
Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sundays!  This week’s theme is Songs that make you think of your mom

When I was younger, I remember the TV being tuned into any number of variety shows that contained artists from 60s and 70s with musicians like Dean Martin to Porter Wagoner. I think overall Mom preferred country music but when I think of music that makes me think of her, then gospel hymns is the first thing to come to mind and so I’m dedicating today’s playlist of The Statler Brothers’ singing gospel tunes to her!


Remember music themes are only suggestions.  I don’t care one way or another.  The important thing is to share whatever music moves you. Now, it’s your turn!



This is a music link up.  Your post must contain at least one song or your URL is marked “No Music”.

When I was a little, my parents adopted my first cousin.  He was five or six years old.  Tomorrow is his birthday, so I want to say, Happy 59th Birthday to you, brother dear (pictured on the left)! 



I hope everything is going well on your end.  I’m an unusually busy trying to get my computer cleaned up, backed up to external hard drives, and to our cloud storage.  My internal hard drive is running out of small and I need to off load some data to free up space.  Hopefully, I can wait until at least fall to get a new system with Apple’s new release. Who knows I might get things working pretty smoothly and I can wait longer.  That would be awesome!  Have a boogietastic week, friends! xo


Visit Sandee at Comedy Plus for Awww Mondays!


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