SWF: Mount Mitchell State Park, NC

This week, to pull myself out of a jam since I’ve had little photo action, I went through my digital archives to share with you and my fellow Skywatch Friday photo enthusiasts.

By now, you know my favorite thing to photograph is scenery, more precisely the mountains. We live in a prime spot with the Appalachian Mountain region making up the Great Smoky Mountain National Park and Blue Ridge Parkway all within a leisurely drive away to enjoy.

Shortly after I acquired my big girl camera (Nikon D7000) in 2012, we took a day trip so I could me play with my new toy. Any guesses where? That’s right, we went to the mountains! We traveled the Blue Ridge Parkway south from Boone, North Carolina with a projected evening destination to Mt. Mitchell State Park.

Mount Mitchell State Park is the highest point (6684-feet) east of the Mississippi River located northeast of Asheville, NC just off the Blue Ridge Parkway. I snapped this picture from the parking lot at the trail entrance to the summit. The evening light created a painting-like effect to this image.


I stood there taking pictures with threatening clouds hanging over my head and I remember thinking, “What a bummer!” The swift wind had a bit of nip despite it being the middle of July. Would it rain? Who can say on the parkway where the weather is a bit unpredictable. Looking on, the fingers of God poked through the clouds to the touch the mountain tops. What a spectacular sight!


Just when I thought all was lost for seeing the sunset, as we were leaving the park, we noticed the sun trying to come out to bid us good night. We pulled into the only restaurant parking lot in Mount Mitchell State Park and watched the clouds part displaying this glorious show. What a perfect way to end the day!

~All images captured with my big girl camera ~ Nikon D7000 & preferred lens Nikkor 18-105mm zoom, unless otherwise noted.~

Before you go, you may want to link your photographic wonder to this week’s WW linky party, here. Thank you for making me apart of your day.  Please leave your comments footprints so that I know you came and I will hop over to your place soon. Have a fototastic day!



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