Music Makes Me Smile!


Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sundays! 


This week’s theme is whatever music moves you!  The first video on my playlist inspired the whole set of “smile’ song titles and it so happens the timing is perfect because DH has a brand new smile.  He got all of his crowns seated on Friday.  Click play for a continuous flow of background music for you enjoyment. 





Now, it’s your turn, what music is moving you or making you smile?

This is a music link up.  Your post must contain at least one song or your URL is marked “No Music”.



May’s birthday salute goes to Deidre at Landmark Sounds who turned another year older on the 8th. 👏🥳



Stevie is celebrating her 75th birthday on this day, so let’s rock the dance floor a little harder with songs from her 1989 Other Side of the Mirror album!



Although, it’s felt like summer for awhile now in east Tennessee and with it being Memorial Day weekend then everyone sees this as the unofficially beginning of summer.  This means blog traffic slows down. It’s vacation time and folks just don’t want to sit in front of their computers.  I can’t blame anyone for that.  I am scaling things back until early September.  The dance floor will remain open but I will handle things differently over the next few months.  I hope you understand and if you choose to swing by then continue to join in with others.  For you curious minded individuals, my cutting back won’t interfere with my June 1st BOTB, so watch for it to pop up on Saturday.  

Have a nice Memorial weekend. My gratitude to those who gave their life in service of our country.  May God bless the families for their loved ones’ sacrifice. Have a boogietastic week! 

Visit Sandee at Comedy Plus for Awww Mondays


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