Tag: tips
March 25, 2014
Tuesday Talk Time
Tuesday Talk Time: Combat Mode
I’m in total combat mode! Why? I’ve been a major slacker in my dieting. At the start of the…
September 26, 2012
Wednesday Hops
7 Uses for Rubbing Alcohol
Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol is a common household item, but did you know this ordinary product has many uses? Here are…
June 07, 2012
12 Ways To Celebrate Your Love
Celebrating ones’ love daily doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are 12 Ways To Celebrate Your Love: Embrace one another…
February 29, 2012
Health & Wellness
Have Your Cake and Eat It To! 5 Ways To Burn 500 Calories
Dieting is such a HEADACHE! None of us liking doing. None of us want to give up the things we…
February 10, 2012
The Art of Letter Wrtiting
Mobile devices are the way to stay connected with friends and family. In an instant, we can send a text…