Strong Enough #MatthewWest

My late MIL grew beautiful hydrangeas. I used one of my pictures from 2011 in Brushstrokes to create this painting-like image and added this morning’s scripture.

We all know trouble. It comes in all forms.  Some of my biggest troubles have been financial, especially while raising our family.  Multiple times from 1988 to 2013 we lost our only source of income, DH’s job. What was God showing me? There were many things other than learning to lean on His understanding instead of my own as it was by far the most important because in doing so I found peace to deal with those troubles. Another thing I learned is to never take for granted what you have. One minute you have it and the next it’s gone.  This is something most of us have experienced. It’s a real eye opener.  

I don’t know what you’re dealing with but God does. He always goes before in anything seeing what we can’t. Just know in this life you (I) can’t do things on our own authority and He will give us the fix to our troubles if we patiently wait on His direction.  In today’s song Matthew Adams song is about needing God’s cover to get you through troubles and while one is weak God is strong.  Be encouraged and let God be Strong Enough for you! 

Please remember my brother-in-law’s wife. Her mother passed away on Thursday morning at the age 90. She’s once again with her husband, resting at Jesus’ feet on the other side of the Heaven’s pearly gates. Saying prayers for the Gardner family and all those who loved Helen. God bless!

Tomorrow, I’ll be back with song inspired choices in honor of National Coloring Day in my newest edition of Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me. Come join the party and hit the dance floor with me! Have a blessed Sunday afternoon. x💋x💋, Cathy

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