TAD Sunset Wishes & FFO#9 Mermaid Riding a Sea Horse

Today is our son’s 30th birthday. I illustrated a birthday design in Procreate then used Brushstrokes (N1) for a painting like image.  I used Pixelmator Pro to add Happy Birthday text to the front for his card and inside I included this message for him.


In your 30 years you have seen one of God’s blessings

10,950 sunsets!

Enjoy this moment

May all your hopes, dreams, and wishes come true!


The years go by way too fast but I’m proud of the man you’ve become.  You have an easy-going disposition, a sunny smile, and big ol’ warm heart.  You fill me with so much joy! I love you baby boy!!   ðŸ˜˜



The original sketch I did in Procreate, then I followed up with Brushstrokes (N1) and while adding the text to the image to my son’s card, I dropped the exposure making the dark areas more making the silhouette more dramatic


Music factoid to honor my birthday boy… From the Ace of Base first US studio album,  The Sign was #1 US Billboard Pop single in 1994 and is still quite popular among many of us today.

I’m meshing things up since tomorrow is DH’s off Friday.  I revised an old sketch from 2019 of a mermaid riding a sea horse for this week’s FFO challenge. 


FFO#9 Procreate do-over Mermaid riding a sea horse


Can you see the improvement in my mermaid’s face?


Let me close things by saying, I’m thankful….

For my son!

Despite DH not getting his permanent crowns yesterday because the lab did not make the correctly, the dentist couldn’t find anything wrong with the tooth that’s been sore which is a blessing!  

To have our basic needs met and good health.


I moved my Thursday blog communities to my side menu.  Please check my friends out if you can.  You’re invited to join me on the dance floor next time with Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sunday. No theme is necessary to join but for those interested Monday’s theme is Latin Artists. I will leave you with this 70s Latin Rock 80-song playlist I discovered. Until then, have a doodletastic day!

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