉

After last year’s challenge I was pumped thinking about going at it again this April but as the year pressed on, I lost my momentum, my drive, my enthusiasm! I was so very close to not giving it another shot but I am not a quitter and I knew that if I didn’t do it then I’d regret it later.  All it took was the gentle nudge of my good friends John and Lee expressing their hopes of me joining the 10th-anniversary celebration.

The last two years, I did art sketches and after hinting on my blog you aren’t surprised to learn that I’m sticking to that category for the April challenge, except this year I’m combining both pencil drawings and digital illustrations (iPad Procreate App & Apple pencil).  Also, I’m concentrating on a specific subject,  characters from the Disney animated movie and TV series, The Little Mermaid.

Some of the alpha-prompts may not be a purrfect fit for the Disney classic but at the very least it could pertain to the life of a mermaid in her underwater world or as a human on land. 


Original pencil sketch
Similar design sketch using iPad Procreate drawing app

Somedays I might share one sketch and other days I might share two as I did in this post depending on how well I do on time.  Whatever I share I look forward to you being a part of my journey as I embark on my 6th year (technically my 7th but I bombed on my first year) in the A to Z Challenge with The Little Mermaid Artsketch series on April 1st!

X💋X💋, Cathy


PS:  Be a sweetie, leave your direct A2Z Theme Reveal web address in comments so I as well as others can find you quickly. Thanks! 😘


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