Cecil Turtle

For the month of April, I am sharing with pencil illustrations of some memorable Looney Tunes cartoon characters, as I join a community of insane inspiring people who take part in the annual A to Z Challenge to connect with others in Blogosphere .  I’m certain while I’m figuring out which beloved animated figure I put on paper I will learn the identify of some I had long forgotten and perhaps meet some new ones that didn’t cross my path. 

Today’s Looney Tunes knock off is of Cecil Turtle and Bugs at the starting line on race day.

Original pencil sketch Cecil Turtle & Bugs Bunny in a modern day tale of the turtle and the hare

Cecil Turtle only made three theatrical appearances and holds the only honor of any Looney Tunes character to outwit Bugs Bunny.  

Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your day.  Please leave a direct link for today’s post in comments to ensure others can find an easy way back to you or at the very least make sure your Gravatar profile is updated with your active blog address.  I’m heading over to the A2Z headquarters to see who’s joined the party now.  I’ll be back on Monday for the next letter in the alphabet in my Looney Tunes Art Sketch series.  Have an enjoyable weekend! X💋X💋 Cathy

Pixelmator Pro ethereal effect of original pencil design, click to enlarge

Alphabetical Looney Tunes Art Sketch series quick links:

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